// Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. // All rights reserved. // // This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the // LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant // of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. // DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS: // a property declared atomic should not be accessed directly via its ivar DEFINE-CHECKER DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS = { SET report_when = WHEN ((NOT context_in_synchronized_block()) AND is_ivar_atomic()) AND NOT is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar() AND NOT is_objc_constructor() AND NOT is_objc_dealloc() HOLDS-IN-NODE ObjCIvarRefExpr; SET message = "Direct access to ivar %ivar_name% of an atomic property"; SET suggestion = "Accessing an ivar of an atomic property makes the property nonatomic."; SET severity = "WARNING"; }; // ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING: // a property with a pointer type should not be declared `assign` DEFINE-CHECKER ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING = { SET report_when = WHEN is_assign_property() AND is_property_pointer_type() HOLDS-IN-NODE ObjCPropertyDecl; SET message = "Property %decl_name% is a pointer type marked with the `assign` attribute"; SET suggestion = "Use a different attribute like `strong` or `weak`."; SET severity = "WARNING"; }; // BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON: // Fires whenever a NSNumber is dangerously coerced to a boolean in a comparison DEFINE-CHECKER BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON = { LET is_binop = is_node("BinaryOperator"); LET is_binop_eq = is_binop_with_kind("EQ"); LET is_binop_ne = is_binop_with_kind("NE"); LET is_binop_neq = is_binop_eq OR is_binop_ne; LET is_unop_lnot = is_unop_with_kind("LNot"); LET is_implicit_cast_expr = is_node("ImplicitCastExpr"); LET is_expr_with_cleanups = is_node("ExprWithCleanups"); LET is_nsnumber = isa("NSNumber"); LET eu =( (NOT is_binop_neq) AND (is_expr_with_cleanups OR is_implicit_cast_expr OR is_binop OR is_unop_lnot) ) HOLDS-UNTIL ( is_nsnumber ); LET etx = IN-EXCLUSIVE-NODE IfStmt, ForStmt, WhileStmt, ConditionalOperator WITH-TRANSITION Cond (eu) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; SET report_when = WHEN etx HOLDS-IN-NODE IfStmt, ForStmt, WhileStmt, ConditionalOperator; SET message = "Implicitly checking whether NSNumber pointer is nil"; SET suggestion = "Did you mean to compare against the unboxed value instead? Please either explicitly compare the NSNumber instance to nil, or use one of the NSNumber accessors before the comparison."; }; DEFINE-CHECKER REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED = { LET exists_method_calling_addObserver = call_method("addObserver:selector:name:object:") HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET exists_method_calling_addObserverForName = call_method("addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:") HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET add_observer = exists_method_calling_addObserver OR exists_method_calling_addObserverForName; LET eventually_addObserver = IN-NODE ObjCMethodDecl WITH-TRANSITION Body (add_observer) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET exists_method_calling_removeObserver = call_method("removeObserver:") HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET exists_method_calling_removeObserverName = call_method("removeObserver:name:object:") HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET remove_observer = exists_method_calling_removeObserver OR exists_method_calling_removeObserverName; LET remove_observer_in_block = IN-NODE BlockDecl WITH-TRANSITION Body (remove_observer) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET remove_observer1 = remove_observer OR remove_observer_in_block; LET remove_observer_in_method = IN-NODE ObjCMethodDecl WITH-TRANSITION Body (remove_observer1) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; LET eventually_removeObserver = IN-NODE ObjCImplementationDecl, ObjCProtocolDecl WITH-TRANSITION _ (remove_observer_in_method OR remove_observer_in_method HOLDS-IN-SOME-SUPERCLASS-OF ObjCImplementationDecl) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; SET report_when = WHEN NOT (eventually_addObserver IMPLIES eventually_removeObserver) HOLDS-IN-NODE ObjCImplementationDecl, ObjCProtocolDecl; SET message = "Object self is registered in a notification center but not being removed before deallocation"; SET suggestion = "Consider removing the object from the notification center before its deallocation."; }; DEFINE-CHECKER STRONG_DELEGATE_WARNING = { LET name_contains_delegate = declaration_has_name(REGEXP("[dD]elegate")); LET name_does_not_contain_delegates = NOT declaration_has_name(REGEXP("[dD]elegates")); LET name_does_not_contains_queue = NOT declaration_has_name(REGEXP("[qQ]ueue")); SET report_when = WHEN name_contains_delegate AND name_does_not_contain_delegates AND name_does_not_contains_queue AND is_strong_property() HOLDS-IN-NODE ObjCPropertyDecl; SET message = "Property or ivar %decl_name% declared strong"; SET suggestion = "In general delegates should be declared weak or assign."; }; DEFINE-CHECKER GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INITIALIZED_WITH_FUNCTION_OR_METHOD_CALL = { LET is_global_variable = is_objc_extension() AND is_global_var() AND (NOT is_const_var()); LET makes_an_expensive_call = (is_node("CallExpr") AND NOT call_function("CGPointMake")) OR is_node("CXXTemporaryObjectExpr") OR is_node("CXXMemberCallExpr") OR is_node("CXXOperatorCallExpr") OR is_node("ObjCMessageExpr"); LET is_initialized_with_expensive_call = IN-NODE VarDecl WITH-TRANSITION InitExpr (makes_an_expensive_call HOLDS-EVENTUALLY) HOLDS-EVENTUALLY; SET report_when = WHEN (is_global_variable AND is_initialized_with_expensive_call) HOLDS-IN-NODE VarDecl; SET message = "Global variable %decl_name% is initialized using a function or method call"; SET suggestion = "If the function/method call is expensive, it can affect the starting time of the app."; }; DEFINE-CHECKER CXX_REFERENCE_CAPTURED_IN_OBJC_BLOCK = { SET report_when = WHEN ((is_node("BlockDecl") AND captures_cxx_references()) HOLDS-NEXT) HOLDS-IN-NODE BlockExpr; // * Alternative ways of writing this check: // SET report_when = // WHEN // captures_cxx_references() // HOLDS-IN-NODE BlockDecl; // // SET report_when = // is_node(BlockDecl) AND captures_cxx_references(); SET message = "C++ Reference variable(s) %cxx_ref_captured_in_block% captured by Objective-C block"; SET suggestion = "C++ References are unmanaged and may be invalid by the time the block executes."; }; // If the declaration has availability attributes, check that it's compatible with // the iphoneos_target_sdk_version DEFINE-CHECKER UNAVAILABLE_API_IN_SUPPORTED_IOS_SDK = { SET report_when = WHEN HOLDS-NEXT WITH-TRANSITION PointerToDecl (decl_unavailable_in_supported_ios_sdk() AND NOT within_responds_to_selector_block()) HOLDS-IN-NODE DeclRefExpr, ObjCMessageExpr; SET message = "%decl_ref_or_selector_name% is not available in the required iOS SDK version %iphoneos_target_sdk_version% (only available from version %available_ios_sdk%)"; SET suggestion = "This could cause a crash."; SET severity = "ERROR"; }; DEFINE-CHECKER POINTER_TO_INTEGRAL_IMPLICIT_CAST = { SET report_when = WHEN has_cast_kind("PointerToIntegral") HOLDS-IN-NODE ImplicitCastExpr; SET message = "Implicit conversion from %child_type% to %type% in usage of %name%"; SET doc_url = "https://clang.llvm.org/docs/DiagnosticsReference.html#wint-conversion"; };