Module BO.BufferOverrunField

val pp : pp_lhs:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> sep:string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> IR.Fieldname.t -> unit

A parameterized pretty printer for field appended values

val get_type : IR.Fieldname.t -> IR.Typ.t option

Get type of field that is constructed in this module. This does not work in Java at the moment.

val c_strlen : unit -> IR.Fieldname.t

Field for C string's length

val cpp_vector_elem : vec_typ:IR.Typ.t -> elt_typ:IR.Typ.t -> IR.Fieldname.t

Field for C++ vector's elements

val java_collection_internal_array : IR.Fieldname.t

Field for Java collection's elements

val is_cpp_vector_elem : IR.Fieldname.t -> bool

Check if the field is for C++ vector's elements

val is_java_collection_internal_array : IR.Fieldname.t -> bool

Check if the field is for Java collection's elements