(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd module F = Format module L = Logging module SourceKind = struct type t = | Endpoint of (Mangled.t * Typ.desc) (** source originating from formal of an endpoint *) | EnvironmentVariable (** source that was read from an environment variable *) | File (** source that was read from a file *) | Other (** for testing or uncategorized sources *) | Unknown [@@deriving compare] let unknown = Unknown let of_string = function | "Endpoint" -> Endpoint (Mangled.from_string "NONE", Typ.Tvoid) | "EnvironmentVariable" -> EnvironmentVariable | "File" -> File | _ -> Other let external_sources = List.map ~f:(fun {QuandaryConfig.Source.procedure; kind; index} -> (QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names [procedure], kind, index)) (QuandaryConfig.Source.of_json Config.quandary_sources) let endpoints = String.Set.of_list (QuandaryConfig.Endpoint.of_json Config.quandary_endpoints) (* return Some(source kind) if [procedure_name] is in the list of externally specified sources *) let get_external_source qualified_pname = let return = None in List.find_map ~f:(fun (qualifiers, kind, index) -> if QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers qualifiers qualified_pname then let source_index = try Some (int_of_string index) with Failure _ -> return in Some (of_string kind, source_index) else None) external_sources let get pname _ _ = let return = None in match pname with | Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp cpp_name -> ( let qualified_pname = Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname in match ( QualifiedCppName.to_list (Typ.Name.unqualified_name (Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_type_name cpp_name)) , Typ.Procname.get_method pname ) with | ( ["std"; ("basic_istream" | "basic_iostream")] , ("getline" | "read" | "readsome" | "operator>>") ) -> Some (File, Some 1) | _ -> get_external_source qualified_pname ) | Typ.Procname.C _ -> ( match Typ.Procname.to_string pname with | "getenv" -> Some (EnvironmentVariable, return) | _ -> get_external_source (Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname) ) | Typ.Procname.Block _ -> None | pname -> failwithf "Non-C++ procname %a in C++ analysis@." Typ.Procname.pp pname let get_tainted_formals pdesc _ = let get_tainted_formals_ qualified_pname = if String.Set.mem endpoints qualified_pname then List.map ~f:(fun (name, typ) -> (name, typ, Some (Endpoint (name, typ.Typ.desc)))) (Procdesc.get_formals pdesc) else Source.all_formals_untainted pdesc in match Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc with | Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp objc as pname -> let qualified_pname = F.sprintf "%s::%s" (Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_name objc) (Typ.Procname.get_method pname) in get_tainted_formals_ qualified_pname | Typ.Procname.C _ as pname -> get_tainted_formals_ (Typ.Procname.get_method pname) | _ -> Source.all_formals_untainted pdesc let pp fmt kind = F.fprintf fmt "%s" ( match kind with | Endpoint (formal_name, _) -> F.sprintf "Endpoint[%s]" (Mangled.to_string formal_name) | EnvironmentVariable -> "EnvironmentVariable" | File -> "File" | Other -> "Other" | Unknown -> "Unknown" ) end module CppSource = Source.Make (SourceKind) module SinkKind = struct type t = | Allocation (** memory allocation *) | BufferAccess (** read/write an array *) | ShellExec (** shell exec function *) | SQL (** SQL query *) | Other (** for testing or uncategorized sinks *) [@@deriving compare] let of_string = function | "Allocation" -> Allocation | "ShellExec" -> ShellExec | "SQL" -> SQL | _ -> Other let external_sinks = List.map ~f:(fun {QuandaryConfig.Sink.procedure; kind; index} -> (QualifiedCppName.Match.of_fuzzy_qual_names [procedure], kind, index)) (QuandaryConfig.Sink.of_json Config.quandary_sinks) (* taint the nth parameter (0-indexed) *) let taint_nth n kind actuals = if n < List.length actuals then Some (kind, IntSet.singleton n) else None let taint_all kind actuals = Some (kind, IntSet.of_list (List.mapi ~f:(fun actual_num _ -> actual_num) actuals)) (* return Some(sink kind) if [procedure_name] is in the list of externally specified sinks *) let get_external_sink pname actuals = let qualified_pname = Typ.Procname.get_qualifiers pname in List.find_map ~f:(fun (qualifiers, kind, index) -> if QualifiedCppName.Match.match_qualifiers qualifiers qualified_pname then let kind = of_string kind in try let n = int_of_string index in taint_nth n kind actuals with Failure _ -> (* couldn't parse the index, just taint everything *) taint_all kind actuals else None) external_sinks let get pname actuals _ = let is_buffer_class cpp_name = (* assume it's a buffer class if it's "vector-y", "array-y", or "string-y". don't want to report on accesses to maps etc., but also want to recognize custom vectors like fbvector rather than overfitting to std::vector *) let typename = String.lowercase (Typ.Name.to_string (Typ.Procname.objc_cpp_get_class_type_name cpp_name)) in String.is_substring ~substring:"vec" typename || String.is_substring ~substring:"array" typename || String.is_substring ~substring:"string" typename in match pname with | Typ.Procname.ObjC_Cpp cpp_name -> ( match Typ.Procname.get_method pname with | "operator[]" when is_buffer_class cpp_name -> taint_nth 1 BufferAccess actuals | _ -> get_external_sink pname actuals ) | Typ.Procname.C _ when Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__array_access -> taint_all BufferAccess actuals | Typ.Procname.C _ when Typ.Procname.equal pname BuiltinDecl.__set_array_length -> (* called when creating a stack-allocated array *) taint_nth 1 Allocation actuals | Typ.Procname.C _ -> ( match Typ.Procname.to_string pname with | "execl" | "execlp" | "execle" | "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "system" -> taint_all ShellExec actuals | "popen" -> taint_nth 0 ShellExec actuals | "brk" | "calloc" | "malloc" | "realloc" | "sbrk" -> taint_all Allocation actuals | "strcpy" -> (* warn if source array is tainted *) taint_nth 1 BufferAccess actuals | "memcpy" | "memmove" | "memset" | "strncpy" | "wmemcpy" | "wmemmove" -> (* warn if count argument is tainted *) taint_nth 2 BufferAccess actuals | _ -> get_external_sink pname actuals ) | Typ.Procname.Block _ -> None | pname -> failwithf "Non-C++ procname %a in C++ analysis@." Typ.Procname.pp pname let pp fmt kind = F.fprintf fmt ( match kind with | Allocation -> "Allocation" | BufferAccess -> "BufferAccess" | ShellExec -> "ShellExec" | SQL -> "SQL" | Other -> "Other" ) end module CppSink = Sink.Make (SinkKind) include Trace.Make (struct module Source = CppSource module Sink = CppSink let should_report source sink = (* using this to match custom string wrappers such as folly::StringPiece *) let is_stringy typ = let lowercase_typ = String.lowercase (Typ.to_string (Typ.mk typ)) in String.is_substring ~substring:"string" lowercase_typ || String.is_substring ~substring:"char*" lowercase_typ in match (Source.kind source, Sink.kind sink) with | Endpoint _, BufferAccess -> (* untrusted data from an endpoint flowing into a buffer *) true | Endpoint (_, typ), (ShellExec | SQL) -> (* untrusted string data flowing to shell exec/SQL *) is_stringy typ | (EnvironmentVariable | File), (BufferAccess | ShellExec | SQL) -> (* untrusted environment var or file data flowing to buffer or code injection *) true | (Endpoint _ | EnvironmentVariable | File), Allocation -> (* untrusted data flowing to memory allocation *) true | Other, _ -> (* Other matches everything *) true | _, Other -> true | Unknown, (Allocation | BufferAccess | ShellExec | SQL) -> false end)