(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Debug trace logging *) (** Tracing configuration for a toplevel module. *) type trace_mod_funs = { trace_mod: bool option (** Enable/disable tracing of all functions in module *) ; trace_funs: bool Base.Map.M(Base.String).t (** Enable/disable tracing of individual functions *) } type trace_mods_funs = trace_mod_funs Base.Map.M(Base.String).t type config = { trace_all: bool (** Enable all tracing *) ; trace_mods_funs: trace_mods_funs (** Specify tracing of individual toplevel modules *) ; colors: bool (** Enable color output *) } val none : config val all : config val parse : string -> (config, exn) result val init : ?colors:bool -> ?margin:int -> ?config:config -> unit -> unit (** Initialize the configuration of debug tracing. *) type 'a printf = ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a type pf = {pf: 'a. 'a printf} val pp_styled : [`Bold | `Cyan | `Magenta] -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> Format.formatter -> 'a (** If config.colors is set to true, print in the specificed color *) val printf : string -> string -> 'a printf (** Like [Format.printf], if enabled, otherwise like [Format.iprintf]. *) val fprintf : string -> string -> Format.formatter -> 'a printf (** Like [Format.fprintf], if enabled, otherwise like [Format.ifprintf]. *) val kprintf : string -> string -> (Format.formatter -> unit) -> 'a printf (** Like [Format.kprintf], if enabled, otherwise like [Format.ifprintf]. *) val info : string -> string -> 'a printf (** Emit a message at the current indentation level, if enabled. *) val infok : string -> string -> (pf -> 'a) -> 'a (** Emit a message at the current indentation level, if enabled. *) val call : string -> string -> (pf -> 'a) -> 'a (** Increase indentation level and emit a message, if enabled. *) val retn : string -> string -> (pf -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a (** Decrease indentation level and emit a message, if enabled. *) val flush : unit -> unit (** Flush the internal buffers. *) (** Format strings. *) type ('a, 'b) fmt = ('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b) format4 val raisef : ?margin:int -> (string -> exn) -> ('a, unit -> _) fmt -> 'a (** Take a function from a string message to an exception, and a format string with the additional arguments it specifies, and then call the function on the formatted string and raise the returned exception. *) val fail : ('a, unit -> _) fmt -> 'a (** Emit a message at the current indentation level, and raise a [Failure] exception indicating a fatal error. *)