/* * vim: set ft=rust: * vim: set ft=reason: * * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ open! Utils; /** Identifiers: program variables and logical variables */ /** Program and logical variables. */ type t; /** Names used to replace strings. */ type name; /** Names for fields of class/struct/union */ type fieldname; /** Kind of identifiers. */ type kind; /** Set for identifiers. */ let module IdentSet: Set.S with type elt = t; /** Hash table with ident as key. */ let module IdentHash: Hashtbl.S with type key = t; /** Map with ident as key. */ let module IdentMap: Map.S with type key = t; /** Set for fieldnames */ let module FieldSet: Set.S with type elt = fieldname; /** Map for fieldnames */ let module FieldMap: Map.S with type key = fieldname; let module NameGenerator: { type t; /** Get the current name generator. */ let get_current: unit => t; /** Reset the name generator. */ let reset: unit => unit; /** Set the current name generator. */ let set_current: t => unit; }; /** Convert an identfier list to an identifier set */ let idlist_to_idset: list t => IdentSet.t; let kprimed: kind; let knormal: kind; let kfootprint: kind; /** hash table with names as keys */ let module NameHash: Hashtbl.S with type key = name; /** Name used for primed tmp variables */ let name_primed: name; /** Name used for spec variables */ let name_spec: name; /** Name used for the return variable */ let name_return: Mangled.t; /** Convert a string to a name. */ let string_to_name: string => name; /** Create a field name at the given position */ let create_fieldname: Mangled.t => int => fieldname; /** Convert a name to a string. */ let name_to_string: name => string; /** Convert a field name to a string. */ let fieldname_to_string: fieldname => string; /** Convert a fieldname to a string, including the mangled part. */ let fieldname_to_complete_string: fieldname => string; /** Convert a fieldname to a simplified string with at most one-level path. */ let fieldname_to_simplified_string: fieldname => string; /** Convert a fieldname to a flat string without path. */ let fieldname_to_flat_string: fieldname => string; /** The class part of the fieldname */ let java_fieldname_get_class: fieldname => string; /** The last component of the fieldname */ let java_fieldname_get_field: fieldname => string; /** Check if the field is the synthetic this$n of a nested class, used to access the n-th outher instance. */ let java_fieldname_is_outer_instance: fieldname => bool; /** get the offset of a fieldname */ let fieldname_offset: fieldname => int; /** hidded fieldname constant */ let fieldname_hidden: fieldname; /** hidded fieldname constant */ let fieldname_is_hidden: fieldname => bool; /** Name of the identifier. */ let get_name: t => name; /** Create an identifier with default name for the given kind */ let create: kind => int => t; /** Generate a normal identifier with the given name and stamp. */ let create_normal: name => int => t; /** Create a "null" identifier for situations where the IR requires an id that will never be read */ let create_none: unit => t; /** Generate a primed identifier with the given name and stamp. */ let create_primed: name => int => t; /** Generate a footprint identifier with the given name and stamp. */ let create_footprint: name => int => t; /** Update the name generator so that the given id's are not generated again */ let update_name_generator: list t => unit; /** Create a fresh identifier with default name for the given kind. */ let create_fresh: kind => t; /** Generate a normal identifier whose name encodes a path given as a string. */ let create_path: string => t; /** Check whether an identifier is primed or not. */ let is_primed: t => bool; /** Check whether an identifier is normal or not. */ let is_normal: t => bool; /** Check whether an identifier is footprint or not. */ let is_footprint: t => bool; /** Check whether an identifier represents a path or not. */ let is_path: t => bool; /** Check whether an identifier is the special "none" identifier */ let is_none: t => bool; /** Convert a primed ident into a nonprimed one, keeping the stamp. */ let make_unprimed: t => t; /** Get the stamp of the identifier */ let get_stamp: t => int; /** Set the stamp of the identifier */ let set_stamp: t => int => t; /** {2 Comparision Functions} */ /** Comparison for names. */ let name_compare: name => name => int; /** Comparison for field names. */ let fieldname_compare: fieldname => fieldname => int; /** Equality for names. */ let name_equal: name => name => bool; /** Equality for field names. */ let fieldname_equal: fieldname => fieldname => bool; /** Equality for kind. */ let kind_equal: kind => kind => bool; /** Comparison for identifiers. */ let compare: t => t => int; /** Equality for identifiers. */ let equal: t => t => bool; /** Comparison for lists of identities */ let ident_list_compare: list t => list t => int; /** Equality for lists of identities */ let ident_list_equal: list t => list t => bool; /** {2 Pretty Printing} */ /** Pretty print a name. */ let pp_name: Format.formatter => name => unit; /** Pretty print a field name. */ let pp_fieldname: Format.formatter => fieldname => unit; /** Pretty print a name in latex. */ let pp_name_latex: Latex.style => Format.formatter => name => unit; /** Pretty print a field name in latex. */ let pp_fieldname_latex: Latex.style => Format.formatter => fieldname => unit; /** Pretty print an identifier. */ let pp: printenv => Format.formatter => t => unit; /** Convert an identifier to a string. */ let to_string: t => string; /** Pretty print a list of identifiers. */ let pp_list: printenv => Format.formatter => list t => unit; /** Pretty print a list of names. */ let pp_name_list: Format.formatter => list name => unit;