(* * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module L = Logging exception Error of string let error ~fatal fmt = (if fatal then Format.kasprintf (fun err -> raise (Error err)) else L.internal_error) fmt let check_result_code ?(fatal = false) db ~log rc = match (rc : Sqlite3.Rc.t) with | OK | ROW -> () | _ as err -> error ~fatal "%s: %s (%s)" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err) (Sqlite3.errmsg db) let exec db ~log ~stmt = (* Call [check_result_code] with [fatal:true] and catch exceptions to rewrite the error message. This avoids allocating the error string when not needed. *) PerfEvent.log (fun logger -> PerfEvent.log_begin_event logger ~name:"sql exec" ~arguments:[("stmt", `String log)] () ) ; let rc = Sqlite3.exec db stmt in PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ; try check_result_code ~fatal:true db ~log rc with Error err -> error ~fatal:true "exec: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db) let finalize db ~log stmt = try check_result_code ~fatal:true db ~log (Sqlite3.finalize stmt) with | Error err -> error ~fatal:true "finalize: %s (%s)" err (Sqlite3.errmsg db) | Sqlite3.Error err -> error ~fatal:true "finalize: %s: %s (%s)" log err (Sqlite3.errmsg db) let result_fold_rows ?finalize:(do_finalize = true) db ~log stmt ~init ~f = let rec aux accum stmt = match Sqlite3.step stmt with | Sqlite3.Rc.ROW -> (* the operation returned a result, get it *) aux (f accum stmt) stmt | DONE -> accum | err -> L.die InternalError "%s: %s (%s)" log (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string err) (Sqlite3.errmsg db) in if do_finalize then protect ~finally:(fun () -> finalize db ~log stmt) ~f:(fun () -> aux init stmt) else aux init stmt let result_fold_single_column_rows ?finalize db ~log stmt ~init ~f = result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log stmt ~init ~f:(fun accum stmt -> f accum (Sqlite3.column stmt 0) ) let zero_or_one_row ~log = function | [] -> None | [x] -> Some x | _ :: _ :: _ as l -> L.die InternalError "%s: zero or one result expected, got %d rows instead" log (List.length l) let result_option ?finalize db ~log ~read_row stmt = IContainer.rev_map_to_list stmt ~f:read_row ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log) |> zero_or_one_row ~log let result_single_column_option ?finalize db ~log stmt = Container.to_list stmt ~fold:(result_fold_single_column_rows ?finalize db ~log) |> zero_or_one_row ~log let result_unit ?finalize db ~log stmt = if not (Container.is_empty stmt ~iter:(Container.iter ~fold:(result_fold_rows ?finalize db ~log))) then L.die InternalError "%s: the SQLite query should not return any rows" log let db_close db = if not (Sqlite3.db_close db) then raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "closing: %s (%s)" (Sqlite3.errcode db |> Sqlite3.Rc.to_string) (Sqlite3.errmsg db))) let with_transaction db ~f = exec db ~log:"begin transaction" ~stmt:"BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION" ; f () ; exec db ~log:"commit transaction" ~stmt:"COMMIT" module type Data = sig type t val serialize : t -> Sqlite3.Data.t val deserialize : Sqlite3.Data.t -> t end module MarshalledData (D : sig type t end) = struct type t = D.t let deserialize = function[@warning "-8"] Sqlite3.Data.BLOB b -> Marshal.from_string b 0 let serialize x = Sqlite3.Data.BLOB (Marshal.to_string x []) end