SLEdge static analyzer sledge SUBCOMMAND The [-trace ] argument of each subcommand enables debug tracing according to , which is a sequence of module and function names separated by + or -. For example, M-M.f enables all tracing in the M module except the M.f function. The value * enables all debug tracing. === subcommands === buck integration with Buck . analyze analyze buck target . bitcode report bitcode files in buck target . link link buck target to LLVM bitcode llvm integration with LLVM . analyze analyze LLVM bitcode . translate translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR analyze analyze LLAIR code disassemble print LLAIR code in textual form version print version information help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively) ====== sledge buck ====== integration with Buck sledge buck SUBCOMMAND Code can be provided by a buck build target, such as //fully/qualified/build:target. The mechanism used to integrate with buck uses the arguments passed to the linker, so the target must specify a binary that will be linked, not for instance a library archive. Sledge passes the --config flag to buck, which can be used to configure buck targets for sledge. === subcommands === analyze analyze buck target bitcode report bitcode files in buck target link link buck target to LLVM bitcode help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively) ====== sledge buck analyze ====== analyze buck target sledge buck analyze Analyze code in a buck target. This is a convenience wrapper for the sequence `sledge buck bitcode`; `sledge llvm translate`; `sledge analyze`. === flags === [-bound ] stop execution exploration at depth [-function-summaries] use function summaries (in development) [-lib-fuzzer] add a harness for lib fuzzer binaries [-output-llair ] write generated LLAIR to [-output-modules ] write list of bitcode files to [-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge buck bitcode ====== report bitcode files in buck target sledge buck bitcode Build a buck target and report the included bitcode files. === flags === [-output-modules ] write list of bitcode files to [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge buck link ====== link buck target to LLVM bitcode sledge buck link Link code in a buck target to a single LLVM bitcode module. This also internalizes all symbols except `main` and removes dead code. === flags === -output write linked output to [-lib-fuzzer] add a harness for lib fuzzer binaries [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge llvm ====== integration with LLVM sledge llvm SUBCOMMAND Code can be provided by one or more LLVM bitcode files. === subcommands === analyze analyze LLVM bitcode translate translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR help explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively) ====== sledge llvm analyze ====== analyze LLVM bitcode sledge llvm analyze [ ...] Analyze code in one or more LLVM bitcode files. This is a convenience wrapper for the sequence `sledge llvm translate`; `sledge analyze`. === flags === [-bound ] stop execution exploration at depth [-function-summaries] use function summaries (in development) [-lib-fuzzer] add a harness for lib fuzzer binaries [-output-llair ] write generated LLAIR to [-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge llvm translate ====== translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR sledge llvm translate [ ...] Translate one or more LLVM bitcode files to LLAIR. Each filename may be either: an LLVM bitcode file, in binary (.bc) or textual (.ll) form; or of the form @, where names a file containing one per line. === flags === [-lib-fuzzer] add a harness for lib fuzzer binaries [-output-llair ] write generated LLAIR to [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge analyze ====== analyze LLAIR code sledge analyze The file must be binary LLAIR, such as produced by `sledge translate`. === flags === [-bound ] stop execution exploration at depth [-function-summaries] use function summaries (in development) [-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge disassemble ====== print LLAIR code in textual form sledge disassemble The file must be LLAIR code, as produced by `sledge llvm translate`. === flags === [-output ] write generated textual LLAIR to , or to standard output if omitted [-trace ] enable debug tracing [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge version ====== print version information sledge version === flags === [-build-info] print build info for this build [-version] print the version of this build [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?) ====== sledge help ====== explain a given subcommand (perhaps recursively) sledge help [SUBCOMMAND] === flags === [-expand-dots] expand subcommands in recursive help [-flags] show flags as well in recursive help [-recursive] show subcommands of subcommands, etc. [-help] print this help text and exit (alias: -?)