 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

(** Relational abstract domain, elements of which are interpreted as Hoare
    triples over a base state domain *)

module type State_domain_sig = sig
  include Domain_intf.Dom

  val create_summary :
    -> formals:Llair.Reg.t iarray
    -> entry:t
    -> current:t
    -> summary * t

module Make (State_domain : State_domain_sig) = struct
  type t = State_domain.t * State_domain.t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]

  let embed b = (b, b)

  let pp_entry fs entry =
    [%Trace.fprintf fs "entry: %a@ current: " State_domain.pp entry]

  let pp fs (entry, curr) =
    Format.fprintf fs "@[%a%a@]" pp_entry entry State_domain.pp curr

  let report_fmt_thunk (_, curr) fs = State_domain.pp fs curr
  let init globals = embed (State_domain.init globals)

  let join (entry_a, current_a) (entry_b, current_b) =
    if State_domain.equal entry_a entry_b then
      let+ next = State_domain.join current_a current_b in
      (entry_a, next)
    else None

  let is_false (_, curr) = State_domain.is_false curr

  let exec_assume (entry, current) cnd =
    let+ next = State_domain.exec_assume current cnd in
    (entry, next)

  let exec_kill reg (entry, current) =
    (entry, State_domain.exec_kill reg current)

  let exec_move reg_exps (entry, current) =
    (entry, State_domain.exec_move reg_exps current)

  let exec_inst inst (entry, current) =
    let+ next = State_domain.exec_inst inst current in
    (entry, next)

  type from_call =
    {state_from_call: State_domain.from_call; caller_entry: State_domain.t}
  [@@deriving sexp_of]

  let recursion_beyond_bound = State_domain.recursion_beyond_bound

  let call ~summaries ~globals ~actuals ~areturn ~formals ~freturn ~locals
      (entry, current) =
    [%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
        "@[<v>@[actuals: (@[%a@])@ formals: (@[%a@])@]@ locals: {@[%a@]}@ \
         globals: {@[%a@]}@ current: %a@]"
        (IArray.pp ",@ " Llair.Exp.pp)
        (IArray.pp ",@ " Llair.Reg.pp)
        formals Llair.Reg.Set.pp locals Llair.Global.Set.pp globals
        State_domain.pp current]
    let caller_current, state_from_call =
      State_domain.call ~summaries ~globals ~actuals ~areturn ~formals
        ~freturn ~locals current
    ( (caller_current, caller_current)
    , {state_from_call; caller_entry= entry} )
    [%Trace.retn fun {pf} (reln, _) -> pf "@,%a" pp reln]

  let post locals {state_from_call; caller_entry} (_, current) =
    [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "locals: %a" Llair.Reg.Set.pp locals]
    (caller_entry, State_domain.post locals state_from_call current)
    [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "@,%a" pp]

  let retn formals freturn {caller_entry; state_from_call} (_, current) =
    [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@,%a" State_domain.pp current]
    (caller_entry, State_domain.retn formals freturn state_from_call current)
    [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "@,%a" pp]

  let dnf (entry, current) =
    List.map ~f:(fun c -> (entry, c)) (State_domain.dnf current)

  let resolve_callee f e (_, current) =
    State_domain.resolve_callee f e current

  type summary = State_domain.summary

  let pp_summary = State_domain.pp_summary

  let create_summary ~locals ~formals (entry, current) =
    let fs, next =
      State_domain.create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current
    (fs, (entry, next))

  let apply_summary (entry, current) summ =
    let+ next = State_domain.apply_summary current summ in
    (entry, next)