(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils (** Module for function to retrieve the location (file, line, etc) of instructions *) let source_file_from_path path = if Filename.is_relative path then (failwithf "ERROR: Path %s is relative. Please pass an absolute path in the -c argument.@." path); try DB.rel_source_file_from_abs_path Config.project_root path with Failure _ -> Logging.err_debug "ERROR: %s should be a prefix of %s.@." Config.project_root path; DB.source_file_from_string path let clang_to_sil_location trans_unit_ctx clang_loc = let line = Option.default (-1) clang_loc.Clang_ast_t.sl_line in let col = Option.default (-1) clang_loc.Clang_ast_t.sl_column in let file = Option.map_default source_file_from_path trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file clang_loc.Clang_ast_t.sl_file in let nLOC = -1 in Location.{line; col; file; nLOC} let file_in_project file = let real_root = real_path Config.project_root in let real_file = real_path file in let file_in_project = string_is_prefix real_root real_file in let paths = Config.skip_translation_headers in let file_should_be_skipped = IList.exists (fun path -> string_is_prefix (Filename.concat real_root path) real_file) paths in file_in_project && not (file_should_be_skipped) let should_do_frontend_check trans_unit_ctx (loc_start, _) = match loc_start.Clang_ast_t.sl_file with | Some file -> let equal_current_source file = DB.inode_equal (source_file_from_path file) trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file in equal_current_source file || (file_in_project file && not Config.testing_mode) | None -> false (** We translate by default the instructions in the current file. In C++ development, we also translate the headers that are part of the project. However, in testing mode, we don't want to translate the headers because the dot files in the frontend tests should contain nothing else than the source file to avoid conflicts between different versions of the libraries. *) let should_translate trans_unit_ctx (loc_start, loc_end) decl_trans_context ~translate_when_used = let map_path_of pred loc = match loc.Clang_ast_t.sl_file with | Some f -> pred f | None -> false in let map_file_of pred loc = let path_pred path = pred (source_file_from_path path) in map_path_of path_pred loc in let equal_current_source = DB.inode_equal trans_unit_ctx.CFrontend_config.source_file in let file_in_project = map_path_of file_in_project loc_end || map_path_of file_in_project loc_start in let translate_on_demand = translate_when_used || file_in_project || Config.models_mode in let file_in_models = map_path_of DB.file_is_in_cpp_model loc_end || map_path_of DB.file_is_in_cpp_model loc_start in map_file_of equal_current_source loc_end || map_file_of equal_current_source loc_start || file_in_models || (Config.cxx_experimental && decl_trans_context = `Translation && translate_on_demand && not Config.testing_mode) let should_translate_lib trans_unit_ctx source_range decl_trans_context ~translate_when_used = not Config.no_translate_libs || should_translate trans_unit_ctx source_range decl_trans_context ~translate_when_used let is_file_blacklisted file = let paths = Config.skip_clang_analysis_in_path in let is_file_blacklisted = IList.exists (fun path -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp ("^.*/" ^ path)) file 0) paths in is_file_blacklisted let get_sil_location_from_range trans_unit_ctx source_range prefer_first = let sloc1, sloc2 = source_range in let sloc = if not prefer_first then sloc2 else sloc1 in clang_to_sil_location trans_unit_ctx sloc let get_sil_location stmt_info context = let sloc1, _ = stmt_info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range in clang_to_sil_location context.CContext.translation_unit_context sloc1