NAME infer-explore - explore the error traces in infer reports SYNOPSIS infer explore [options] DESCRIPTION Show the list of bugs on the console and explore symbolic program traces emitted by infer to explain a report. Can also generate an HTML report from a JSON report. OPTIONS --help Show this manual --help-format { auto | groff | pager | plain } Show this help in the specified format. auto sets the format to plain if the environment variable TERM is "dumb" or undefined, and to pager otherwise. --help-full Show this manual with all internal options in the INTERNAL OPTIONS section --results-dir,-o dir Write results and internal files in the specified directory EXPLORE BUGS --html Activates: Generate html report. (Conversely: --no-html) --max-nesting int Level of nested procedure calls to show. Trace elements beyond the maximum nesting level are skipped. If omitted, all levels are shown. --select N Select option number N. If omitted, prompt for input. --no-source-preview Deactivates: print code excerpts around trace elements (Conversely: --source-preview) ENVIRONMENT INFER_ARGS, INFERCONFIG, INFER_STRICT_MODE See the ENVIRONMENT section in the manual of infer(1). FILES .inferconfig See the FILES section in the manual of infer(1). SEE ALSO infer-report(1), infer-run(1)