(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module F = Format module TestInterpreter = AnalyzerTester.Make (ProcCfg.Exceptional) (Scheduler.ReversePostorder) (AddressTaken.TransferFunctions) let tests = let open OUnit2 in let open AnalyzerTester.StructuredSil in let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in let int_typ = Typ.Tint IInt in let int_ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (int_typ, Pk_pointer) in let fun_ptr_typ = Typ.Tptr (Tfun false, Pk_pointer) in let closure_exp captureds = let mk_captured_var str = (Sil.Var (ident_of_str str), pvar_of_str str, int_ptr_typ) in let captured_vars = IList.map mk_captured_var captureds in let closure = { Sil.name=dummy_procname; captured_vars; } in Sil.Const (Cclosure closure) in let test_list = [ "address_taken_set_instr", [ var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"; invariant "{ &b }" ]; "address_not_taken_set_instr", [ var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_typ "a" "b"; assert_empty ]; "address_not_taken_letderef_instr1", [ id_assign_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"; assert_empty ]; "address_not_taken_letderef_instr2", [ id_assign_var ~rhs_typ:int_typ "a" "b"; assert_empty ]; "take_multiple_addresses", [ var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"; invariant "{ &b }"; var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "c" "d"; invariant "{ &b, &d }"; var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_typ "e" "f"; invariant "{ &b, &d }" ]; "address_not_taken_closure", [ var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"; var_assign_exp ~rhs_typ:fun_ptr_typ "c" (closure_exp ["d"; "e"]); invariant "{ &b }" ]; "if_conservative1", [ If (unknown_exp, [var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"], [] ); invariant "{ &b }" ]; "if_conservative2", [ If (unknown_exp, [var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"], [var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "c" "d"] ); invariant "{ &b, &d }" ]; "loop_as_if", [ While (unknown_exp, [var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"] ); invariant "{ &b }" ]; "loop_before_after", [ var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "a" "b"; invariant "{ &b }"; While (unknown_exp, [var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "c" "d"] ); invariant "{ &b, &d }"; var_assign_addrof_var ~rhs_typ:int_ptr_typ "e" "f"; invariant "{ &b, &d, &f }" ]; ] |> TestInterpreter.create_tests ProcData.empty_extras in "address_taken_suite">:::test_list