(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** To be used in 'list_constraint *) type accept_more and end_of_list (* Markers are a fool-proofing mechanism to avoid mistaking captured types. Template argument types can be captured with [capt_typ] to be referenced later by their position [typ1], [typ2], [typ3], ... To avoid mixing them, give a different name to each captured type, using whatever type/value you want and reuse it when referencing the captured type, e.g. [capt_typ `T &+ capt_typ `A], then use [typ1 `T], [typ2 `A]. If you get them wrong, you will get a typing error at compile-time or an assertion failure at matcher-building time. *) type 'marker mtyp = Typ.t (* Intermediate matcher types *) type ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher type ( 'f_in , 'f_out , 'captured_types_in , 'captured_types_out , 'markers_in , 'markers_out , 'list_constraint ) template_arg type ( 'context , 'f_in , 'f_out , 'captured_types , 'markers_in , 'markers_out , 'list_constraint ) templ_matcher (* A matcher is a rule associating a function [f] to a [C/C++ function/method]: - [C/C++ function/method] --> [f] The goal is to write the C/C++ function/method as naturally as possible, with the following exceptions: Start with - Use $ instead of parentheses for function arguments Use + instead of comma to separate function/template arguments Concatenate consecutive symbols (e.g. >:: instead of > ::) Operators must start with & $ < > E.g. std::vector::vector(A) --> f becomes -"std" &:: "vector" < capt_typ T &+ capt_typ A >:: "vector" $ typ2 A $--> f *) module type Common = sig type ('context, 'f) matcher type ('context, 'f) dispatcher val make_dispatcher : ('context, 'f) matcher list -> ('context, 'f) dispatcher (** Combines matchers to create a dispatcher *) (* Template arguments *) val any_typ : ('f, 'f, 'captured_types, 'captured_types, 'markers, 'markers, accept_more) template_arg (** Eats a type *) val capt_typ : 'marker -> ( 'marker mtyp -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'marker mtyp * 'captured_types , 'markers , 'marker * 'markers , accept_more ) template_arg (** Captures a type than can be back-referenced *) val capt_int : ( Int64.t -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'captured_types , 'markers , 'markers , accept_more ) template_arg (** Captures an int *) val capt_all : ( Typ.template_arg list -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'captured_types , 'markers , 'markers , end_of_list ) template_arg (** Captures all template args *) val ( ~- ) : string -> ('context, 'f, 'f, unit, 'markers, 'markers) name_matcher (** Starts a path with a name *) val ( ~+ ) : ('context -> string -> bool) -> ('context, 'f, 'f, unit, 'markers, 'markers) name_matcher (** Starts a path with a matching name that satisfies the given function *) val ( &+ ) : ( 'context , 'f_in , 'f_interm , 'captured_types_in , 'markers_interm , 'markers_out , accept_more ) templ_matcher -> ( 'f_interm , 'f_out , 'captured_types_in , 'captured_types_out , 'markers_in , 'markers_interm , 'lc ) template_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types_out, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, 'lc) templ_matcher (** Separate template arguments *) val ( < ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_interm, 'captured_types_in, 'markers_interm, 'markers_out) name_matcher -> ( 'f_interm , 'f_out , 'captured_types_in , 'captured_types_out , 'markers_in , 'markers_interm , 'lc ) template_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types_out, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, 'lc) templ_matcher (** Starts template arguments after a name *) val ( >:: ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, _) templ_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher (** Ends template arguments and starts a name *) val ( &+...>:: ) : ( 'context , 'f_in , 'f_out , 'captured_types , 'markers_in , 'markers_out , accept_more ) templ_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher (** Ends template arguments with eats-ALL and starts a name *) val ( &:: ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher (** Separates names (accepts ALL template arguments on the left one) *) val ( &::+ ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher -> ('context -> string -> bool) -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher (** Separates names that satisfies the given function (accepts ALL template arguments on the left one) *) val ( <>:: ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher -> string -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher (** Separates names (accepts NO template arguments on the left one) *) end module type NameCommon = sig include Common val ( >--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers, _) templ_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher val ( <>--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher val ( &--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher val ( &::.*--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts ALL path tails (names, templates), accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function *) end module ProcName : NameCommon with type ('context, 'f) dispatcher = 'context -> Typ.Procname.t -> 'f option module TypName : NameCommon with type ('context, 'f) dispatcher = 'context -> Typ.name -> 'f option module Call : sig (** Little abstraction over arguments: currently actual args, we'll want formal args later *) module FuncArg : sig type t = Exp.t * Typ.t end include Common with type ('context, 'f) dispatcher = 'context -> Typ.Procname.t -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f option type ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher type ('context, 'arg_in, 'arg_out, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) one_arg (* Function args *) val any_arg : ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Eats one arg *) val capt_arg : ('context, FuncArg.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg *) val capt_exp : ('context, Exp.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg expression *) val any_arg_of_typ : ('context, unit, _, unit, unit, unit) name_matcher -> ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Eats one arg of the given type *) val capt_arg_of_typ : ('context, unit, _, unit, unit, unit) name_matcher -> ('context, FuncArg.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg of the given type *) val capt_exp_of_typ : ('context, unit, _, unit, unit, unit) name_matcher -> ('context, Exp.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg expression of the given type *) val any_arg_of_prim_typ : Typ.t -> ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Eats one arg of the given primitive type *) val capt_exp_of_prim_typ : Typ.t -> ('context, Exp.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg expression of the given primitive type *) val capt_var_exn : ('context, Ident.t, 'wrapped_arg, 'wrapped_arg -> 'f, 'f, _, _) one_arg (** Captures one arg Var. Fails with an internal error if the expression is not a Var *) val typ1 : 'marker -> ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, 'marker mtyp * _, 'marker * _) one_arg (** Matches first captured type *) val typ2 : 'marker -> ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, _ * ('marker mtyp * _), _ * ('marker * _)) one_arg (** Matches second captured type *) val typ3 : 'marker -> ('context, unit, _, 'f, 'f, _ * (_ * ('marker mtyp * _)), _ * (_ * ('marker * _))) one_arg (** Matches third captured type *) val ( $+ ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_interm, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> ('context, 'arg, 'arg, 'f_interm, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) one_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher (** Separate function arguments *) val ( $+? ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_interm, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> ('context, 'arg, 'arg option, 'f_interm, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) one_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher (** Add an optional argument *) val ( >$ ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'ct, unit, 'cm, _) templ_matcher -> ('context, 'arg, 'arg, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'ct, 'cm) one_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'ct, 'cm) args_matcher (** Ends template arguments and starts function arguments *) val ( $--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, _, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** Ends function arguments, binds the function *) val ( $ ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> ('context, 'arg, 'arg, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) one_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher (** Ends a name with accept-ALL template arguments and starts function arguments *) val ( <>$ ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> ('context, 'arg, 'arg, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) one_arg -> ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher (** Ends a name with accept-NO template arguments and starts function arguments *) val ( >--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers, _) templ_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** Ends template arguments, accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function *) val ( $+...$--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, _, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** Ends function arguments with eats-ALL and binds the function *) val ( >$$--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers, _) templ_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** Ends template arguments, accepts NO function arguments, binds the function *) val ( $$--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts NO function arguments, binds the function *) val ( <>$$--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts NO template arguments, accepts NO function arguments, binds the function *) val ( &--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function *) val ( <>--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts NO template arguments, accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function *) val ( &::.*--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers) name_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts ALL path tails (names, templates), accepts ALL function arguments, binds the function *) val ( $!--> ) : ('context, 'f_in, 'f_proc_out, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> 'f_in -> ('context, 'f_out) matcher (** Ends function arguments, accepts NO more function arguments. If the args do not match, raise an internal error. *) end [@@warning "-32"]