Module InferIR__Pvar

Program variables.

module F = Stdlib.Format
type translation_unit = InferBase.SourceFile.t option
val compare_translation_unit : translation_unit -> translation_unit -> int
type t

Type for program variables. There are 4 kinds of variables: 1) local variables, used for local variables and formal parameters 2) callee program variables, used to handle recursion (x | callee is distinguished from x) 3) global variables 4) seed variables, used to store the initial value of formal parameters

val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_modulo_this : t -> t -> int

Comparison considering all pvars named 'this'/'self' to be equal

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equality for pvar's

val get_declaring_function : t -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t option

if not a global, return function declaring var

val d : t -> unit

Dump a program variable.

val get_name : t -> InferIR.Mangled.t

Get the name component of a program variable.

val get_ret_pvar : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t

get_ret_pvar proc_name retuns the return pvar associated with the procedure name

val get_ret_param_pvar : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t

get_ret_param_pvar proc_name retuns the return_param pvar associated with the procedure name

val get_simplified_name : t -> string

Get a simplified version of the name component of a program variable.

val is_abduced : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is an abduced return var or param passed by ref

val is_callee : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a callee var

val is_global : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a global var or a static local var

val is_static_local : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a static variable declared inside a function

val is_local : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a (non-static) local var

val is_seed : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a seed var

val is_return : t -> bool

Check if the pvar is a return var

val is_this : t -> bool

Check if a pvar is the special "this" var

val is_self : t -> bool

Check if a pvar is the special "self" var

val is_frontend_tmp : t -> bool

return true if pvar is a temporary variable generated by the frontend

val is_clang_tmp : t -> bool

return true if pvar is a temporary variable generated by clang

val is_ssa_frontend_tmp : t -> bool

return true if pvar is a temporary variable generated by the frontend and is only assigned once on a non-looping control-flow path

val is_cpp_temporary : t -> bool

return true if this pvar represents a C++ temporary object (see

val mk : InferIR.Mangled.t -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t

mk name proc_name suffix creates a program var with the given function name and suffix

val mk_abduced_ref_param : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> int -> InferBase.Location.t -> t

create an abduced variable for a parameter passed by reference

val mk_abduced_ret : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> InferBase.Location.t -> t

create an abduced return variable for a call to proc_name at loc

val mk_callee : InferIR.Mangled.t -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t

mk_callee name proc_name creates a program var for a callee function with the given function name

val mk_global : ?⁠is_constexpr:bool -> ?⁠is_ice:bool -> ?⁠is_pod:bool -> ?⁠is_static_local:bool -> ?⁠is_static_global:bool -> ?⁠translation_unit:InferBase.SourceFile.t -> InferIR.Mangled.t -> t

create a global variable with the given name

val mk_tmp : string -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t

create a fresh temporary variable local to procedure pname. for use in the frontends only!

val pp : InferStdlib.Pp.env -> F.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty print a program variable.

val pp_value : F.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty print a pvar which denotes a value, not an address

val pp_translation_unit : F.formatter -> translation_unit -> unit
val to_callee : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> t -> t

Turn an ordinary program variable into a callee program variable

val to_seed : t -> t

Turn a pvar into a seed pvar (which stores the initial value of a stack var)

val to_string : t -> string

Convert a pvar to string.

val get_translation_unit : t -> translation_unit

Get the translation unit corresponding to a global. Raises Invalid_arg if not a global.

val is_compile_constant : t -> bool

Is the variable's value a compile-time constant? Always (potentially incorrectly) returns false for non-globals.

val is_ice : t -> bool

Is the variable's type an integral constant expression? Always (potentially incorrectly) returns false for non-globals.

val is_pod : t -> bool

Is the variable's type a "Plain Old Data" type (C++)? Always (potentially incorrectly) returns true for non-globals.

val get_initializer_pname : t -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t option

Get the procname of the initializer function for the given global variable

val get_name_of_local_with_procname : t -> InferIR.Mangled.t

get_name_of_local_with_procname var Return a name that is composed of the name of var and the name of the procname in case of locals

val materialized_cpp_temporary : string
val rename : f:(string -> string) -> t -> t