Module InferModules__ClassLoadsDomain

module F = Stdlib.Format
module ClassLoad : InferModules.ExplicitTrace.Element with type Element.t = string
module Event : InferModules.ExplicitTrace.TraceElem with type elem_t = ClassLoad.t
include InferModules.AbstractDomain.WithBottom
include InferModules.AbstractDomain.S
include InferModules.AbstractDomain.NoJoin
val (<=) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool

the implication relation: lhs <= rhs means lhs |- rhs

val join : t -> t -> t
val widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t
val bottom : t

The bottom value of the domain.

val is_bottom : t -> bool

Return true if this is the bottom value

type summary = t
val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit
val mem_typename : InferIR.Typ.Name.t -> t -> bool
val add_typename : InferBase.Location.t -> t -> InferIR.Typ.Name.t -> t
val integrate_summary : InferIR.Typ.Procname.t -> InferBase.Location.t -> t -> summary -> t
val iter : (Event.t -> unit) -> t -> unit