# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import traceback import time from inferlib import config, issues, utils, bucklib from . import util import re MODULE_NAME = __name__ MODULE_DESCRIPTION = '''Run analysis of code built with a command like: buck [options] [target] Analysis examples: infer -- buck build HelloWorld''' LANG = ['clang', 'java'] KEEP_GOING_OPTION = "--keep-going" def gen_instance(*args): return BuckAnalyzer(*args) def string_in_quotes(value): return value.strip('\'') def create_argparser(group_name=MODULE_NAME): """This defines the set of arguments that get added by this module to the set of global args defined in the infer top-level module Do not use this function directly, it should be invoked by the infer top-level module""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) group = parser.add_argument_group( '{grp} module'.format(grp=MODULE_NAME), description=MODULE_DESCRIPTION, ) group.add_argument('--use-flavors', action='store_true', help='Run Infer analysis through the use of flavors. ' 'Currently this is supported only for the cxx_* ' 'targets of Buck - e.g. cxx_library, cxx_binary - ' 'and not for Java. Note: this flag should be used ' 'in combination with passing the #infer flavor ' 'to the Buck target.') group.add_argument('--xcode-developer-dir', help='Specify the path to Xcode developer directory ' '(requires --use-flavors to work)') group.add_argument('--blacklist-regex', help='Specify the regex for files to skip during ' 'the analysis (requires --use-flavors to work)') group.add_argument('--Xbuck', action='append', default=[], type=string_in_quotes, help='Pass values as command-line arguments to ' 'invocations of `buck build`.' 'NOTE: value should be wrapped in single quotes') group.add_argument('--buck-merge-all-deps', action='store_true', help='Find and merge all deps produced by buck') return parser class BuckAnalyzer: def __init__(self, args, cmd): self.args = args self.cmd = cmd self.keep_going = KEEP_GOING_OPTION in self.args.Xbuck util.log_java_version() logging.info(util.run_cmd_ignore_fail(['buck', '--version'])) def capture(self): try: if self.args.use_flavors: return self.capture_with_flavors() else: return self.capture_without_flavors() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if self.args.debug: traceback.print_exc() return exc.returncode def create_cxx_buck_configuration_args(self): # return a string that can be passed in input to buck # and configures the paths to infer/clang/plugin/xcode facebook_clang_plugins_root = config.FCP_DIRECTORY clang_path = os.path.join( facebook_clang_plugins_root, 'clang', 'install', 'bin', 'clang', ) plugin_path = os.path.join( facebook_clang_plugins_root, 'libtooling', 'build', 'FacebookClangPlugin.dylib', ) args = [ '--config', 'client.id=infer.clang', '--config', '*//infer.infer_bin={bin}' .format(bin=config.BIN_DIRECTORY), '--config', '*//infer.clang_compiler={clang}'.format(clang=clang_path), '--config', '*//infer.clang_plugin={plugin}'.format(plugin=plugin_path), '--config', '*//cxx.pch_enabled=false', '--config', # Infer doesn't support C++ modules yet (T35656509) '*//cxx.modules_default=false', '--config', '*//cxx.modules=False', ] + self.args.Xbuck if self.args.xcode_developer_dir is not None: args.append('--config') args.append('apple.xcode_developer_dir={devdir}'.format( devdir=self.args.xcode_developer_dir)) if self.args.blacklist_regex: args.append('--config') args.append('*//infer.blacklist_regex={regex}'.format( regex=self.args.blacklist_regex)) return args def _get_analysis_result_paths(self): # TODO(8610738): Make targets extraction smarter buck_results_cmd = [ self.cmd[0], 'targets', '--show-output' ] + self.cmd[2:] + self.create_cxx_buck_configuration_args() buck_results_cmd = \ [x for x in buck_results_cmd if x != KEEP_GOING_OPTION] proc = subprocess.Popen(buck_results_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (buck_output, _) = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: return None # remove target name prefixes from each line and split them into a list out = [os.path.join(self.args.project_root, x.split(None, 1)[1]) for x in buck_output.strip().split('\n')] return [os.path.dirname(x) if os.path.isfile(x) else x for x in out if os.path.exists(x)] @staticmethod def _merge_infer_dep_files(root_paths, merged_out_path): potential_dep_files = [os.path.join(p, config.INFER_BUCK_DEPS_FILENAME) for p in root_paths] dep_files = filter(os.path.exists, potential_dep_files) utils.merge_and_dedup_files_into_path(dep_files, merged_out_path) @staticmethod def _merge_infer_report_files(root_paths, merged_out_path): potential_report_files = [os.path.join(p, config.JSON_REPORT_FILENAME) for p in root_paths] report_files = filter(os.path.exists, potential_report_files) all_results = issues.merge_reports_from_paths(report_files) utils.dump_json_to_path(all_results, merged_out_path) @staticmethod def _find_deps_and_merge(merged_out_path): """This function is used to compute the infer-deps.txt file that contains the location of the infer-out folders with the captured files created by buck. This is needed when keep-going is passed to buck and there are compilation failures, because in that case buck doesn't create this file.""" infer_out_folders = [] start_time = time.time() print('finding captured files in buck-out...') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(config.BUCK_OUT_GEN): regex = re.compile('.*infer-out.*') folders = \ [os.path.join(root, d) for d in dirs if re.match(regex, d)] for d in folders: if d not in infer_out_folders: infer_out_folders.append(d) with open(merged_out_path, 'w') as fmerged_out_path: for dir in infer_out_folders: fmerged_out_path.write('\t' + '\t' + dir + '\n') elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print('time elapsed in finding captured files in buck-out: % 6.2fs' % elapsed_time) def _find_depsfiles_and_merge(self, merge_out_path): """ Sometimes buck targets --show-output gets confused and returns a folder that doesn't contain infer-deps.txt. This can happen with on for example objc targes with a certain combination of BUCK modes and flavours. This function will walk buck-out and find infer-deps.txt It will merge ALL infer-deps.txt in buck-out, so you might want to do a buck clean first.""" fs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(config.BUCK_OUT_GEN): fs += [os.path.dirname(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in files if f == config.INFER_BUCK_DEPS_FILENAME] self._merge_infer_dep_files(fs, merge_out_path) def _move_buck_out(self): """ If keep-going is passed, we may need to compute the infer-deps file with the paths to the captured files. To make sure that this is done in a consistent way, we need to start the analysis with an empty buck-out folder.""" if not os.path.exists(config.BUCK_OUT_TRASH): os.makedirs(config.BUCK_OUT_TRASH) tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=config.BUCK_OUT_TRASH, prefix=config.BUCK_OUT) print('moving files in ' + config.BUCK_OUT + ' to ' + tmp) for filename in os.listdir(config.BUCK_OUT): if filename != config.TRASH: shutil.move(os.path.join(config.BUCK_OUT, filename), tmp) def _run_buck_with_flavors(self): env_vars = utils.read_env() infer_args = env_vars['INFER_ARGS'] if infer_args != '': infer_args += '^' # '^' must be CommandLineOption.env_var_sep infer_args += '--fcp-syntax-only' env_vars['INFER_ARGS'] = infer_args env = utils.encode_env(env_vars) command = self.cmd command += ['-j', str(self.args.multicore)] if self.args.load_average is not None: command += ['-L', str(self.args.load_average)] command += self.create_cxx_buck_configuration_args() try: subprocess.check_call(command, env=env) return os.EX_OK except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if self.keep_going: print('Buck failed, but continuing the analysis ' 'because --keep-going was passed') return -1 else: raise e def capture_with_flavors(self): if self.keep_going and not self.args.continue_capture: self._move_buck_out() ret = self._run_buck_with_flavors() if not ret == os.EX_OK and not self.keep_going: return ret result_paths = self._get_analysis_result_paths() if result_paths is None: # huho, the Buck command to extract results paths failed return os.EX_SOFTWARE merged_reports_path = os.path.join( self.args.infer_out, config.JSON_REPORT_FILENAME) merged_deps_path = os.path.join( self.args.infer_out, config.INFER_BUCK_DEPS_FILENAME) self._merge_infer_report_files(result_paths, merged_reports_path) if (not ret == os.EX_OK and self.keep_going): self._find_deps_and_merge(merged_deps_path) elif self.args.buck_merge_all_deps: self._find_depsfiles_and_merge(merged_deps_path) else: self._merge_infer_dep_files(result_paths, merged_deps_path) infer_out = self.args.infer_out json_report = os.path.join(infer_out, config.JSON_REPORT_FILENAME) bugs_out = os.path.join(infer_out, config.BUGS_FILENAME) issues.print_and_save_errors(infer_out, self.args.project_root, json_report, bugs_out, self.args.pmd_xml, console_out=not self.args.quiet) return os.EX_OK def capture_without_flavors(self): # Java is a special case, and we run the analysis from here buck_wrapper = bucklib.Wrapper(self.args, self.cmd) return buck_wrapper.run()