(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** Basic Pulse modules that are safe to use in any module *) module AbstractValue = PulseAbstractValue module Attribute = PulseAttribute module Attributes = PulseAttribute.Attributes module CallEvent = PulseCallEvent module CItv = PulseCItv module Diagnostic = PulseDiagnostic module Invalidation = PulseInvalidation module PathCondition = ( val if Config.pulse_path_conditions then (module PulsePathCondition) else (module PulseDummyPathCondition) : PulsePathConditionModuleType.S ) module SkippedCalls = PulseSkippedCalls module Trace = PulseTrace module ValueHistory = PulseValueHistory (** {2 Enforce short form usage} *) include struct [@@@warning "-60"] module PulseAbstractValue = PulseAbstractValue [@@deprecated "use the short form AbstractValue instead"] module PulseAttribute = PulseAttribute [@@deprecated "use the short form Attribute instead"] module PulseCallEvent = PulseCallEvent [@@deprecated "use the short form CallEvent instead"] module PulseCItv = PulseCItv [@@deprecated "use the short form CItv instead"] module PulseDiagnostic = PulseDiagnostic [@@deprecated "use the short form Diagnostic instead"] module PulseInvalidation = PulseInvalidation [@@deprecated "use the short form Invalidation instead"] module PulsePathCondition = PulsePathCondition [@@deprecated "use the short form PathCondition instead"] module PulseSkippedCalls = PulseSkippedCalls [@@deprecated "use the short form SkippedCalls instead"] module PulseTrace = PulseTrace [@@deprecated "use the short form Trace instead"] module PulseValueHistory = PulseValueHistory [@@deprecated "use the short form ValueHistory instead"] end