(* * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module F = Format type std_vector_function = | Assign | Clear | Emplace | EmplaceBack | Insert | PushBack | Reserve | ShrinkToFit [@@deriving compare] let pp_std_vector_function f = function | Assign -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::assign" | Clear -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::clear" | Emplace -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::emplace" | EmplaceBack -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::emplace_back" | Insert -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::insert" | PushBack -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::push_back" | Reserve -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::reserve" | ShrinkToFit -> F.fprintf f "std::vector::shrink_to_fit" type t = | CFree of HilExp.AccessExpression.t * Location.t | CppDelete of HilExp.AccessExpression.t * Location.t | CppDestructor of Typ.Procname.t * HilExp.AccessExpression.t * Location.t | Nullptr | StdVector of std_vector_function * HilExp.AccessExpression.t * Location.t [@@deriving compare] let issue_type_of_cause = function | CFree _ -> IssueType.use_after_free | CppDelete _ -> IssueType.use_after_delete | CppDestructor _ -> IssueType.use_after_destructor | Nullptr -> IssueType.null_dereference | StdVector _ -> IssueType.vector_invalidation let get_location = function | CFree (_, location) | CppDelete (_, location) | CppDestructor (_, _, location) | StdVector (_, _, location) -> Some location | Nullptr -> None let pp f = function | CFree (access_expr, location) -> F.fprintf f "invalidated by call to `free(%a)` at %a" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr Location.pp_line location | CppDelete (access_expr, location) -> F.fprintf f "invalidated by call to `delete %a` at %a" HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr Location.pp_line location | CppDestructor (proc_name, access_expr, location) -> F.fprintf f "invalidated by destructor call `%a(%a)` at %a" Typ.Procname.pp proc_name HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr Location.pp_line location | Nullptr -> F.fprintf f "null pointer" | StdVector (std_vector_f, access_expr, location) -> F.fprintf f "potentially invalidated by call to `%a(%a, ..)` at %a" pp_std_vector_function std_vector_f HilExp.AccessExpression.pp access_expr Location.pp_line location