Module TOPLlib__Topl
val get_proc_attr : IR.Procname.t -> IR.ProcAttributes.t option
get_proc_attr proc_name
returns the attributes ofget_proc_desc proc_name
val get_proc_desc : IR.Procname.t -> IR.Procdesc.t option
Returns a synthesized Procdesc.t, when it corresponds to instrumentation for a TOPL property.
val sourcefile : unit -> IBase.SourceFile.t
The (fake) sourcefile in which synthesized code resides. This function has a side-effect, because that's how
works, so do NOT call when Topl is inactive.
val cfg : unit -> IR.Cfg.t
The CFG of the synthesized code. This function has a side-effect, because that's how
works, so do NOT call when Topl is inactive.
val instrument_callback : (Biabduction.BiabductionSummary.t Absint.InterproceduralAnalysis.t -> Biabduction.BiabductionSummary.t option) -> Biabduction.BiabductionSummary.t Absint.InterproceduralAnalysis.t -> Biabduction.BiabductionSummary.t option
Run biabduction with Topl instrumentation if active. Inserts calls to the TOPL automaton. Mutates the arguments: it is the caller's responsibility to instrument procedures at most once.