#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. # example usage: # # run all the tests # ./build_integration_test.py # # run only the ant and gradle tests # ./build_integration_test.py -- ant gradle # # run no test # ./build_integration_test.py -- # # run only the buck tests and record the output # INFER_RECORD_INTEGRATION_TESTS=1 ./build_integration_test.py -- buck from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import os import platform import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import unittest SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir, 'lib', 'python')) from inferlib import config, issues, utils ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir) INFER_BIN = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'infer', 'bin', 'infer') CLANG_BIN = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'facebook-clang-plugins', 'clang', 'install', 'bin', 'clang') REPORT_JSON = 'report.json' RECORD_ENV = 'INFER_RECORD_INTEGRATION_TESTS' REPORT_FIELDS = [ issues.JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, issues.JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE, issues.JSON_INDEX_TYPE, ] CODETOANALYZE_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'codetoanalyze') EXPECTED_OUTPUTS_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'expected_outputs') ALL_TESTS = [ 'ant', 'assembly', 'buck', 'cc1', 'cmake', 'componentkit', 'delete', 'fail', 'gradle', 'javac', 'locale', 'make', 'multiclang', 'ndk-build', 'pmd-xml', 'reactive', 'unknown_ext', 'utf8_in_pwd', 'waf', ] to_test = ALL_TESTS def should_record_tests(): return RECORD_ENV in os.environ and os.environ[RECORD_ENV] == '1' def quote(s): return '\"%s\"' % s def string_of_error(e): line = '' if issues.JSON_INDEX_LINE in e: line = ' on line %s ' % e[issues.JSON_INDEX_LINE] msg = '%s in file %s, procedure %s%s' % ( e[issues.JSON_INDEX_TYPE], quote(e[issues.JSON_INDEX_FILENAME]), quote(e[issues.JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE]), line, ) return msg def save_report(reports, filename): # sorting to avoid spurious differences between two lists of reports reports.sort() def filter_report(report): return dict((k, v) for (k, v) in report.items() if k in REPORT_FIELDS) def should_report(report): return len(report) > 0 filtered = filter(should_report, map(filter_report, reports)) utils.dump_json_to_path(filtered, filename, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) def run_analysis(clean_cmds, build_cmds, extra_check, should_fail, env=None): for clean_cmd in clean_cmds: subprocess.check_call(clean_cmd, env=env) temp_out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='_out', prefix='infer_') for build_cmd in build_cmds: extra_args = (build_cmd['infer_args'] if 'infer_args' in build_cmd else []) infer_cmd = ([INFER_BIN, '-o', temp_out_dir] + extra_args + ['--'] + build_cmd['compile']) # Only record the output of the last build command. We record # all of them but each command overwrites the output of the # previous one. with tempfile.TemporaryFile( mode='w', suffix='.out', prefix='analysis_') as analysis_output: try: subprocess.check_call(infer_cmd, stdout=analysis_output, env=env) if should_fail is not None: # hacky since we should clean up infer-out, etc. as below # if you made the test fails, this is your punishment assert False except subprocess.CalledProcessError, exn: if exn.returncode != should_fail: raise json_path = os.path.join(temp_out_dir, REPORT_JSON) found_errors = utils.load_json_from_path(json_path) extra_check(temp_out_dir) shutil.rmtree(temp_out_dir) os.chdir(SCRIPT_DIR) return found_errors def match_pattern(f, p): for key in p.keys(): if f[key] != p[key]: return False return True def is_expected(e, patterns): for p in patterns: if match_pattern(e, p): return True return False def is_missing(p, errors): for e in errors: if match_pattern(e, p): return False return True def unexpected_errors(errors, patterns): return [e for e in errors if not is_expected(e, patterns)] def missing_errors(errors, patterns): return [p for p in patterns if is_missing(p, errors)] def check_results(errors, patterns): unexpected = unexpected_errors(errors, patterns) if unexpected != []: utils.stderr('\nInfer found the following unexpected errors:') for e in unexpected: utils.stderr('\t{}\n'.format(string_of_error(e))) missing = missing_errors(errors, patterns) if missing != []: utils.stderr('\nInfer did not find the following errors:') for p in missing: utils.stderr('\t{}\n'.format(string_of_error(p))) assert unexpected == [] assert missing == [] def is_tool_available(cmd): try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=devnull) except OSError as e: if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: return False else: raise return True def do_test(errors, expected_errors_filename): if should_record_tests(): save_report(errors, expected_errors_filename) return else: patterns = utils.load_json_from_path(expected_errors_filename) check_results(errors, patterns) def make_paths_relative_in_report(root, errors): for error in errors: # remove "root/" from each file name rel_fname = error[issues.JSON_INDEX_FILENAME][len(root) + 1:] error[issues.JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] = rel_fname return errors def test(name, readable_name, root, compile_commands, clean_commands=[], env=None, available=lambda: True, enabled=None, report_fname=None, extra_check=lambda x: None, should_fail=None, preprocess=lambda: None, postprocess=lambda errors: errors): """Run a test. Arguments: - [name] is used to test if the test is enabled by default (but see [enabled]) - [root] the directory from which to run the test - [compile_commands] the commands to be captured by Infer - [clean_commands] commands to setup the build directory prior to running Infer - [env] the environment in which to run all the commands - [available] a test to determine whether the test can be run - [enabled] whether the test should attempt to run. By default it is enabled if [[name] in [to_test]] - [report_fname] where to find the expected Infer results - [extra_check] some function that will be given the temporary results directory as argument - [should_fail] if not None then running infer is expected to fail with [should_fail] error code - [preprocess] a function to run before the clean and compile commands. If the function returns something non-None, use that as the compile commands. - [postprocess] a function that takes in an Infer report and can modify them. It must return an Infer report. Returns [True] if the test ran, [False] otherwise. """ # python can't into using values of arguments in the default # values of other arguments if enabled is None: enabled = name in to_test if report_fname is None: report_fname = '%s_report.json' % name if not (enabled and available()): print('Skipping %s integration test' % readable_name) return False print('\nRunning %s integration test' % readable_name) if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) os.chdir(root) pre = preprocess() if pre is not None: compile_commands = pre # rerun this in case preprocess() deleted the current directory if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) os.chdir(root) errors = run_analysis( clean_commands, compile_commands, extra_check=extra_check, should_fail=should_fail, env=env) original = os.path.join(EXPECTED_OUTPUTS_DIR, report_fname) do_test(postprocess(errors), original) return True class BuildIntegrationTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_ant_integration(self): test('ant', 'Ant', os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir), [{'compile': ['ant', 'compile']}], clean_commands=[['ant', 'clean']], available=lambda: is_tool_available(['ant', '-version'])) def test_javac_integration( self, enabled=None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'examples'), report_fname='javac_report.json'): test('javac', 'javac', root, [{'compile': ['javac', 'Hello.java']}], enabled=enabled, report_fname=report_fname) def test_gradle_integration( self, enabled=None, root=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'examples', 'java_hello'), report_fname='gradle_report.json'): env = os.environ.copy() env['PATH'] = '{}:{}'.format( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'mock'), os.getenv('PATH'), ) test('gradle', 'Gradle', root, [{'compile': ['gradle', 'build']}], enabled=enabled, report_fname=report_fname, env=env) def test_buck_integration(self): target = '//infer/tests/codetoanalyze/java/infer:compile' test('buck', 'Buck', ROOT_DIR, [{'compile': ['buck', 'build', '--no-cache', target]}], clean_commands=[['buck', 'clean']], available=lambda: is_tool_available(['buck', '--version'])) def test_make_integration( self, enabled=None, root=os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'make'), report_fname='make_report.json'): test('make', 'make', root, [{'compile': ['make', 'all']}], clean_commands=[['make', 'clean']], enabled=enabled, report_fname=report_fname) def test_ndkbuild_integration(self): root = os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'ndk-build', 'hello_app') gen_lib_dir = os.path.join(root, 'libs') gen_obj_dir = os.path.join(root, 'obj') env = os.environ.copy() ndk_dir = os.getenv('ANDROID_NDK', os.path.join(os.path.sep, 'opt', 'android_ndk', 'r10e')) env['PATH'] = '{}:{}'.format(os.getenv('PATH'), ndk_dir) if test('ndk-build', 'ndk-build', root, [{'compile': ['ndk-build', '-B', 'NDK_LIBS_OUT=./libs', 'NDK_OUT=./obj']}], clean_commands=[['ndk-build', 'clean']], available=lambda: is_tool_available([ os.path.join(ndk_dir, 'ndk-build'), '-v']), env=env): # remove libs/ and obj/ directories shutil.rmtree(gen_lib_dir) shutil.rmtree(gen_obj_dir) def test_wonky_locale_integration(self): env = os.environ.copy() env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' test('locale', 'wonky locale', os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'make'), [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'utf8_in_function_names.c']}, {'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'utf8_in_function_names.c']}], env=env) def test_waf_integration(self): test('waf', 'waf', os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'make'), [{'compile': ['./waf', 'build']}], clean_commands=[['make', 'clean']]) def test_cmake_integration( self, enabled=None, root=os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'cmake'), report_fname='cmake_report.json'): build_root = os.path.join(root, 'build') if test('cmake', 'CMake', build_root, [{'compile': ['cmake', '..']}, {'compile': ['make', 'clean', 'all']}], available=lambda: is_tool_available(['cmake', '--version']), enabled=enabled, # remove build/ directory just in case preprocess=lambda: shutil.rmtree(build_root, True), # cmake produces absolute paths using the real path postprocess=(lambda errors: make_paths_relative_in_report( os.path.realpath(root), errors))): # remove build/ directory shutil.rmtree(build_root) def test_utf8_in_pwd_integration(self): if not 'utf8_in_pwd' in to_test: print('\nSkipping utf8_in_pwd integration test') return print('\nRunning utf8_in_pwd integration test') utf8_in_pwd_path = os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, u'utf8_\u03B9n_pwd') # copy non-unicode dir to one with unicode in it shutil.rmtree(utf8_in_pwd_path, True) # remove just in case shutil.copytree(os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'utf8_in_pwd'), utf8_in_pwd_path) self.test_cmake_integration( enabled=True, root=os.path.join(utf8_in_pwd_path, 'cmake'), report_fname='utf8_in_pwd_cmake_report.json') self.test_gradle_integration( enabled=True, root=os.path.join(utf8_in_pwd_path, 'gradle'), report_fname='utf8_in_pwd_gradle_report.json') self.test_javac_integration( enabled=True, root=os.path.join(utf8_in_pwd_path), report_fname='utf8_in_pwd_javac_report.json') self.test_make_integration( enabled=True, root=os.path.join(utf8_in_pwd_path, 'make'), report_fname='utf8_in_pwd_make_report.json') shutil.rmtree(utf8_in_pwd_path, True) # remove copied dir def test_unknown_extension(self): test('unknown_ext', 'unknown extension', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-x', 'c', '-c', 'hello.unknown_ext']}]) def test_clang_multiple_source_files(self): test('multiclang', 'clang multiple source files', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello.c', 'hello2.c']}]) def test_reactive_multiple_capture(self): reactive_args = ['-a', 'capture', '--reactive', '--continue'] test('reactive', 'reactive with multiple capture', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello.c'], 'infer_args': reactive_args}, {'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello2.c'], 'infer_args': reactive_args}, {'compile': ['analyze']}]) def test_clang_cc1(self): def preprocess(): hashhashhash = subprocess.check_output( [CLANG_BIN, '-###', '-c', 'hello.c'], # `clang -### -c hello.c` prints on stderr stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # pick the line containing the compilation command, which # should be the only one to include "-cc1" cc1_line = filter(lambda s: s.find('"-cc1"') != -1, hashhashhash.splitlines())[0] # [cc1_line] usually looks like ' "/foo/clang" "bar" "baz"'. # return ['clang', 'bar', 'baz'] cmd = [s.strip('"') for s in cc1_line.strip().split('" "')] cmd[0] = 'clang' return [{'compile': cmd}] test('cc1', 'clang -cc1', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [], preprocess=preprocess) def test_clang_assembly(self): test('assembly', 'compile with assembly code', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-x', 'c', '-c', 'hello.c', '-x', 'assembler-with-cpp', 'example.S']}]) def test_clang_component_kit_imports(self): test('componentkit', 'component quality analyzer skips imports', os.path.join(CODETOANALYZE_DIR, 'componentkit'), [{'compile': ['clang', '-x', 'objective-c++', '-std=c++11', '-c', '-fblocks', 'TestIgnoreImports.mm'], 'infer_args': ['--cxx', '--no-filtering', '-a', 'linters']}]) def test_fail_on_issue(self): test('fail', '--fail-on-issue flag', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello.c'], 'infer_args': ['--fail-on-issue']}], should_fail=2) def test_pmd_xml_output(self): def pmd_check(infer_out): assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(infer_out, 'report.xml')) try: from lxml import etree has_lxml = True except ImportError: has_lxml = False test('pmd-xml', 'PMD XML output', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello.c'], 'infer_args': ['--pmd-xml']}], extra_check=pmd_check, available=lambda: has_lxml) def test_infer_deletes_infer_out(self): # Test that two consecutive analyses do not pollute each other: # the expected results of running infer on hello.c then on # hello2.c is that only the bug in hello2.c is reported. test('delete', 'infer deletes infer-out', CODETOANALYZE_DIR, [{'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello.c']}, {'compile': ['clang', '-c', 'hello2.c']}]) if __name__ == '__main__': # hackish capturing of the arguments after '--' try: i = sys.argv.index('--') to_test = sys.argv[i + 1:] sys.argv = sys.argv[:i] except ValueError: pass unittest.main() # run all the tests