(* * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Types *) open! IStd module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl module L = Logging module F = Format module IntegerWidths = struct type t = {char_width: int; short_width: int; int_width: int; long_width: int; longlong_width: int} [@@deriving compare] let java = {char_width= 16; short_width= 16; int_width= 32; long_width= 64; longlong_width= 64} module SQLite = SqliteUtils.MarshalledNullableDataNOTForComparison (struct type nonrec t = t end) let load_statement = ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT integer_type_widths FROM source_files WHERE source_file = :k" let load source = ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement load_statement ~f:(fun db load_stmt -> SourceFile.SQLite.serialize source |> Sqlite3.bind load_stmt 1 |> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"load bind source file" ; SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"Typ.IntegerWidths.load" db load_stmt |> Option.bind ~f:SQLite.deserialize ) end (** Kinds of integers *) type ikind = | IChar (** [char] *) | ISChar (** [signed char] *) | IUChar (** [unsigned char] *) | IBool (** [bool] *) | IInt (** [int] *) | IUInt (** [unsigned int] *) | IShort (** [short] *) | IUShort (** [unsigned short] *) | ILong (** [long] *) | IULong (** [unsigned long] *) | ILongLong (** [long long] (or [_int64] on Microsoft Visual C) *) | IULongLong (** [unsigned long long] (or [unsigned int64_] on Microsoft Visual C) *) | I128 (** [__int128_t] *) | IU128 (** [__uint128_t] *) [@@deriving compare] let equal_ikind = [%compare.equal: ikind] let ikind_to_string = function | IChar -> "char" | ISChar -> "signed char" | IUChar -> "unsigned char" | IBool -> "_Bool" | IInt -> "int" | IUInt -> "unsigned int" | IShort -> "short" | IUShort -> "unsigned short" | ILong -> "long" | IULong -> "unsigned long" | ILongLong -> "long long" | IULongLong -> "unsigned long long" | I128 -> "__int128_t" | IU128 -> "__uint128_t" let width_of_ikind {IntegerWidths.char_width; short_width; int_width; long_width; longlong_width} = function | IBool -> 8 | ISChar | IChar | IUChar -> char_width | IShort | IUShort -> short_width | IInt | IUInt -> int_width | ILong | IULong -> long_width | ILongLong | IULongLong -> longlong_width | I128 | IU128 -> 128 let ikind_is_unsigned = function | IBool | IUChar | IUShort | IUInt | IULong | IULongLong | IU128 -> true | ISChar | IChar | IShort | IInt | ILong | ILongLong | I128 -> false let range_of_ikind = let range bits ~unsigned = if unsigned then Z.(~$0, shift_left ~$1 bits - ~$1) else let bound = Z.(shift_left ~$1) (bits - 1) in Z.(~-bound, bound - ~$1) in fun integer_widths x -> let bits_for_range = match x with IBool -> 1 | _ -> width_of_ikind integer_widths x in range bits_for_range ~unsigned:(ikind_is_unsigned x) let ikind_is_char = function IChar | ISChar | IUChar -> true | _ -> false (** Kinds of floating-point numbers *) type fkind = FFloat (** [float] *) | FDouble (** [double] *) | FLongDouble (** [long double] *) [@@deriving compare] let equal_fkind = [%compare.equal: fkind] let fkind_to_string = function | FFloat -> "float" | FDouble -> "double" | FLongDouble -> "long double" (** kind of pointer *) type ptr_kind = | Pk_pointer (** C/C++, Java, Objc standard/__strong pointer *) | Pk_reference (** C++ reference *) | Pk_objc_weak (** Obj-C __weak pointer *) | Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained (** Obj-C __unsafe_unretained pointer *) | Pk_objc_autoreleasing (** Obj-C __autoreleasing pointer *) [@@deriving compare] let equal_ptr_kind = [%compare.equal: ptr_kind] let ptr_kind_string = function | Pk_reference -> "&" | Pk_pointer -> "*" | Pk_objc_weak -> "__weak *" | Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained -> "__unsafe_unretained *" | Pk_objc_autoreleasing -> "__autoreleasing *" module T = struct type type_quals = {is_const: bool; is_restrict: bool; is_volatile: bool} [@@deriving compare] (** types for sil (structured) expressions *) type t = {desc: desc; quals: type_quals} [@@deriving compare] and desc = | Tint of ikind (** integer type *) | Tfloat of fkind (** float type *) | Tvoid (** void type *) | Tfun (** function type *) | Tptr of t * ptr_kind (** pointer type *) | Tstruct of name (** structured value type name *) | TVar of string (** type variable (ie. C++ template variables) *) | Tarray of {elt: t; length: IntLit.t option; stride: IntLit.t option} (** array type with statically fixed length and stride *) [@@deriving compare] and name = | CStruct of QualifiedCppName.t | CUnion of QualifiedCppName.t | CppClass of QualifiedCppName.t * template_spec_info | JavaClass of JavaClassName.t | ObjcClass of QualifiedCppName.t | ObjcProtocol of QualifiedCppName.t [@@deriving compare] and template_arg = TType of t | TInt of Int64.t | TNull | TNullPtr | TOpaque [@@deriving compare] and template_spec_info = | NoTemplate | Template of {mangled: string option; args: template_arg list} [@@deriving compare] let equal_desc = [%compare.equal: desc] let equal_name = [%compare.equal: name] let equal_quals = [%compare.equal: type_quals] let equal = [%compare.equal: t] let rec equal_ignore_quals t1 t2 = equal_desc_ignore_quals t1.desc t2.desc and equal_desc_ignore_quals d1 d2 = match (d1, d2) with | Tint ikind1, Tint ikind2 -> equal_ikind ikind1 ikind2 | Tfloat fkind1, Tfloat fkind2 -> equal_fkind fkind1 fkind2 | Tvoid, Tvoid | Tfun, Tfun -> true | Tptr (t1, ptr_kind1), Tptr (t2, ptr_kind2) -> equal_ptr_kind ptr_kind1 ptr_kind2 && equal_ignore_quals t1 t2 | Tstruct name1, Tstruct name2 -> equal_name name1 name2 | TVar s1, TVar s2 -> String.equal s1 s2 | Tarray {elt= t1}, Tarray {elt= t2} -> equal_ignore_quals t1 t2 | _, _ -> false end include T let mk_type_quals ?default ?is_const ?is_restrict ?is_volatile () = let default_ = {is_const= false; is_restrict= false; is_volatile= false} in let mk_aux ?(default = default_) ?(is_const = default.is_const) ?(is_restrict = default.is_restrict) ?(is_volatile = default.is_volatile) () = {is_const; is_restrict; is_volatile} in mk_aux ?default ?is_const ?is_restrict ?is_volatile () let is_const {is_const} = is_const let is_restrict {is_restrict} = is_restrict let is_volatile {is_volatile} = is_volatile let is_weak_pointer t = match t.desc with Tptr (_, Pk_objc_weak) -> true | _ -> false let is_strong_pointer t = match t.desc with Tptr (_, Pk_pointer) -> true | _ -> false let mk ?default ?quals desc : t = let default_ = {desc; quals= mk_type_quals ()} in let mk_aux ?(default = default_) ?(quals = default.quals) desc = {desc; quals} in mk_aux ?default ?quals desc let mk_array ?default ?quals ?length ?stride elt : t = mk ?default ?quals (Tarray {elt; length; stride}) let mk_struct name = mk (Tstruct name) let mk_ptr ?(ptr_kind = Pk_pointer) t = mk (Tptr (t, ptr_kind)) let void = mk Tvoid let void_star = mk (Tptr (void, Pk_pointer)) let java_char = mk (Tint IUShort) let java_byte = mk (Tint ISChar) let java_short = mk (Tint IShort) let boolean = mk (Tint IBool) let char = mk (Tint IChar) let float = mk (Tfloat FFloat) let double = mk (Tfloat FDouble) let int = mk (Tint IInt) let uint = mk (Tint IUInt) let long = mk (Tint ILong) let get_ikind_opt {desc} = match desc with Tint ikind -> Some ikind | _ -> None (* TODO: size_t should be implementation-dependent. *) let size_t = IULong let escape pe = if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then Escape.escape_xml else ident (** Pretty print a type with all the details, using the C syntax. *) let rec pp_full pe f typ = let pp_quals f {quals} = if is_const quals then F.pp_print_string f " const " ; if is_restrict quals then F.pp_print_string f " __restrict " ; if is_volatile quals then F.pp_print_string f " volatile " in let pp_desc f {desc} = match desc with | Tstruct tname -> (pp_name_c_syntax pe) f tname | TVar name -> F.pp_print_string f name | Tint ik -> F.pp_print_string f (ikind_to_string ik) | Tfloat fk -> F.pp_print_string f (fkind_to_string fk) | Tvoid -> F.pp_print_string f "void" | Tfun -> F.pp_print_string f "_fn_" | Tptr (({desc= Tarray _ | Tfun} as typ), pk) -> F.fprintf f "%a(%s)" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk |> escape pe) | Tptr (typ, pk) -> F.fprintf f "%a%s" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk |> escape pe) | Tarray {elt; length; stride} -> let pp_int_opt fmt = function | Some x -> IntLit.pp fmt x | None -> F.pp_print_char fmt '_' in F.fprintf f "%a[%a*%a]" (pp_full pe) elt pp_int_opt length pp_int_opt stride in F.fprintf f "%a%a" pp_desc typ pp_quals typ and pp_name_c_syntax pe f = function | CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name -> QualifiedCppName.pp f name | CppClass (name, template_spec) -> F.fprintf f "%a%a" QualifiedCppName.pp name (pp_template_spec_info pe) template_spec | JavaClass name -> JavaClassName.pp f name and pp_template_spec_info pe f = function | NoTemplate -> () | Template {args} -> let pp_arg_opt f = function | TType typ -> pp_full pe f typ | TInt i -> Int64.pp f i | TNull -> F.pp_print_string f "null" | TNullPtr -> F.pp_print_string f "NullPtr" | TOpaque -> F.pp_print_string f "Opaque" in F.fprintf f "%s%a%s" (escape pe "<") (Pp.comma_seq pp_arg_opt) args (escape pe ">") (** Pretty print a type. Do nothing by default. *) let pp pe f te = if Config.print_types then pp_full pe f te else () let to_string typ = let pp fmt = pp_full Pp.text fmt typ in F.asprintf "%t" pp module Name = struct type t = name [@@deriving compare, equal] let equal = [%compare.equal: t] let hash = Hashtbl.hash let qual_name = function | CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name -> name | CppClass (name, templ_args) -> let template_suffix = F.asprintf "%a" (pp_template_spec_info Pp.text) templ_args in QualifiedCppName.append_template_args_to_last name ~args:template_suffix | JavaClass _ -> QualifiedCppName.empty let unqualified_name = function | CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name -> name | CppClass (name, _) -> name | JavaClass _ -> QualifiedCppName.empty let get_template_spec_info = function CppClass (_, templ_args) -> Some templ_args | _ -> None let name n = match n with | CStruct _ | CUnion _ | CppClass _ | ObjcClass _ | ObjcProtocol _ -> qual_name n |> QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string | JavaClass name -> JavaClassName.to_string name let pp fmt tname = let prefix = function | CStruct _ -> "struct" | CUnion _ -> "union" | CppClass _ | JavaClass _ | ObjcClass _ -> "class" | ObjcProtocol _ -> "protocol" in F.fprintf fmt "%s %a" (prefix tname) (pp_name_c_syntax Pp.text) tname let to_string = F.asprintf "%a" pp let is_class = function CppClass _ | JavaClass _ | ObjcClass _ -> true | _ -> false let is_union = function CUnion _ -> true | _ -> false let is_objc_protocol name = match name with ObjcProtocol _ -> true | _ -> false let is_same_type t1 t2 = match (t1, t2) with | CStruct _, CStruct _ | CUnion _, CUnion _ | CppClass _, CppClass _ | JavaClass _, JavaClass _ | ObjcClass _, ObjcClass _ | ObjcProtocol _, ObjcProtocol _ -> true | _ -> false module C = struct let from_qual_name qual_name = CStruct qual_name let from_string name_str = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name_str |> from_qual_name let union_from_qual_name qual_name = CUnion qual_name end module Java = struct let from_string name_str = JavaClass (JavaClassName.from_string name_str) let is_class = function JavaClass _ -> true | _ -> false let java_io_serializable = from_string "java.io.Serializable" let java_lang_class = from_string "java.lang.Class" let java_lang_cloneable = from_string "java.lang.Cloneable" let java_lang_object = from_string "java.lang.Object" let java_lang_string = from_string "java.lang.String" let get_java_class_name_opt typename = match typename with JavaClass java_class_name -> Some java_class_name | _ -> None let get_java_class_name_exn typename = match get_java_class_name_opt typename with | Some java_class_name -> java_class_name | None -> L.die InternalError "Tried to split a non-java class name into a java split type@." let is_anonymous_inner_class_name_exn class_name = let java_class_name = get_java_class_name_exn class_name in JavaClassName.is_anonymous_inner_class_name java_class_name let is_anonymous_inner_class_name_opt class_name = get_java_class_name_opt class_name |> Option.map ~f:JavaClassName.is_anonymous_inner_class_name let is_external t = get_java_class_name_exn t |> JavaClassName.package |> Option.exists ~f:Config.java_package_is_external end module Cpp = struct let from_qual_name template_spec_info qual_name = CppClass (qual_name, template_spec_info) let is_class = function CppClass _ -> true | _ -> false end module Objc = struct let from_qual_name qual_name = ObjcClass qual_name let from_string name_str = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name_str |> from_qual_name let protocol_from_qual_name qual_name = ObjcProtocol qual_name let is_class = function ObjcClass _ -> true | _ -> false end module Set = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare] let pp = pp end) module Map = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (struct type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare] let pp = pp end) end (** dump a type with all the details. *) let d_full (t : t) = L.d_pp_with_pe pp_full t (** dump a list of types. *) let d_list (tl : t list) = let pp pe = Pp.seq (pp pe) in L.d_pp_with_pe pp tl let name typ = match typ.desc with Tstruct name -> Some name | _ -> None let unsome s = function | Some default_typ -> default_typ | None -> L.internal_error "No default typ in %s@." s ; assert false (** turn a *T into a T. fails if [typ] is not a pointer type *) let strip_ptr typ = match typ.desc with Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false let is_ptr_to_ignore_quals t ~ptr = match ptr.desc with Tptr (t', _) -> equal_ignore_quals t t' | _ -> false (** If an array type, return the type of the element. If not, return the default type if given, otherwise raise an exception *) let array_elem default_opt typ = match typ.desc with Tarray {elt} -> elt | _ -> unsome "array_elem" default_opt let is_class_of_kind check_fun typ = match typ.desc with Tstruct tname -> check_fun tname | _ -> false let is_objc_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Objc.is_class let is_cpp_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Cpp.is_class let is_pointer typ = match typ.desc with Tptr _ -> true | _ -> false let is_reference typ = match typ.desc with Tptr (_, Pk_reference) -> true | _ -> false let is_struct typ = match typ.desc with Tstruct _ -> true | _ -> false let is_pointer_to_cpp_class typ = match typ.desc with Tptr (t, _) -> is_cpp_class t | _ -> false let is_pointer_to_void typ = match typ.desc with Tptr ({desc= Tvoid}, _) -> true | _ -> false let is_void typ = match typ.desc with Tvoid -> true | _ -> false let is_pointer_to_int typ = match typ.desc with Tptr ({desc= Tint _}, _) -> true | _ -> false let is_int typ = match typ.desc with Tint _ -> true | _ -> false let is_unsigned_int typ = match typ.desc with Tint ikind -> ikind_is_unsigned ikind | _ -> false let is_char typ = match typ.desc with Tint ikind -> ikind_is_char ikind | _ -> false let has_block_prefix s = match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string Config.anonymous_block_prefix) s with | _ :: _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false type typ = t let rec pp_java ~verbose f {desc} = let string_of_int = function | IInt -> JConfig.int_st | IBool -> JConfig.boolean_st | ISChar -> JConfig.byte_st | IUShort -> JConfig.char_st | ILong -> JConfig.long_st | IShort -> JConfig.short_st | _ -> L.die InternalError "pp_java int" in let string_of_float = function | FFloat -> JConfig.float_st | FDouble -> JConfig.double_st | _ -> L.die InternalError "pp_java float" in match desc with | Tint ik -> F.pp_print_string f (string_of_int ik) | Tfloat fk -> F.pp_print_string f (string_of_float fk) | Tvoid -> F.pp_print_string f JConfig.void | Tptr (typ, _) -> pp_java ~verbose f typ | Tstruct (JavaClass java_class_name) -> JavaClassName.pp_with_verbosity ~verbose f java_class_name | Tarray {elt} -> F.fprintf f "%a[]" (pp_java ~verbose) elt | _ -> L.die InternalError "pp_java rec" let is_java_primitive_type {desc} = let is_java_int = function | IInt | IBool | ISChar | IUShort | ILong | IShort -> true | _ -> false in let is_java_float = function FFloat | FDouble -> true | _ -> false in match desc with Tint ik -> is_java_int ik | Tfloat fk -> is_java_float fk | _ -> false let rec is_java_type t = match t.desc with | Tvoid -> true | Tint _ | Tfloat _ -> is_java_primitive_type t | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct (JavaClass _)}, Pk_pointer) -> true | Tptr ({desc= Tarray {elt}}, Pk_pointer) -> is_java_type elt | _ -> false