(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils open ModelTables module L = Logging (** Module for standard library models. *) (* use model annotations for library functions *) let use_models = true (** Module for inference of parameter and return annotations. *) module Inference = struct let enabled = false let get_dir () = Filename.concat !Config.results_dir "eradicate" let field_get_dir_fname fn = let fname = Ident.fieldname_to_string fn in (get_dir (), fname) let field_is_marked fn = let dir, fname = field_get_dir_fname fn in DB.read_file_with_lock dir fname <> None let proc_get_ret_dir_fname pname = let fname = Procname.to_filename pname ^ "_ret" in (get_dir (), fname) let proc_get_param_dir_fname pname = let fname = Procname.to_filename pname ^ "_params" in (get_dir (), fname) let update_count_str s_old = let n = if s_old = Bytes.empty then 0 else try int_of_string (Bytes.to_string s_old) with | Failure _ -> L.stderr "int_of_string %s@." (Bytes.to_string s_old); assert false in Bytes.of_string (string_of_int (n + 1)) let update_boolvec_str _s size index bval = let s = if _s = Bytes.empty then Bytes.make size '0' else _s in Bytes.set s index (if bval then '1' else '0'); s let mark_file update_str dir fname = DB.update_file_with_lock dir fname update_str; match DB.read_file_with_lock dir fname with | Some buf -> L.stderr "Read %s: %s@." fname (Bytes.to_string buf) | None -> L.stderr "Read %s: None@." fname let mark_file_count = mark_file update_count_str (** Mark the field @Nullable indirectly by writing to a global file. *) let field_add_nullable_annotation fn = let dir, fname = field_get_dir_fname fn in mark_file_count dir fname (** Mark the return type @Nullable indirectly by writing to a global file. *) let proc_mark_return_nullable pn = let dir, fname = proc_get_ret_dir_fname pn in mark_file_count dir fname (** Return true if the return type is marked @Nullable in the global file *) let proc_return_is_marked pname = let dir, fname = proc_get_ret_dir_fname pname in DB.read_file_with_lock dir fname <> None (** Mark the n-th parameter @Nullable indirectly by writing to a global file. *) let proc_add_parameter_nullable pn n tot = let dir, fname = proc_get_param_dir_fname pn in let update_str s = update_boolvec_str s tot n true in mark_file update_str dir fname (** Return None if the parameters are not marked, or a vector of marked parameters *) let proc_parameters_marked pn = let dir, fname = proc_get_param_dir_fname pn in match DB.read_file_with_lock dir fname with | None -> None | Some buf -> let boolvec = ref [] in Bytes.iter (fun c -> boolvec := (c = '1') :: !boolvec) buf; Some (IList.rev !boolvec) end (* Inference *) let table_has_procedure table proc_name = let proc_id = Procname.to_unique_id proc_name in try ignore (Hashtbl.find table proc_id); true with Not_found -> false (** Return the annotated signature of the procedure, taking into account models. *) let get_modelled_annotated_signature proc_attributes = let proc_name = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in let annotated_signature = Annotations.get_annotated_signature proc_attributes in let proc_id = Procname.to_unique_id proc_name in let infer_parameters ann_sig = let mark_par = if Inference.enabled then Inference.proc_parameters_marked proc_name else None in match mark_par with | None -> ann_sig | Some bs -> let mark = (false, bs) in Annotations.annotated_signature_mark proc_name Annotations.Nullable ann_sig mark in let infer_return ann_sig = let mark_r = Inference.enabled && Inference.proc_return_is_marked proc_name in if mark_r then Annotations.annotated_signature_mark_return Annotations.Nullable ann_sig else ann_sig in let lookup_models_nullable ann_sig = if use_models then try let mark = Hashtbl.find annotated_table_nullable proc_id in Annotations.annotated_signature_mark proc_name Annotations.Nullable ann_sig mark with Not_found -> ann_sig else ann_sig in let lookup_models_present ann_sig = if use_models then try let mark = Hashtbl.find annotated_table_present proc_id in Annotations.annotated_signature_mark proc_name Annotations.Present ann_sig mark with Not_found -> ann_sig else ann_sig in let lookup_models_strict ann_sig = if use_models && Hashtbl.mem annotated_table_strict proc_id then Annotations.annotated_signature_mark_return_strict ann_sig else ann_sig in annotated_signature |> lookup_models_nullable |> lookup_models_present |> lookup_models_strict |> infer_return |> infer_parameters (** Return true when the procedure has been modelled for nullable. *) let is_modelled_nullable proc_name = if use_models then let proc_id = Procname.to_unique_id proc_name in try ignore (Hashtbl.find annotated_table_nullable proc_id ); true with Not_found -> false else false (** Check if the procedure is one of the known Preconditions.checkNotNull. *) let is_check_not_null proc_name = table_has_procedure check_not_null_table proc_name (** Parameter number for a procedure known to be a checkNotNull *) let get_check_not_null_parameter proc_name = let proc_id = Procname.to_unique_id proc_name in try Hashtbl.find check_not_null_parameter_table proc_id with Not_found -> 0 (** Check if the procedure is one of the known Preconditions.checkState. *) let is_check_state proc_name = table_has_procedure check_state_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure is one of the known Preconditions.checkArgument. *) let is_check_argument proc_name = table_has_procedure check_argument_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure is Optional.get(). *) let is_optional_get proc_name = table_has_procedure optional_get_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure is Optional.isPresent(). *) let is_optional_isPresent proc_name = table_has_procedure optional_isPresent_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure returns true on null. *) let is_true_on_null proc_name = table_has_procedure true_on_null_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure is Map.containsKey(). *) let is_containsKey proc_name = table_has_procedure containsKey_table proc_name (** Check if the procedure is Map.put(). *) let is_mapPut proc_name = table_has_procedure mapPut_table proc_name