package utils.matchers; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import utils.InferError; import utils.InferResults; public class ResultContainsNumberOfErrorsInMethod extends BaseMatcher { private final ErrorPattern pattern; private final int numberOfErrors; int actualNumberErrors; public ResultContainsNumberOfErrorsInMethod( String type, String file, String method, int numberOfErrors) { this.pattern = new ErrorPattern(type, file, method); this.numberOfErrors = numberOfErrors; this.actualNumberErrors = 0; } @Override public boolean matches(Object o) { InferResults results = (InferResults) o; for (InferError error : results.getErrors()) { if (pattern.match(error)) { actualNumberErrors++; } } return (actualNumberErrors == numberOfErrors); } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText( numberOfErrors + " " + pattern.getErrorType() + " errors in file: " + pattern.getErrorFile() + ", method: " + pattern.getErrorMethod()); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { InferResults results = (InferResults) item; description.appendText( actualNumberErrors + " " + pattern.getErrorType() + " errors found in " + pattern.getErrorMethod() + " in the results of Infer." + "\n" + results.inferCmdToString()); } public static Matcher containsNumberOfErrors( String type, String file, String method, int numberOfErrors) { return new ResultContainsNumberOfErrorsInMethod(type, file, method, numberOfErrors); } }