# Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import codecs import csv import datetime import itertools import json import operator import os import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET try: from lxml import etree except ImportError: etree = None from . import colorize, config, source, utils # Increase the limit of the CSV parser to sys.maxlimit csv.field_size_limit(sys.maxsize) ISSUE_KIND_ERROR = 'ERROR' ISSUE_KIND_WARNING = 'WARNING' ISSUE_KIND_INFO = 'INFO' ISSUE_KIND_ADVICE = 'ADVICE' ISSUE_TYPES = [ 'ASSERTION_FAILURE', 'BAD_POINTER_COMPARISON', # 'CHECKERS_PRINTF_ARGS' # TODO (#8030397): revert this once all the checkers are moved to Infer 'CONTEXT_LEAK', 'MEMORY_LEAK', 'RESOURCE_LEAK', 'RETAIN_CYCLE', 'STRONG_DELEGATE_WARNING', 'TAINTED_VALUE_REACHING_SENSITIVE_FUNCTION', 'IVAR_NOT_NULL_CHECKED', 'NULL_DEREFERENCE', 'EMPTY_VECTOR_ACCESS', 'PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED', 'PREMATURE_NIL_TERMINATION_ARGUMENT', 'DIRECT_ATOMIC_PROPERTY_ACCESS', 'CXX_REFERENCE_CAPTURED_IN_OBJC_BLOCK', 'REGISTERED_OBSERVER_BEING_DEALLOCATED', 'ASSIGN_POINTER_WARNING', 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INITIALIZED_WITH_FUNCTION_OR_METHOD_CALL', # TODO (t11307776): Turn this back on once some of the FP issues are fixed 'UNSAFE_GUARDED_BY_ACCESS', ] NULL_STYLE_ISSUE_TYPES = [ 'IVAR_NOT_NULL_CHECKED', 'NULL_DEREFERENCE', 'PARAMETER_NOT_NULL_CHECKED', 'PREMATURE_NIL_TERMINATION_ARGUMENT', ] # indices in rows of csv reports CSV_INDEX_CLASS = 0 CSV_INDEX_KIND = 1 CSV_INDEX_TYPE = 2 CSV_INDEX_QUALIFIER = 3 CSV_INDEX_SEVERITY = 4 CSV_INDEX_LINE = 5 CSV_INDEX_PROCEDURE = 6 CSV_INDEX_PROCEDURE_ID = 7 CSV_INDEX_FILENAME = 8 CSV_INDEX_TRACE = 9 CSV_INDEX_KEY = 10 CSV_INDEX_QUALIFIER_TAGS = 11 CSV_INDEX_HASH = 12 CSV_INDEX_BUG_ID = 13 CSV_INDEX_ALWAYS_REPORT = 14 CSV_INDEX_ADVICE = 15 # field names in rows of json reports JSON_INDEX_FILENAME = 'file' JSON_INDEX_HASH = 'hash' JSON_INDEX_KIND = 'kind' JSON_INDEX_LINE = 'line' JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE = 'procedure' JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE_ID = 'procedure_id' JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER = 'qualifier' JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER_TAGS = 'qualifier_tags' JSON_INDEX_SEVERITY = 'file' JSON_INDEX_TYPE = 'bug_type' JSON_INDEX_TRACE = 'bug_trace' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_LEVEL = 'level' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_FILENAME = 'filename' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_LINE = 'line_number' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_DESCRIPTION = 'description' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_NODE_TAGS = 'node_tags' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_NODE_TAGS_TAG = 'tags' JSON_INDEX_TRACE_NODE_TAGS_VALUE = 'value' JSON_INDEX_INFER_SOURCE_LOC = 'infer_source_loc' JSON_INDEX_ISL_FILE = 'file' JSON_INDEX_ISL_LNUM = 'lnum' JSON_INDEX_ISL_CNUM = 'cnum' JSON_INDEX_ISL_ENUM = 'enum' QUALIFIER_TAGS = 'qualifier_tags' BUCKET_TAGS = 'bucket' ISSUE_TYPES_URL = 'http://fbinfer.com/docs/infer-issue-types.html#' def clean_csv(args, csv_report): collected_rows = [] with open(csv_report, 'r') as file_in: reader = csv.reader(file_in) rows = [row for row in reader] if len(rows) <= 1: return rows else: for row in rows[1:]: filename = row[CSV_INDEX_FILENAME] if os.path.isfile(filename): if args.no_filtering \ or _should_report_csv(args.analyzer, row): collected_rows.append(row) collected_rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(CSV_INDEX_FILENAME, CSV_INDEX_LINE)) collected_rows = [rows[0]] + collected_rows temporary_file = tempfile.mktemp() with open(temporary_file, 'w') as file_out: writer = csv.writer(file_out) writer.writerows(collected_rows) file_out.flush() shutil.move(temporary_file, csv_report) def clean_json(args, json_report): rows = utils.load_json_from_path(json_report) def is_clean(row): filename = row[JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] return (os.path.isfile(filename) and (args.no_filtering or _should_report_json(args.analyzer, row))) rows = filter(is_clean, rows) rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, JSON_INDEX_LINE)) temporary_file = tempfile.mktemp() utils.dump_json_to_path(rows, temporary_file) shutil.move(temporary_file, json_report) def _text_of_infer_loc(loc): return ' ({}:{}:{}-{}:)'.format( loc[JSON_INDEX_ISL_FILE], loc[JSON_INDEX_ISL_LNUM], loc[JSON_INDEX_ISL_CNUM], loc[JSON_INDEX_ISL_ENUM], ) def text_of_report(report): filename = report[JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] kind = report[JSON_INDEX_KIND] line = report[JSON_INDEX_LINE] error_type = report[JSON_INDEX_TYPE] msg = report[JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER] infer_loc = '' if JSON_INDEX_INFER_SOURCE_LOC in report: infer_loc = _text_of_infer_loc(report[JSON_INDEX_INFER_SOURCE_LOC]) return '%s:%d: %s: %s%s\n %s' % ( filename, line, kind.lower(), error_type, infer_loc, msg, ) def _text_of_report_list(reports, formatter=colorize.TERMINAL_FORMATTER): text_errors_list = [] error_types_count = {} for report in reports: filename = report[JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] line = report[JSON_INDEX_LINE] source_context = '' if formatter == colorize.TERMINAL_FORMATTER: source_context = source.build_source_context( filename, formatter, line, ) indenter = source.Indenter() \ .indent_push() \ .add(source_context) source_context = '\n' + unicode(indenter) msg = text_of_report(report) if report[JSON_INDEX_KIND] == ISSUE_KIND_ERROR: msg = colorize.color(msg, colorize.ERROR, formatter) elif report[JSON_INDEX_KIND] == ISSUE_KIND_WARNING: msg = colorize.color(msg, colorize.WARNING, formatter) elif report[JSON_INDEX_KIND] == ISSUE_KIND_ADVICE: msg = colorize.color(msg, colorize.ADVICE, formatter) text = '%s%s' % (msg, source_context) text_errors_list.append(text) t = report[JSON_INDEX_TYPE] # assert failures are not very informative without knowing # which assertion failed if t == 'Assert_failure' and JSON_INDEX_INFER_SOURCE_LOC in report: t += _text_of_infer_loc(report[JSON_INDEX_INFER_SOURCE_LOC]) if t not in error_types_count: error_types_count[t] = 1 else: error_types_count[t] += 1 n_issues = len(text_errors_list) if n_issues == 0: if formatter == colorize.TERMINAL_FORMATTER: out = colorize.color(' No issues found ', colorize.SUCCESS, formatter) return out + '\n' else: return 'No issues found' max_type_length = max(map(len, error_types_count.keys())) + 2 sorted_error_types = error_types_count.items() sorted_error_types.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) types_text_list = map(lambda (t, count): '%s: %d' % ( t.rjust(max_type_length), count, ), sorted_error_types) text_errors = '\n\n'.join(text_errors_list) issues_found = 'Found {n_issues}'.format( n_issues=utils.get_plural('issue', n_issues), ) msg = '{issues_found}\n\n{issues}\n\n{header}\n\n{summary}'.format( issues_found=colorize.color(issues_found, colorize.HEADER, formatter), issues=text_errors, header=colorize.color('Summary of the reports', colorize.HEADER, formatter), summary='\n'.join(types_text_list), ) return msg def _is_user_visible(report): filename = report[JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] kind = report[JSON_INDEX_KIND] return (os.path.isfile(filename) and kind in [ISSUE_KIND_ERROR, ISSUE_KIND_WARNING, ISSUE_KIND_ADVICE]) def print_and_save_errors(json_report, bugs_out, xml_out): errors = utils.load_json_from_path(json_report) errors = filter(_is_user_visible, errors) utils.stdout('\n' + _text_of_report_list(errors)) plain_out = _text_of_report_list(errors, formatter=colorize.PLAIN_FORMATTER) with codecs.open(bugs_out, 'w', encoding=config.CODESET, errors='replace') as file_out: file_out.write(plain_out) if xml_out is not None: with codecs.open(xml_out, 'w', encoding=config.CODESET, errors='replace') as file_out: file_out.write(_pmd_xml_of_issues(errors)) def merge_reports_from_paths(report_paths): json_data = [] for json_path in report_paths: json_data.extend(utils.load_json_from_path(json_path)) return _sort_and_uniq_rows(json_data) def _pmd_xml_of_issues(issues): if etree is None: print('ERROR: "etree" Python package not found.') print('ERROR: You need to install it to use Infer with --pmd-xml') sys.exit(1) root = etree.Element('pmd') root.attrib['version'] = '5.4.1' root.attrib['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() for issue in issues: fully_qualifed_method_name = re.search('(.*)\(.*', issue[JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE_ID]) class_name = '' package = '' if fully_qualifed_method_name is not None: # probably Java info = fully_qualifed_method_name.groups()[0].split('.') class_name = info[-2:-1][0] method = info[-1] package = '.'.join(info[0:-2]) else: method = issue[JSON_INDEX_PROCEDURE] file_node = etree.Element('file') file_node.attrib['name'] = issue[JSON_INDEX_FILENAME] violation = etree.Element('violation') violation.attrib['begincolumn'] = '0' violation.attrib['beginline'] = str(issue[JSON_INDEX_LINE]) violation.attrib['endcolumn'] = '0' violation.attrib['endline'] = str(issue[JSON_INDEX_LINE] + 1) violation.attrib['class'] = class_name violation.attrib['method'] = method violation.attrib['package'] = package violation.attrib['priority'] = '1' violation.attrib['rule'] = issue[JSON_INDEX_TYPE] violation.attrib['ruleset'] = 'Infer Rules' violation.attrib['externalinfourl'] = ( ISSUE_TYPES_URL + issue[JSON_INDEX_TYPE]) violation.text = issue[JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER] file_node.append(violation) root.append(file_node) return etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True, encoding=config.CODESET) def _sort_and_uniq_rows(l): key = operator.itemgetter(JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, JSON_INDEX_LINE, JSON_INDEX_HASH, JSON_INDEX_QUALIFIER) l.sort(key=key) groups = itertools.groupby(l, key) # guaranteed to be at least one element in each group return map(lambda (keys, dups): dups.next(), groups) def _should_report(analyzer, error_kind, error_type, error_bucket): analyzers_whitelist = [ config.ANALYZER_ERADICATE, config.ANALYZER_CHECKERS, config.ANALYZER_TRACING, ] error_kinds = [ISSUE_KIND_ERROR, ISSUE_KIND_WARNING, ISSUE_KIND_ADVICE] null_style_buckets = ['B1', 'B2'] if analyzer in analyzers_whitelist: return True if error_kind not in error_kinds: return False if not error_type: return False if error_type in NULL_STYLE_ISSUE_TYPES: return error_bucket in null_style_buckets return error_type in ISSUE_TYPES def _should_report_csv(analyzer, row): error_kind = row[CSV_INDEX_KIND] error_type = row[CSV_INDEX_TYPE] error_bucket = '' # can be updated later once we extract it from qualifier try: qualifier_xml = ET.fromstring(row[CSV_INDEX_QUALIFIER_TAGS]) if qualifier_xml.tag == QUALIFIER_TAGS: bucket = qualifier_xml.find(BUCKET_TAGS) if bucket is not None: error_bucket = bucket.text except ET.ParseError: pass # this will skip any invalid xmls return _should_report(analyzer, error_kind, error_type, error_bucket) def _should_report_json(analyzer, row): error_kind = row[JSON_INDEX_KIND] error_type = row[JSON_INDEX_TYPE] error_bucket = '' # can be updated later once we extract it from qualifier for qual_tag in row[QUALIFIER_TAGS]: if qual_tag['tag'] == BUCKET_TAGS: error_bucket = qual_tag['value'] break return _should_report(analyzer, error_kind, error_type, error_bucket) def _print_and_write(file_out, message): utils.stdout(message) file_out.write(utils.encode(message + '\n'))