# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # Convention: each Java file must have a single [main] method in the eponymous public class # This is the root for class loads analysis, and the one executed in the JVM to log loads. # There is no .exp file committed, the loads are generated by JVM during testing. TESTS_DIR = ../../.. INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests SOURCES = $(wildcard *.java) LOADS = $(patsubst %.java,%.loads,$(SOURCES)) OBJECTS = $(patsubst %.java,%.class,$(SOURCES)) CLASS_LOADS_OPT = $(patsubst %.java,--class-loads-roots %.main,$(SOURCES)) INFER_OPTIONS = --class-loads-only $(CLASS_LOADS_OPT) --debug-exceptions CLEAN_EXTRA = *.class *.loads loads.exp loads.exp.test include $(TESTS_DIR)/java.make INFER_OUT ?= infer-out$(TEST_SUFFIX) include $(TESTS_DIR)/base.make .PHONY: clean clean: $(REMOVE_DIR) codetoanalyze com issues.exp.test$(TEST_SUFFIX) $(CLEAN_EXTRA) ifneq ($(INFER_OUT),.) $(REMOVE_DIR) $(INFER_OUT) endif PROJECT_ROOT ?= $(TESTS_DIR) issues.exp.test$(TEST_SUFFIX): $(INFER_OUT)/report.json $(INFER_BIN) $(QUIET)$(INFER_BIN) report -q --results-dir $(<D) \ $(INFERPRINT_OPTIONS) $@ --from-json-report $< infer-out/report.json: $(JAVA_DEPS) $(SOURCES) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(QUIET)$(call silent_on_success,Testing infer/java in $(TEST_REL_DIR),\ $(INFER_BIN) --project-root $(PROJECT_ROOT) \ $(INFER_OPTIONS) -- \ $(JAVAC) -cp $(CLASSPATH) $(SOURCES)) %.loads: %.class ifeq ($(JDK11_ENABLED),yes) $(QUIET)java -verbose:class $* | grep "\[info\]\[class,load\]" | cut -f2 -d' ' | grep -vE "^(java|sun|jdk|opened:)" > $@ else $(QUIET)java -verbose:class $* | grep "^\[Loaded" | cut -f2 -d' ' | grep -vE "^(java|sun)" > $@ endif # infer compiles as well as analyses; dependency ensures class files are generated $(OBJECTS): issues.exp.test$(TEST_SUFFIX) loads.exp: $(LOADS) $(QUIET)for F in $(LOADS) ; do sed -e "s#^#$(TEST_REL_DIR)/$${F%.*}.java, #" $$F ; done | sort > loads.exp loads.exp.test: issues.exp.test$(TEST_SUFFIX) $(QUIET)cat $< | sed 's/^\([^,]*\),.*[,\[]\([^,]*\)\]$$/\1, \2/' | sort > $@ .PHONY: test test: loads.exp loads.exp.test $(QUIET)cd $(TESTS_DIR) && \ $(call check_no_diff,$(TEST_REL_DIR)/loads.exp,$(TEST_REL_DIR)/loads.exp.test) .PHONY: replace replace: @: