(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Issue reporting *) let unknown_call call = [%Trace.kprintf Stop.on_unknown_call "@\n@[%a Unknown function call %a@;<1 2>@[%a@]@]@." (fun fs call -> Llair.Loc.pp fs (Llair.Term.loc call)) call (fun fs (call : Llair.Term.t) -> match call with | Call {callee} -> Llair.Function.pp fs callee.name | ICall {callee} -> Llair.Exp.pp fs callee | _ -> () ) call Llair.Term.pp call] let invalid_access_count = ref 0 let invalid_access fmt_thunk pp access loc = Int.incr invalid_access_count ; let rep fs = Format.fprintf fs "%a Invalid memory access@;<1 2>@[%a@]" Llair.Loc.pp (loc access) pp access in Format.printf "@\n@[%t@]@." rep ; [%Trace.printf "@\n@[%t@;<1 2>@[{ %t@ }@]@]@." rep fmt_thunk] ; Stop.on_invalid_access () let invalid_access_inst fmt_thunk inst = invalid_access fmt_thunk Llair.Inst.pp inst Llair.Inst.loc let invalid_access_term fmt_thunk term = invalid_access fmt_thunk Llair.Term.pp term Llair.Term.loc (** Functional statistics *) let solver_steps = ref 0 let step_solver () = Int.incr solver_steps let steps = ref 0 let hit_insts = Llair.Inst.Tbl.create () let hit_terms = Llair.Term.Tbl.create () let step_inst i = Llair.Inst.Tbl.incr hit_insts i ; Int.incr steps let step_term t = Llair.Term.Tbl.incr hit_terms t ; Int.incr steps let bound = ref (-1) let hit_bound n = bound := n (** Status reporting *) type status = | Safe of {bound: int} | Unsafe of {alarms: int; bound: int} | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete | InvalidInput of string | Unimplemented of string | InternalError of string | Timeout | Memout | Crash of string | UnknownError of string [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp] let pp_status ppf stat = let pf fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in match stat with | Safe {bound= -1} -> pf "Safe" | Safe {bound} -> pf "Safe (%i)" bound | Unsafe {alarms; bound= -1} -> pf "Unsafe: %i" alarms | Unsafe {alarms; bound} -> pf "Unsafe: %i (%i)" alarms bound | Ok -> pf "Ok" | Unsound -> pf "Unsound" | Incomplete -> pf "Incomplete" | InvalidInput msg -> pf "Invalid input: %s" msg | Unimplemented msg -> pf "Unimpemented: %s" msg | InternalError msg -> pf "Internal error: %s" msg | Timeout -> pf "Timeout" | Memout -> pf "Memout" | Crash msg -> pf "Crash: %s" msg | UnknownError msg -> pf "Unknown error: %s" msg let safe_or_unsafe () = if !invalid_access_count = 0 then Safe {bound= !bound} else Unsafe {alarms= !invalid_access_count; bound= !bound} type gc_stats = {allocated: float; promoted: float; peak_size: float} [@@deriving sexp] type times = {etime: float; utime: float; stime: float; cutime: float; cstime: float} [@@deriving sexp] type coverage = {steps: int; hit: int; fraction: float; solver_steps: int} [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp] type entry = | ProcessTimes of times | GcStats of gc_stats | Status of status | Coverage of coverage [@@deriving sexp] let process_times () = let {Unix.tms_utime; tms_stime; tms_cutime; tms_cstime} = Unix.times () in let etime = try Mtime.Span.to_s (Mtime_clock.elapsed ()) with Sys_error _ -> 0. in ProcessTimes { etime ; utime= tms_utime ; stime= tms_stime ; cutime= tms_cutime ; cstime= tms_cstime } let gc_stats () = let words_to_MB n = n *. float (Sys.word_size / 8) /. (1024. *. 1024.) in let ctrl = Gc.get () in let stat = Gc.quick_stat () in let allocated = words_to_MB (stat.minor_words +. stat.major_words -. stat.promoted_words) in let promoted = words_to_MB stat.promoted_words in let peak_size = words_to_MB (float (ctrl.minor_heap_size + stat.top_heap_words)) in GcStats {allocated; promoted; peak_size} type t = {name: string; entry: entry} [@@deriving sexp] let chan = ref None let name = ref "" let output entry = Option.iter !chan ~f:(fun chan -> Sexp.output chan (sexp_of_t {name= !name; entry}) ; Out_channel.newline chan ) let init ?append filename = (chan := match filename with | "" -> None | "-" -> Some Out_channel.stderr | _ -> Some (Out_channel.create ?append filename)) ; name := Option.value (Filename.chop_suffix_opt ~suffix:".sexp" filename) ~default:filename ; at_exit (fun () -> output (process_times ()) ; output (gc_stats ()) ; Option.iter ~f:Out_channel.close_no_err !chan ) let coverage (pgm : Llair.program) = let size = Llair.Function.Map.fold pgm.functions 0 ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:func n -> Llair.Func.fold_cfg func n ~f:(fun blk n -> n + IArray.length blk.cmnd + 1 ) ) in let hit = Llair.Inst.Tbl.length hit_insts + Llair.Term.Tbl.length hit_terms in let fraction = Float.(of_int hit /. of_int size) in output (Coverage {steps= !steps; hit; fraction; solver_steps= !solver_steps}) let status s = output (Status s)