(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) (** Generic abstract domains backed by access paths *) (** add-only set of access paths. To make common operations efficient (namely, add, join, and widen), the set is allowed to contain elements whose concretization is redundant (e.g., x* and x.f). these redundancies can be eliminated by expressing the set in its canonical form via a call to [normalize]. however, [normalize] is quadratic in the size of the set, so it should be used sparingly (recommendation: only before computing a summary based on the access path set) *) module Set : sig include AbstractDomain.S val of_list : AccessPath.t list -> astate (** return true if \gamma({ap}) \subseteq \gamma(aps). note: this is worst-case linear in the size of the set *) val mem : AccessPath.t -> astate -> bool (** more permissive version of [mem]; return true if \gamma({a}) \cap \gamma(aps) != {}. note: this is worst-case linear in the size of the set *) val mem_fuzzy : AccessPath.t -> astate -> bool val add : AccessPath.t -> astate -> astate (** simplify an access path set to its canonical representation by eliminating redundancies between (1) pairs of abstracted access_paths, and (2) exact access paths and abstracted access paths. warning: this is quadratic in the size of the set! use sparingly *) val normalize : astate -> astate end