/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import #include @interface SomeObject : NSObject @property int x; @property std::shared_ptr ptr; - (int)returnsPOD; - (std::shared_ptr)returnsnonPOD; - (int)add:(int)param1 andParam2:(int)param2; @end @implementation SomeObject - (int)returnsPOD { return _x; } - (std::shared_ptr)returnsnonPOD { return std::shared_ptr(new int(_x)); } - (int)add:(int)param1 andParam2:(int)param2 { return _x + param1 + param2; } @end int dereferenceNilBad() { int* int_ptr = nil; return *int_ptr; } int testCallMethodReturnsPODOk() { SomeObject* obj = nil; return [obj returnsPOD]; } std::shared_ptr FN_testCallMethodReturnsnonPODBad() { SomeObject* obj = nil; std::shared_ptr d = [obj returnsnonPOD]; // UB return d; } int testAccessPropertyAccessorOk() { SomeObject* obj = nil; return obj.x; // calls property accessor method } std::shared_ptr FN_testAccessPropertyAccessorBad() { SomeObject* obj = nil; return obj.ptr; // calls property accessor method, but return type is non-POD } int methodReturnsPOD(SomeObject* obj) { return [obj returnsPOD]; }; int methodReturnsPODNilOk() { return methodReturnsPOD(nil); }; int methodReturnsPODNotNilOK() { SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new]; return methodReturnsPOD(o); } int testFalsyReturnedValueOk() { int x = testCallMethodReturnsPODOk(); if (x != 0) { int* int_ptr = nil; return *int_ptr; } } int testParamsRemainTheSameOk() { SomeObject* obj = nil; int x1 = 0; int x2 = 5; int x = [obj add:x1 andParam2:x2]; if (x1 != 0) { int* int_ptr = nil; return *int_ptr; } if (x2 != 5) { int* int_ptr = nil; return *int_ptr; } }