(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Timers for runtime statistics *) type t = { mutable ustart: float ; mutable sstart: float ; mutable uaggregate: float ; mutable saggregate: float ; mutable count: int ; mutable max: float ; mutable threshold: float ; name: string } let enabled = ref false let start t = if !enabled then ( let {Unix.tms_utime; tms_stime} = Unix.times () in t.ustart <- tms_utime ; t.sstart <- tms_stime ) let stop_ t = let {Unix.tms_utime; tms_stime} = Unix.times () in let ud = tms_utime -. t.ustart in let sd = tms_stime -. t.sstart in t.uaggregate <- t.uaggregate +. ud ; t.saggregate <- t.saggregate +. sd ; let usd = ud +. sd in if Float.(t.max < usd) then t.max <- usd ; t.count <- t.count + 1 ; (tms_utime, tms_stime) let stop t = if !enabled then stop_ t |> (ignore : float * float -> unit) let stop_report t report = if !enabled then let tms_utime, tms_stime = stop_ t in let elapsed = tms_utime +. tms_stime -. (t.ustart +. t.sstart) in if Float.(elapsed > t.threshold) then ( t.threshold <- elapsed ; report ~name:t.name ~elapsed:(elapsed *. 1000.) ~aggregate:((t.uaggregate +. t.saggregate) *. 1000.) ~count:t.count ) let create ?at_exit:printf name = let t = { ustart= 0. ; uaggregate= 0. ; sstart= 0. ; saggregate= 0. ; count= 0 ; max= 0. ; threshold= 0. ; name } in Option.iter printf ~f:(fun report -> at_exit (fun () -> if !enabled then report ~name:t.name ~elapsed:(t.max *. 1000.) ~aggregate:((t.uaggregate +. t.saggregate) *. 1000.) ~count:t.count ) ) ; t