(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module L = Logging type throws = | DontKnow (** May or may not throw an exception. *) | Throws (** Definitely throws an exception. *) | DoesNotThrow (** Does not throw an exception. *) (** Module type used to define the state component for a dataflow algorithm. *) module type DFStateType = sig (** Type for state. *) type t (** Equality between states. *) val equal : t -> t -> bool (** Join two states (the old one is the first parameter). *) val join : t -> t -> t (** Perform a state transition on a node. *) val do_node : Tenv.t -> Cfg.Node.t -> t -> (t list) * (t list) (** Can proc throw an exception? *) val proc_throws : Procname.t -> throws end (** Type for the dataflow API. *) module type DF = sig type t type state type transition = | Dead_state | Transition of state * state list * state list val join : state list -> state -> state val run : Tenv.t -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> state -> (Cfg.Node.t -> transition) end (** Determine if the node can throw an exception. *) let node_throws node (proc_throws : Procname.t -> throws) : throws = let instr_throws instr = let is_return pvar = let pdesc = Cfg.Node.get_proc_desc node in let ret_pvar = Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_var pdesc in Pvar.equal pvar ret_pvar in match instr with | Sil.Store (Exp.Lvar pvar, _, Exp.Exn _, _) when is_return pvar -> (* assignment to return variable is an artifact of a throw instruction *) Throws | Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pn), _, _, _) when Builtin.is_registered callee_pn -> if Procname.equal callee_pn ModelBuiltins.__cast then DontKnow else DoesNotThrow | Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pn), _, _, _) -> proc_throws callee_pn | _ -> DoesNotThrow in let res = ref DoesNotThrow in let update_res throws = match !res, throws with | DontKnow, DontKnow -> res := DontKnow | Throws, _ | _, Throws -> res := Throws | DoesNotThrow, t | t, DoesNotThrow -> res := t in let do_instr instr = update_res (instr_throws instr) in IList.iter do_instr (Cfg.Node.get_instrs node); !res (** Create an instance of the dataflow algorithm given a state parameter. *) module MakeDF(St: DFStateType) : DF with type state = St.t = struct module S = Cfg.NodeSet module H = Cfg.NodeHash module N = Cfg.Node type worklist = S.t type statemap = St.t H.t type statelistmap = (St.t list) H.t type t = { mutable worklist: worklist; pre_states : statemap; post_states : statelistmap; exn_states : statelistmap; proc_desc : Cfg.Procdesc.t } type state = St.t type transition = | Dead_state | Transition of state * state list * state list let join states initial_state = IList.fold_left St.join initial_state states (** Propagate [new_state] to all the nodes immediately reachable. *) let propagate t node states_succ states_exn (throws : throws) = let propagate_to_dest new_state dest_node = let push_state s = H.replace t.pre_states dest_node s; t.worklist <- S.add dest_node t.worklist in try let dest_state = H.find t.pre_states dest_node in let dest_joined = St.join dest_state new_state in if not (St.equal dest_state dest_joined) then push_state dest_joined with Not_found -> push_state new_state in let succ_nodes = Cfg.Node.get_succs node in let exn_nodes = Cfg.Node.get_exn node in if throws <> Throws then IList.iter (fun s -> IList.iter (propagate_to_dest s) succ_nodes) states_succ; if throws <> DoesNotThrow then IList.iter (fun s -> IList.iter (propagate_to_dest s) exn_nodes) states_exn; H.replace t.post_states node states_succ; H.replace t.exn_states node states_exn (** Run the worklist-based dataflow algorithm. *) let run tenv proc_desc state = let t = let start_node = Cfg.Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc in let init_set = S.singleton start_node in let init_statemap = let m = H.create 1 in H.replace m start_node state; m in { worklist = init_set; pre_states = init_statemap; post_states = H.create 0; exn_states = H.create 0; proc_desc = proc_desc } in let () = while (not (S.is_empty t.worklist)) do let node = S.min_elt t.worklist in t.worklist <- S.remove node t.worklist; try let state = H.find t.pre_states node in let states_succ, states_exn = St.do_node tenv node state in propagate t node states_succ states_exn (node_throws node St.proc_throws) with Not_found -> () done in let transitions node = try Transition (H.find t.pre_states node, H.find t.post_states node, H.find t.exn_states node) with Not_found -> Dead_state in transitions end (* MakeDF *) (** Example dataflow callback: compute the the distance from a node to the start node. *) let callback_test_dataflow { Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv } = let verbose = false in let module DFCount = MakeDF(struct type t = int let equal = int_equal let join n m = if n = 0 then m else n let do_node _ n s = if verbose then L.stdout "visiting node %a with state %d@." Cfg.Node.pp n s; [s + 1], [s + 1] let proc_throws _ = DoesNotThrow end) in let transitions = DFCount.run tenv proc_desc 0 in let do_node node = match transitions node with | DFCount.Transition _ -> () | DFCount.Dead_state -> () in IList.iter do_node (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes proc_desc)