(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) (** Make sure callbacks are always unregistered. drive the point home by reporting possible NPE's *) module L = Logging module F = Format module P = Printf module IdSet = Ident.IdentSet module FldSet = Ident.FieldSet open Utils (** Automatically create a harness method to exercise code under test *) (** return the set of instance fields that are assigned to a null literal in [procdesc] *) let get_fields_nullified procdesc = (* walk through the instructions and look for instance fields that are assigned to null *) let collect_nullified_flds (nullified_flds, this_ids) _ = function | Sil.Set (Sil.Lfield (Sil.Var lhs, fld, _), typ, rhs, loc) when Sil.exp_is_null_literal rhs && IdSet.mem lhs this_ids -> (FldSet.add fld nullified_flds, this_ids) | Sil.Letderef (id, rhs, _, _) when Sil.exp_is_this rhs -> (nullified_flds, IdSet.add id this_ids) | _ -> (nullified_flds, this_ids) in let (nullified_flds, _) = Cfg.Procdesc.fold_instrs collect_nullified_flds (FldSet.empty, IdSet.empty) procdesc in nullified_flds (** set of instance fields belonging to the current file that are assigned to null literals *) let fields_nullified = ref FldSet.empty (** set of callbacks registered in the current file *) let registered_callback_procs = ref Procname.Set.empty let android_lifecycle_typs = ref [] (** resolve the list of android lifecycle type strings in [tenv] *) let get_or_create_lifecycle_typs tenv = match !android_lifecycle_typs with | [] -> let lifecycle_typs = IList.fold_left (fun typs (pkg, clazz, methods) -> let qualified_name = Mangled.from_package_class pkg clazz in match AndroidFramework.get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt qualified_name methods tenv with | Some (framework_typ, _) -> framework_typ :: typs | None -> typs ) [] AndroidFramework.get_lifecycles in android_lifecycle_typs := lifecycle_typs; lifecycle_typs | typs -> typs let do_eradicate_check all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc = Eradicate.callback_eradicate all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc let num_methods_checked = ref 0 let done_checking num_methods = incr num_methods_checked; !num_methods_checked = num_methods (** ask Eradicate to check each of the procs in [registered_callback_procs] (and their transitive * callees) in a context where each of the fields in [fields_nullifed] is marked as @Nullable *) let do_eradicate_check all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv = (* tell Eradicate to treat each of the fields nullified in on_destroy as nullable *) FldSet.iter (fun fld -> Models.Inference.field_add_nullable_annotation fld) !fields_nullified; Procname.Set.iter (fun proc_name -> match get_procdesc proc_name with | Some proc_desc -> do_eradicate_check all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc | None -> ()) !registered_callback_procs (** if [procname] belongs to an Android lifecycle type, save the set of callbacks registered in * [procname]. in addition, if [procname] is a special "destroy" /"cleanup" method, save the set of * fields that are nullified *) let callback_checker_main all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv proc_name proc_desc = match Sil.get_typ (Mangled.from_string (Procname.java_get_class proc_name)) None tenv with | Some (Sil.Tstruct(_, _, csu, Some class_name, _, methods, _) as typ) -> let lifecycle_typs = get_or_create_lifecycle_typs tenv in let proc_belongs_to_lifecycle_typ = IList.exists (fun lifecycle_typ -> AndroidFramework.typ_is_lifecycle_typ typ lifecycle_typ tenv) lifecycle_typs in if proc_belongs_to_lifecycle_typ then (* TODO (tt4959422): get all of the callbacks registered by callees as well *) let registered_callback_typs = AndroidFramework.get_callbacks_registered_by_proc proc_desc tenv in (* find the callbacks registered by this procedure and update the list *) let registered_callback_procs' = IList.fold_left (fun callback_procs callback_typ -> match callback_typ with | Sil.Tptr (Sil.Tstruct(_, _, Sil.Class, Some class_name, _, methods, _), _) -> IList.fold_left (fun callback_procs callback_proc -> if Procname.is_constructor callback_proc then callback_procs else Procname.Set.add callback_proc callback_procs) callback_procs methods | typ -> callback_procs) !registered_callback_procs registered_callback_typs in registered_callback_procs := registered_callback_procs'; let _ = if AndroidFramework.is_destroy_method proc_name then (* compute the set of fields nullified by this procedure *) (* TODO (t4959422): get fields that are nullified in callees of the destroy method *) fields_nullified := FldSet.union (get_fields_nullified proc_desc) !fields_nullified in if done_checking (IList.length methods) then do_eradicate_check all_procs get_procdesc idenv tenv | _ -> ()