(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! NS0 include ContainersLabels.List type 'a t = 'a list [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] let hd_exn = hd let hd = function [] -> None | hd :: _ -> Some hd let tl_exn = tl let tl = function [] -> None | _ :: tl -> Some tl let pop_exn = function x :: xs -> (x, xs) | [] -> raise Not_found let exists xs ~f = exists ~f xs let for_all xs ~f = for_all ~f xs let find_exn xs ~f = find ~f xs let find xs ~f = find_opt ~f xs let find_map xs ~f = find_map ~f xs let find_map_exn xs ~f = Option.get_exn (find_map xs ~f) let remove_one_exn ~eq x xs = let rec remove_ ys = function | [] -> raise Not_found | z :: xs -> if eq x z then rev_append ys xs else remove_ (z :: ys) xs in remove_ [] xs let remove_one ~eq x xs = try Some (remove_one_exn ~eq x xs) with Not_found -> None let remove ~eq x xs = remove ~eq ~key:x xs let map xs ~f = map ~f xs let map_endo t ~f = map_endo map t ~f let rev_map_split xs ~f = fold_left xs ~init:([], []) ~f:(fun (ys, zs) x -> let y, z = f x in (y :: ys, z :: zs) ) let combine_exn = combine let combine xs ys = try Some (combine_exn xs ys) with Invalid_argument _ -> None let fold xs ~init ~f = fold_left ~f ~init xs let reduce xs ~f = match xs with [] -> None | x :: xs -> Some (fold xs ~init:x ~f) let fold2_exn xs ys ~init ~f = fold_left2 ~f ~init xs ys let group_succ ~eq xs = group_succ ~eq:(fun y x -> eq x y) xs let symmetric_diff ~cmp xs ys = let rec symmetric_diff_ xxs yys : _ Either.t list = match (xxs, yys) with | x :: xs, y :: ys -> let ord = cmp x y in if ord = 0 then symmetric_diff_ xs ys else if ord < 0 then Left x :: symmetric_diff_ xs yys else Right y :: symmetric_diff_ xxs ys | xs, [] -> map ~f:Either.left xs | [], ys -> map ~f:Either.right ys in symmetric_diff_ (sort ~cmp xs) (sort ~cmp ys) let rec pp ?pre ?suf sep pp_elt fs = function | [] -> () | x :: xs -> Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) pre ; pp_elt fs x ; ( match xs with | [] -> () | xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ; Option.iter ~f:(Format.fprintf fs) suf let pp_diff ~cmp sep pp_elt fs (xs, ys) = let pp_diff_elt fs (elt : _ Either.t) = match elt with | Left x -> Format.fprintf fs "-- %a" pp_elt x | Right y -> Format.fprintf fs "++ %a" pp_elt y in pp sep pp_diff_elt fs (symmetric_diff ~cmp xs ys)