(* * Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd open PolyVariantEqual module F = Format module L = Logging let multilink_file_name = "multilink.txt" type t = string String.Table.t let add multilinks fname = String.Table.set multilinks ~key:(Filename.basename fname) ~data:fname let create () : t = String.Table.create ~size:1 () (* Cache of multilinks files read from disk *) let multilink_files_cache = String.Table.create ~size:1 () let reset_cache () = String.Table.clear multilink_files_cache let read ~dir : t option = let multilink_fname = Filename.concat dir multilink_file_name in match Utils.read_file multilink_fname with | Error _ -> None | Ok lines -> let links = create () in List.iter ~f:(fun line -> String.Table.set links ~key:(Filename.basename line) ~data:line) lines ; String.Table.set multilink_files_cache ~key:dir ~data:links ; Some links (* Write a multilink file in the given directory *) let write multilinks ~dir = let fname = Filename.concat dir multilink_file_name in let outc = Out_channel.create fname in String.Table.iteri ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:src -> Out_channel.output_string outc (src ^ "\n")) multilinks ; Out_channel.close outc let lookup ~dir = try Some (String.Table.find_exn multilink_files_cache dir) with Not_found -> read ~dir let resolve fname = let fname_s = DB.filename_to_string fname in if Sys.file_exists fname_s = `Yes then fname else let base = Filename.basename fname_s in let dir = Filename.dirname fname_s in match lookup ~dir with | None -> fname | Some links -> try DB.filename_from_string (String.Table.find_exn links base) with Not_found -> fname