(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** IArray - Immutable view of an array *) open Import0 module Array = Base.Array module Hash = Base.Hash open Base.Continue_or_stop (** = 'a array but covariant since imperative operations hidden *) type +'a t let v (a : 'a array) : 'a t = Caml.Obj.magic a let a (v : 'a t) : 'a array = Caml.Obj.magic v let _vl (al : 'a array list) : 'a t list = Caml.Obj.magic al let al (vl : 'a t list) : 'a array list = Caml.Obj.magic vl let compare cmp x y = Array.compare cmp (a x) (a y) let equal cmp x y = Array.equal cmp (a x) (a y) let hash_fold_t f s x = Hash.Builtin.hash_fold_array_frozen f s (a x) let t_of_sexp a_of_sexp s = v (Array.t_of_sexp a_of_sexp s) let sexp_of_t sexp_of_a x = Array.sexp_of_t sexp_of_a (a x) module Infix = struct type +'a iarray = 'a t [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] end let to_list x = Array.to_list (a x) let to_array = a let pp sep pp_elt fs v = List.pp sep pp_elt fs (to_list v) let concat_map x ~f = v (Array.concat_map (a x) ~f:(fun y -> a (f y))) let map_adjacent ~f dummy xs_v = let xs0 = a xs_v in let copy_xs = lazy (Array.copy xs0) in let n = Array.length xs0 - 1 in let rec map_adjacent_ i xs = if i < n then let xs = match f xs.(i) xs.(i + 1) with | None -> xs | Some x -> let xs = Lazy.force copy_xs in xs.(i) <- dummy ; xs.(i + 1) <- x ; xs in map_adjacent_ (i + 1) xs else if xs == xs0 then xs else Array.filter xs ~f:(fun x -> not (dummy == x)) in v (map_adjacent_ 0 xs0) let create ~len x = v (Array.create ~len x) let empty = v [||] let contains_dup ~compare xs = Option.is_some (Array.find_consecutive_duplicate ~equal:(fun x y -> compare x y = 0) (Array.sorted_copy ~compare (a xs))) let find x ~f = Array.find (a x) ~f let find_exn x ~f = Array.find_exn (a x) ~f let find_map x ~f = Array.find_map (a x) ~f let fold x ~init ~f = Array.fold (a x) ~init ~f let fold_right x ~f ~init = Array.fold_right (a x) ~f ~init let fold_result x ~init ~f = Array.fold_result (a x) ~init ~f let fold_until x ~init ~f ~finish = Array.fold_until (a x) ~init ~f ~finish let fold2_exn x y ~init ~f = Array.fold2_exn (a x) (a y) ~init ~f let exists x ~f = Array.exists (a x) ~f let for_all x ~f = Array.for_all (a x) ~f let for_all2_exn x y ~f = Array.for_all2_exn (a x) (a y) ~f let filteri x ~f = v (Array.filteri (a x) ~f) external get : 'a t -> int -> 'a = "%array_safe_get" let last x = Array.last (a x) let init n ~f = v (Array.init n ~f) let is_empty x = Array.is_empty (a x) let iter x ~f = Array.iter (a x) ~f let rev_iter x ~f = Array.fold_right (a x) ~init:() ~f:(fun e () -> f e) let iter2_exn x y ~f = Array.iter2_exn (a x) (a y) ~f let iteri x ~f = Array.iteri (a x) ~f let length x = Array.length (a x) let map x ~f = v (Array.map (a x) ~f) let map_preserving_phys_equal xs ~f = let change = ref false in let xs' = map xs ~f:(fun x -> let x' = f x in if not (x' == x) then change := true ; x' ) in if !change then xs' else xs let mapi x ~f = v (Array.mapi (a x) ~f) let map2_exn x y ~f = v (Array.map2_exn (a x) (a y) ~f) let map_inplace x ~f = Array.map_inplace (a x) ~f let fold_map x ~init ~f = let s, x = Array.fold_map (a x) ~init ~f in (s, v x) let fold_map_until xs ~init ~f ~finish = with_return (fun {return} -> finish (fold_map xs ~init ~f:(fun s x -> match f s x with Continue x -> x | Stop x -> return x )) ) let concat xs = v (Array.concat (al xs)) let copy x = v (Array.copy (a x)) let sub ~pos ~len x = v (Array.sub ~pos ~len (a x)) let subo ?pos ?len x = v (Array.subo ?pos ?len (a x)) let of_ x = v [|x|] let of_array = v let of_list x = v (Array.of_list x) let of_list_rev x = v (Array.of_list_rev x) let of_option x = v (Option.to_array x) let reduce_exn x ~f = Array.reduce_exn (a x) ~f let unzip x = let y, z = Array.unzip (a x) in (v y, v z)