(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd (** Utility module for translating unary and binary operations and compound assignments *) (* Returns the translation of assignment when ARC mode is enabled in Obj-C *) (* For __weak and __unsafe_unretained the translation is the same as non-ARC *) (* (this is because, in these cases, there is no change in the reference counter *) (* of the pointee).*) (* The difference is when the lvalue is a __strong or __autoreleasing. In those*) (* case we need to add proper retain/release.*) (* See document: "Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting" describing the semantics *) let assignment_arc_mode e1 typ e2 loc rhs_owning_method is_e1_decl = let assign = Sil.Store (e1, typ, e2, loc) in let retain_pname = BuiltinDecl.__objc_retain in let release_pname = BuiltinDecl.__objc_release in let autorelease_pname = BuiltinDecl.__set_autorelease_attribute in let mk_call procname e t = let bi_retain = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun procname) in Sil.Call (None, bi_retain, [(e, t)], loc, CallFlags.default) in match typ with | Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_pointer) when not rhs_owning_method && not is_e1_decl -> (* for __strong e1 = e2 the semantics is*) (* retain(e2); tmp=e1; e1=e2; release(tmp); *) let retain = mk_call retain_pname e2 typ in let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let tmp_assign = Sil.Load (id, e1, typ, loc) in let release = mk_call release_pname (Exp.Var id) typ in (e1,[retain; tmp_assign; assign; release]) | Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_pointer) when not rhs_owning_method && is_e1_decl -> (* for A __strong *e1 = e2 the semantics is*) (* retain(e2); e1=e2; *) let retain = mk_call retain_pname e2 typ in (e1,[retain; assign]) | Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_objc_weak) | Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained) -> (e1, [assign]) | Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_objc_autoreleasing) -> (* for __autoreleasing e1 = e2 the semantics is*) (* retain(e2); autorelease(e2); e1=e2; *) let retain = mk_call retain_pname e2 typ in let autorelease = mk_call autorelease_pname e2 typ in (e1, [retain; autorelease; assign]) | _ -> (e1, [assign]) (* Returns a pair ([binary_expression], instructions) for binary operator representing a *) (* CompoundAssignment. "binary_expression" is returned when we are calculating an expression*) (* "instructions" is not empty when the binary operator is actually a statement like an *) (* assignment. *) let compound_assignment_binary_operation_instruction boi e1 typ e2 loc = let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let instr1 = Sil.Load (id, e1, typ, loc) in let e_res, instr_op = match boi.Clang_ast_t.boi_kind with | `AddAssign -> let e1_plus_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.PlusA, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_plus_e2, loc)]) | `SubAssign -> let e1_sub_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.MinusA, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_sub_e2, loc)]) | `MulAssign -> let e1_mul_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.Mult, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_mul_e2, loc)]) | `DivAssign -> let e1_div_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.Div, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_div_e2, loc)]) | `ShlAssign -> let e1_shl_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.Shiftlt, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_shl_e2, loc)]) | `ShrAssign -> let e1_shr_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.Shiftrt, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_shr_e2, loc)]) | `RemAssign -> let e1_mod_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.Mod, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_mod_e2, loc)]) | `AndAssign -> let e1_and_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.BAnd, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_and_e2, loc)]) | `OrAssign -> let e1_or_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.BOr, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_or_e2, loc)]) | `XorAssign -> let e1_xor_e2 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.BXor, Exp.Var id, e2) in (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e1_xor_e2, loc)]) | _ -> assert false in (e_res, instr1:: instr_op) (* Returns a pair ([binary_expression], instructions). "binary_expression" *) (* is returned when we are calculating an expression "instructions" is not *) (* empty when the binary operator is actually a statement like an *) (* assignment. *) let binary_operation_instruction boi e1 typ e2 loc rhs_owning_method = let binop_exp op = Exp.BinOp(op, e1, e2) in match boi.Clang_ast_t.boi_kind with | `Add -> (binop_exp (Binop.PlusA), []) | `Mul -> (binop_exp (Binop.Mult), []) | `Div -> (binop_exp (Binop.Div), []) | `Rem -> (binop_exp (Binop.Mod), []) | `Sub -> (binop_exp (Binop.MinusA), []) | `Shl -> (binop_exp (Binop.Shiftlt), []) | `Shr -> (binop_exp(Binop.Shiftrt), []) | `Or -> (binop_exp (Binop.BOr), []) | `And -> (binop_exp (Binop.BAnd), []) | `Xor -> (binop_exp (Binop.BXor), []) | `LT -> (binop_exp (Binop.Lt), []) | `GT -> (binop_exp (Binop.Gt), []) | `LE -> (binop_exp (Binop.Le), []) | `GE -> (binop_exp (Binop.Ge), []) | `NE -> (binop_exp (Binop.Ne), []) | `EQ -> (binop_exp (Binop.Eq), []) | `LAnd -> (binop_exp (Binop.LAnd), []) | `LOr -> (binop_exp (Binop.LOr), []) | `Assign -> if !Config.arc_mode && ObjcInterface_decl.is_pointer_to_objc_class typ then assignment_arc_mode e1 typ e2 loc rhs_owning_method false else (e1, [Sil.Store (e1, typ, e2, loc)]) | `Comma -> (e2, []) (* C99 6.5.17-2 *) | `MulAssign | `DivAssign | `RemAssign | `AddAssign | `SubAssign | `ShlAssign | `ShrAssign | `AndAssign | `XorAssign | `OrAssign -> compound_assignment_binary_operation_instruction boi e1 typ e2 loc (* We should not get here. *) (* These should be treated by compound_assignment_binary_operation_instruction*) | bok -> Logging.out "\nWARNING: Missing translation for Binary Operator Kind %s. Construct ignored...\n" (Clang_ast_j.string_of_binary_operator_kind bok); (Exp.minus_one, []) let unary_operation_instruction translation_unit_context uoi e typ loc = let uok = Clang_ast_j.string_of_unary_operator_kind (uoi.Clang_ast_t.uoi_kind) in let un_exp op = Exp.UnOp(op, e, Some typ) in match uoi.Clang_ast_t.uoi_kind with | `PostInc -> let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let instr1 = Sil.Load (id, e, typ, loc) in let e_plus_1 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.PlusA, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const(Const.Cint (IntLit.one))) in (Exp.Var id, instr1::[Sil.Store (e, typ, e_plus_1, loc)]) | `PreInc -> let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let instr1 = Sil.Load (id, e, typ, loc) in let e_plus_1 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.PlusA, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const(Const.Cint (IntLit.one))) in let exp = if CGeneral_utils.is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context then e else e_plus_1 in (exp, instr1::[Sil.Store (e, typ, e_plus_1, loc)]) | `PostDec -> let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let instr1 = Sil.Load (id, e, typ, loc) in let e_minus_1 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.MinusA, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const(Const.Cint (IntLit.one))) in (Exp.Var id, instr1::[Sil.Store (e, typ, e_minus_1, loc)]) | `PreDec -> let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal in let instr1 = Sil.Load (id, e, typ, loc) in let e_minus_1 = Exp.BinOp(Binop.MinusA, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const(Const.Cint (IntLit.one))) in let exp = if CGeneral_utils.is_cpp_translation translation_unit_context then e else e_minus_1 in (exp, instr1::[Sil.Store (e, typ, e_minus_1, loc)]) | `Not -> (un_exp (Unop.BNot), []) | `Minus -> (un_exp (Unop.Neg), []) | `Plus -> (e, []) | `LNot -> (un_exp (Unop.LNot), []) | `Deref -> (* Actual dereferencing is handled by implicit cast from rvalue to lvalue *) (e, []) | `AddrOf -> (e, []) | `Real | `Imag | `Extension | `Coawait -> Logging.out "\nWARNING: Missing translation for Unary Operator Kind %s. The construct has been ignored...\n" uok; (e, []) let bin_op_to_string boi = match boi.Clang_ast_t.boi_kind with | `PtrMemD -> "PtrMemD" | `PtrMemI -> "PtrMemI" | `Mul -> "Mul" | `Div -> "Div" | `Rem -> "Rem" | `Add -> "Add" | `Sub -> "Sub" | `Shl -> "Shl" | `Shr -> "Shr" | `LT -> "LT" | `GT -> "GT" | `LE -> "LE" | `GE -> "GE" | `EQ -> "EQ" | `NE -> "NE" | `And -> "And" | `Xor -> "Xor" | `Or -> "Or" | `LAnd -> "LAnd" | `LOr -> "LOr" | `Assign -> "Assign" | `MulAssign -> "MulAssign" | `DivAssign -> "DivAssign" | `RemAssign -> "RemAssing" | `AddAssign -> "AddAssign" | `SubAssign -> "SubAssign" | `ShlAssign -> "ShlAssign" | `ShrAssign -> "ShrAssign" | `AndAssign -> "AndAssign" | `XorAssign -> "XorAssign" | `OrAssign -> "OrAssign" | `Comma -> "Comma" let sil_const_plus_one const = match const with | Exp.Const (Const.Cint n) -> Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.add n IntLit.one)) | _ -> Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA, const, Exp.Const (Const.Cint (IntLit.one)))