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# Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# Dead code detection: type `make` in this directory.
# OCaml will not detect dead code as soon as it gets exported in a .mli file. But, it will detect
# dead code in inlined modules, even if they have a signature. This suggests the following idea,
# which is basically what happens here:
# 1. Put all of the infer source code into a single .ml file with an empty .mli. Each file is put
# inside its own inline module, with its original signature included too to avoid ambiguities in
# case of locally opened modules (which may shadow more values than intended otherwise).
# 2. Add preprocessor instructions so that OCaml warnings are shown in the original files.
# 3. Suppress warnings in source code copied from generated files (atdgen, lexers, and parsers).
# 3. Run the OCaml compiler.
# 4. Kill detected dead code; repeat until dry.
# Infer is first compiled so that atdgen, ocamllex, and menhir generate the appropriate files. The
# ocamllex and menhir files are generated inside ../_build by jbuilder, and copied here by this
# Makefile.
# ocamldepend is used to `cat` the source files in the right order into
# Beware that this is mostly a terrible hack.
ROOT_DIR = ../../..
include $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile.config
INFER_BUILD_DIR = ../_build/test
default: detect_dead_code
ml_src_files_from_mlly:=$(shell find .. -not -path "../*stubs*" -regex '\.\./[a-zA-Z].*\.ml[ly]')
ml_src_files:=$(shell cd .. && find . -not -path "./*stubs*" -regex '\./[a-zA-Z].*\.mli*')
ml_src_files_without_mli:=$(shell cd .. && for i in $$(find . -not -path "./*stubs*" -regex '\./[a-zA-Z].*\.ml'); do [ -f $${i}i ] || echo $$i; done)
.PHONY: depend
cd .. && \
ocamldep -native \
-I IR -I absint -I atd -I backend -I base -I biabduction -I bufferoverrun -I checkers \
-I clang -I concurrency -I eradicate -I facebook -I integration -I istd \
-I java -I labs -I python -I quandary -I unit -I unit/clang -I deadcode \
$(ml_src_files) > deadcode/.depend
# circular dependency... not sure how to fix properly
%.cmi: %.cmx
# deal with the .ml *and* the .mli at the same time: when all the modules are inlined in one
# file, you need the module value to be defined before you can refer to it, even in
# signatures. Because of this, the order given by ocamldep is not enough to avoid "Unbound
# module MyModule" errors in the case of signatures referring to other modules.
# put too many spaces in general but you never know what the contents of the file is;
# sometimes spaces will be needed
$(QUIET)echo "include struct module type " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
# suppress some warnings for generated code
$(QUIET)if [[ $@ =~ (atd|deadcode)/ ]]; then echo ' [@warning "-27-32-34-35-39"] ' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML); fi
# compute module name from file name: capitalize first letter
$(QUIET)echo $(shell basename $*) | $(GNU_SED) -e "s/\b\(.\)/ \u\1/g" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " = sig " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
# pre-processor directive to get errors in the original files and not in
$(QUIET)echo '# 1 "$*.mli"' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
cat ../$*.mli >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " end end " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
# silence "unused module" warnings for executables
$(QUIET)if [ $@ = "infer.cmi" ] \
|| [ $@ = "unit/inferunit.cmi" ] \
|| [ $@ = "facebook/InferCreateTraceViewLinks.cmi" ] \
; then \
echo '[@warning "-60"] ' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML); \
# lots of duplication from above, sorry
$(QUIET)echo "include struct module " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)if [[ $@ =~ (atd|deadcode)/ ]]; then echo ' [@warning "-27-32-34-35-39"] ' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML); fi
$(QUIET)echo $(shell basename $*) | $(GNU_SED) -e "s/\b\(.\)/ \u\1/g" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " : " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo $(shell basename $*) | $(GNU_SED) -e "s/\b\(.\)/ \u\1/g" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " = struct " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo '# 1 "$*.ml"' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
cat ../$*.ml >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " end end" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo "(* END OF MODULE $*.ml *)" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
# silence "unused module" warnings for executables
$(QUIET)if [ $@ = "infer.cmi" ] \
|| [ $@ = "unit/inferunit.cmi" ] \
|| [ $@ = "facebook/InferCreateTraceViewLinks.cmi" ] \
; then \
echo '[@warning "-60"] ' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML);\
# again mostly duplicated from above
$(QUIET)echo " module " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)if [[ $@ =~ (atd|deadcode)/ ]]; then echo ' [@warning "-27-32-34-35-39"] ' >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML); fi
$(QUIET)echo $(shell basename $@ .cmx) | $(GNU_SED) -e "s/\b\(.\)/ \u\1/g" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " = struct " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo "# 1 \"$$(echo $@ | $(GNU_SED) -e 's/\.cmx$$/.ml/')\"" >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
cat ../$$(echo $@ | $(GNU_SED) -e "s/\.cmx$$/.ml/") >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo " end " >> $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
$(QUIET)echo skipping '$@'
-include .depend
# Concatenate all source files of infer into a single file. Assume that all source files are
# available (in particular generated ones) and .depend has been created by ocamldep. Depend on the
# root .cmx to include all the code. Any code not used in the construction of these "root .cmx" will
# be considered dead.
.PHONY: flatten_infer
flatten_infer: infer.cmx unit/inferunit.cmx facebook/InferCreateTraceViewLinks.cmx
$(QUIET)echo "see results in $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)"
.PHONY: detect_dead_code
$(MAKE) clean
# create a dummy implementation file to keep jbuilder happy, as we are about to generate the
# jbuilder file for this directory
# needed to get jbuild generated, and the generated code for the lexers and parsers in ../_build
$(MAKE) GENERATED_JBUILDS=deadcode/jbuild -C .. test
# copy generated source files from ../_build
for file in $(ml_src_files_from_mlly); do \
set +e; \
[ -f "$(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mly).ml" ] && \
$(COPY) $(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mly).ml .; \
[ -f "$(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mly).mli" ] && \
$(COPY) $(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mly).mli .; \
[ -f "$(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mll).ml" ] && \
$(COPY) $(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mll).ml .; \
[ -f "$(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mll).mli" ] && \
$(COPY) $(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/$$(basename $$file .mll).mli .; \
set -e; \
$(MAKE) depend
# Need to be sequential to avoid getting a garbled file. Need to re-include .depend as it may
# have changed. For both of these reasons, run another `make`.
# Create a temp file so that the build doesn't break if this step gets interrupted.
tmp_file=$$(mktemp -t; \
$(MAKE) -j 1 ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML="$$tmp_file" flatten_infer; \
mv "$$tmp_file" $(ALL_INFER_IN_ONE_FILE_ML)
# build and get dead code warnings; clean in case of errors so as not to leave rubbish around
if ! jbuilder build $(INFER_BUILD_DIR)/deadcode/all_infer_in_one_file.bc; then \
$(MAKE) clean; \
exit 1; \
# be paranoid about cleaning because we do not want to include infer_in_one_file into infer by
# accident and I don't know enough jbuilder to be positive that it won't happen
$(MAKE) clean
.PHONY: clean
$(REMOVE) .depend *.ml *.mli jbuild