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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(** backward analysis for computing set of maybe-live variables at each program point *)
module Domain = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet(Var)
(* compilers 101-style backward transfer functions for liveness analysis. gen a variable when it is
read, kill the variable when it is assigned *)
module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Domain
type extras = ProcData.no_extras
(* add all of the vars read in [exp] to the live set *)
let exp_add_live exp astate =
let (ids, pvars) = Exp.get_vars exp in
let astate' =
~f:(fun astate_acc id -> Domain.add (Var.of_id id) astate_acc)
ids in
~f:(fun astate_acc pvar -> Domain.add (Var.of_pvar pvar) astate_acc)
let exec_instr astate _ _ = function
| Sil.Load (lhs_id, rhs_exp, _, _) ->
Domain.remove (Var.of_id lhs_id) astate
|> exp_add_live rhs_exp
| Sil.Store (Lvar lhs_pvar, _, rhs_exp, _) ->
let astate' =
if Pvar.is_global lhs_pvar
then astate (* never kill globals *)
else Domain.remove (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) astate in
exp_add_live rhs_exp astate'
| Sil.Store (lhs_exp, _, rhs_exp, _) ->
exp_add_live lhs_exp astate
|> exp_add_live rhs_exp
| Sil.Prune (exp, _, _, _) ->
exp_add_live exp astate
| Sil.Call (ret_id, call_exp, params, _, _) ->
Option.value_map ~f:(fun (ret_id, _) -> Domain.remove (Var.of_id ret_id) astate)
~default:astate ret_id
|> exp_add_live call_exp
|> (fun x -> List.fold_right ~f:exp_add_live ( ~f:fst params) ~init:x)
| Sil.Declare_locals _ | Remove_temps _ | Abstract _ | Nullify _ ->
module Analyzer =
AbstractInterpreter.Make (ProcCfg.Backward(ProcCfg.Exceptional)) (TransferFunctions)