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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type exception_details =
{ msg: string
; position: Logging.ocaml_pos
; source_range: Clang_ast_t.source_range
; ast_node: string option }
exception Unimplemented of exception_details
exception IncorrectAssumption of exception_details
exception Invalid_declaration
let unimplemented position source_range ?ast_node fmt =
F.kasprintf (fun msg -> raise (Unimplemented {msg; position; source_range; ast_node})) fmt
let incorrect_assumption position source_range ?ast_node fmt =
F.kasprintf (fun msg -> raise (IncorrectAssumption {msg; position; source_range; ast_node})) fmt
let protect ~f ~recover ~pp_context =
let log_and_recover ~print fmt =
recover () ;
(if print then L.internal_error else L.(debug Capture Quiet)) ("%a@\n" ^^ fmt) pp_context ()
try f () with
(* Always keep going in case of known limitations of the frontend, crash otherwise (by not
catching the exception) unless `--keep-going` was passed. Print errors we should fix
(t21762295) to the console. *)
| Unimplemented e ->
log_and_recover ~print:false "Unimplemented feature:@\n %s@\n" e.msg
| IncorrectAssumption e ->
(* FIXME(t21762295): we do not expect this to happen but it does *)
log_and_recover ~print:true "Known incorrect assumption in the frontend: %s@\n" e.msg
| exn ->
let trace = Backtrace.get () in
IExn.reraise_if exn ~f:(fun () ->
L.internal_error "%a: %a@\n%!" pp_context () Exn.pp exn ;
not Config.keep_going ) ;
log_and_recover ~print:true "Frontend error: %a@\nBacktrace:@\n%s" Exn.pp exn
(Backtrace.to_string trace)