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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module MF = MarkupFormatter
let default_pp_call fmt callsite =
F.fprintf fmt "Method call: %a" (MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Procname.pp) (CallSite.pname callsite)
module type FiniteSet = sig
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSetS
val with_callsite : t -> CallSite.t -> t
module type Element = sig
include PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType
val pp_human : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_call : Format.formatter -> CallSite.t -> unit
type 'a comparator = 'a -> Location.t -> 'a -> Location.t -> int
module type Comparator = sig
type elem_t
val comparator : elem_t comparator
module type TraceElem = sig
type elem_t
type t = private {elem: elem_t; loc: Location.t; trace: CallSite.t list}
include Element with type t := t
val make : elem_t -> Location.t -> t
val map : f:(elem_t -> elem_t) -> t -> t
val get_loc : t -> Location.t
val make_loc_trace : ?nesting:int -> t -> Errlog.loc_trace
val with_callsite : t -> CallSite.t -> t
module FiniteSet : FiniteSet with type elt = t
module MakeTraceElemWithComparator (Elem : Element) (Comp : Comparator with type elem_t = Elem.t) :
TraceElem with type elem_t = Elem.t = struct
type elem_t = Elem.t
module T = struct
type t = {elem: Elem.t; loc: Location.t; trace: CallSite.t list}
let compare {elem; loc} {elem= elem'; loc= loc'} = Comp.comparator elem loc elem' loc'
let pp fmt {elem} = Elem.pp fmt elem
let pp_human fmt {elem} = Elem.pp_human fmt elem
let pp_call = Elem.pp_call
include T
let make elem loc = {elem; loc; trace= []}
let map ~f (trace_elem : t) =
let elem' = f trace_elem.elem in
if phys_equal trace_elem.elem elem' then trace_elem else {trace_elem with elem= elem'}
let get_loc {loc; trace} = match trace with [] -> loc | hd :: _ -> CallSite.loc hd
let make_loc_trace ?(nesting = 0) e =
let call_trace, nesting =
List.fold e.trace ~init:([], nesting) ~f:(fun (tr, ns) callsite ->
let descr = F.asprintf "%a" pp_call callsite in
let call = Errlog.make_trace_element ns (CallSite.loc callsite) descr [] in
(call :: tr, ns + 1) )
let endpoint_descr = F.asprintf "%a" Elem.pp_human e.elem in
let endpoint = Errlog.make_trace_element nesting e.loc endpoint_descr [] in
List.rev (endpoint :: call_trace)
let with_callsite elem callsite = {elem with trace= callsite :: elem.trace}
module FiniteSet = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (T)
let with_callsite astate callsite = map (fun e -> with_callsite e callsite) astate
module MakeTraceElem (Elem : Element) : TraceElem with type elem_t = Elem.t = struct
module Comp = struct
type elem_t = Elem.t
let comparator elem loc elem' loc' = [%compare: Elem.t * Location.t] (elem, loc) (elem', loc')
include MakeTraceElemWithComparator (Elem) (Comp)
module MakeTraceElemModuloLocation (Elem : Element) : TraceElem with type elem_t = Elem.t = struct
module Comp = struct
type elem_t = Elem.t
let comparator elem _loc elem' _loc' = elem elem'
include MakeTraceElemWithComparator (Elem) (Comp)