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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module L = Logging
module F = Format
(** Handle timeout events *)
(** status of a timeout instance *)
type status =
(** Seconds remaining in the current timeout *)
seconds_remaining : float;
(** Internal State of SymOp *)
symop_state : SymOp.t
(** stack of suspended timeout instances *)
type timeouts_stack =
status list ref
module GlobalState = struct
let stack : timeouts_stack =
ref []
let pop () =
match !stack with
| top_status :: l ->
stack := l;
Some top_status
| [] ->
let push status =
stack := status :: !stack
let set_alarm nsecs =
match Config.os_type with
| Config.Unix | Config.Cygwin ->
ignore (Unix.setitimer Unix.ITIMER_REAL
{ Unix.it_interval = 3.0; (* try again after 3 seconds if the signal is lost *)
Unix.it_value = nsecs })
| Config.Win32 ->
SymOp.set_wallclock_alarm nsecs
let unset_alarm () =
match Config.os_type with
| Config.Unix | Config.Cygwin ->
set_alarm 0.0
| Config.Win32 ->
SymOp.unset_wallclock_alarm ()
let get_seconds_remaining () =
match Config.os_type with
| Config.Unix | Config.Cygwin ->
(Unix.getitimer Unix.ITIMER_REAL).Unix.it_value
| Config.Win32 ->
SymOp.get_remaining_wallclock_time ()
let get_current_status ~keep_symop_total =
let seconds_remaining = get_seconds_remaining () in
let symop_state = SymOp.save_state ~keep_symop_total in
let set_status status =
SymOp.restore_state status.symop_state;
set_alarm status.seconds_remaining
let timeout_action _ =
unset_alarm ();
raise (Analysis_failure_exe (FKtimeout))
let () = begin
match Config.os_type with
| Config.Unix | Config.Cygwin ->
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigvtalrm (Sys.Signal_handle timeout_action);
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle timeout_action)
| Config.Win32 ->
SymOp.set_wallclock_timeout_handler timeout_action;
(* use the Gc alarm for periodic timeout checks *)
ignore (Gc.create_alarm SymOp.check_wallclock_alarm)
let unwind () =
unset_alarm ();
SymOp.unset_alarm ();
GlobalState.pop ()
let suspend_existing_timeout ~keep_symop_total =
let current_status = get_current_status ~keep_symop_total in
unset_alarm ();
GlobalState.push current_status
let resume_previous_timeout () =
let status_opt = unwind () in
Option.may set_status status_opt
let exe_timeout f x =
let suspend_existing_timeout_and_start_new_one () =
suspend_existing_timeout ~keep_symop_total:true;
set_alarm (get_timeout_seconds ());
SymOp.set_alarm () in
suspend_existing_timeout_and_start_new_one ();
f x;
resume_previous_timeout ();
| Analysis_failure_exe kind ->
resume_previous_timeout ();
L.log_progress_timeout_event kind;
Errdesc.warning_err (State.get_loc ()) "TIMEOUT: %a@." pp_failure_kind kind;
Some kind
| exe ->
resume_previous_timeout ();
raise exe