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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Programming Research Laboratory (ROPAS)
* Seoul National University, Korea
* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Bound = Bounds.Bound
module Counter = Counter
module Boolean = struct
type t = Bottom | False | True | Top [@@deriving compare]
let top = Top
let true_ = True
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let is_false = function False -> true | _ -> false
let is_true = function True -> true | _ -> false
open Ints
module SymbolPath = Symb.SymbolPath
module SymbolTable = Symb.SymbolTable
module SymbolSet = Symb.SymbolSet
(** A NonNegativeBound is a Bound that is either non-negative or symbolic but will be evaluated to a non-negative value once instantiated *)
module NonNegativeBound = struct
type t = Bound.t [@@deriving compare]
let pp = Bound.pp
let zero =
let of_bound b = if Bound.le b zero then zero else b
let int_lb b =
Bound.big_int_lb b
|> Option.bind ~f:NonNegativeInt.of_big_int
|> Option.value
let int_ub b = Bound.big_int_ub b |> ~f:NonNegativeInt.of_big_int_exn
let classify = function
| Bound.PInf ->
| Bound.MInf ->
assert false
| b -> (
match Bound.is_const b with
| None ->
Bounds.Symbolic b
| Some c ->
Bounds.Constant (NonNegativeInt.of_big_int_exn c) )
let subst b map =
match Bound.subst_ub b map with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom b ->
of_bound b |> classify
module type NonNegativeSymbol = sig
type t [@@deriving compare]
val int_lb : t -> NonNegativeInt.t
val int_ub : t -> NonNegativeInt.t option
val subst : t -> (Symb.Symbol.t -> t bottom_lifted) -> (NonNegativeInt.t, t) Bounds.valclass
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
module MakePolynomial (S : NonNegativeSymbol) = struct
module M = struct
include Caml.Map.Make (S)
let increasing_union ~f m1 m2 = union (fun _ v1 v2 -> Some (f v1 v2)) m1 m2
let zip m1 m2 = merge (fun _ opt1 opt2 -> Some (opt1, opt2)) m1 m2
let fold_no_key m ~init ~f =
let f _k v acc = f acc v in
fold f m init
let le ~le_elt m1 m2 =
(fun _ v1_opt v2_opt ->
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| Some _, None ->
raise Exit
| Some lhs, Some rhs when not (le_elt ~lhs ~rhs) ->
raise Exit
| _ ->
None )
m1 m2
| _ ->
| exception Exit ->
let xcompare ~xcompare_elt ~lhs ~rhs =
(* TODO: avoid creating zipped map *)
zip lhs rhs
|> PartialOrder.container ~fold:fold_no_key ~xcompare_elt:(PartialOrder.of_opt ~xcompare_elt)
(** If x < y < z then
2 + 3 * x + 4 * x ^ 2 + x * y + 7 * y ^ 2 * z
is represented by
{const= 2; terms= {
x -> {const= 3; terms= {
x -> {const= 4; terms={}},
y -> {const= 1; terms={}}
y -> {const= 0; terms= {
y -> {const= 0; terms= {
z -> {const= 7; terms={}}
The representation is a tree, each edge from a node to a child (terms) represents a multiplication by a symbol. If a node has a non-zero const, it represents the multiplication (of the path) by this constant.
In the example above, we have the following paths:
x * 3
x * x * 4
x * y * 1
y * y * z * 7
- except for the root, terms <> {} \/ const <> 0
- symbols children of a term are 'smaller' than its self symbol
- contents of terms are not zero
- symbols in terms are only symbolic values
type t = {const: NonNegativeInt.t; terms: t M.t}
type astate = t
let of_non_negative_int : NonNegativeInt.t -> t = fun const -> {const; terms= M.empty}
let zero = of_non_negative_int
let one = of_non_negative_int
let of_int_exn : int -> t = fun i -> i |> NonNegativeInt.of_int_exn |> of_non_negative_int
let of_valclass : (NonNegativeInt.t, S.t) Bounds.valclass -> t top_lifted = function
| ValTop ->
| Constant i ->
NonTop (of_non_negative_int i)
| Symbolic s ->
NonTop {const=; terms= M.singleton s one}
let is_zero : t -> bool = fun {const; terms} -> NonNegativeInt.is_zero const && M.is_empty terms
let is_one : t -> bool = fun {const; terms} -> NonNegativeInt.is_one const && M.is_empty terms
let is_constant : t -> bool = fun {terms} -> M.is_empty terms
let is_symbolic : t -> bool = fun p -> not (is_constant p)
let rec plus : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
{ const= NonNegativeInt.(p1.const + p2.const)
; terms= M.increasing_union ~f:plus p1.terms p2.terms }
let rec mult_const_positive : t -> PositiveInt.t -> t =
fun {const; terms} c ->
{ const= NonNegativeInt.(const * (c :> NonNegativeInt.t))
; terms= (fun p -> mult_const_positive p c) terms }
let mult_const : t -> NonNegativeInt.t -> t =
fun p c ->
match PositiveInt.of_big_int (c :> Z.t) with None -> zero | Some c -> mult_const_positive p c
(* (c + r * R + s * S + t * T) x s
= 0 + r * (R x s) + s * (c + s * S + t * T) *)
let rec mult_symb : t -> S.t -> t =
fun {const; terms} s ->
let less_than_s, equal_s_opt, greater_than_s = M.split s terms in
let less_than_s = (fun p -> mult_symb p s) less_than_s in
let s_term =
let terms =
match equal_s_opt with
| None ->
| Some equal_s_p ->
M.add s equal_s_p greater_than_s
{const; terms}
let terms = if is_zero s_term then less_than_s else M.add s s_term less_than_s in
{const=; terms}
let rec mult : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
if is_zero p1 || is_zero p2 then zero
else if is_one p1 then p2
else if is_one p2 then p1
mult_const p1 p2.const |> M.fold (fun s p acc -> plus (mult_symb (mult p p1) s) acc) p2.terms
let rec int_lb {const; terms} =
(fun symbol polynomial acc ->
let s_lb = S.int_lb symbol in
let p_lb = int_lb polynomial in
NonNegativeInt.((s_lb * p_lb) + acc) )
terms const
let rec int_ub {const; terms} =
(fun symbol polynomial acc ->
Option.bind acc ~f:(fun acc ->
Option.bind (S.int_ub symbol) ~f:(fun s_ub -> (int_ub polynomial) ~f:(fun p_ub -> NonNegativeInt.((s_ub * p_ub) + acc))
) ) )
terms (Some const)
(* assumes symbols are not comparable *)
let rec ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool =
fun ~lhs ~rhs ->
phys_equal lhs rhs
|| NonNegativeInt.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.const ~rhs:rhs.const
&& M.le ~le_elt:( <= ) lhs.terms rhs.terms
|| Option.exists (int_ub lhs) ~f:(fun lhs_ub ->
NonNegativeInt.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs_ub ~rhs:(int_lb rhs) )
let rec xcompare ~lhs ~rhs =
let cmp_const =
PartialOrder.of_compare ~lhs:lhs.const ~rhs:rhs.const
let cmp_terms = M.xcompare ~xcompare_elt:xcompare ~lhs:lhs.terms ~rhs:rhs.terms in
PartialOrder.join cmp_const cmp_terms
(* Possible optimization for later: x join x^2 = x^2 instead of x + x^2 *)
let rec join : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
if phys_equal p1 p2 then p1
{ const= NonNegativeInt.max p1.const p2.const
; terms= M.increasing_union ~f:join p1.terms p2.terms }
(* assumes symbols are not comparable *)
(* TODO: improve this for comparable symbols *)
let min_default_left : t -> t -> t =
fun p1 p2 ->
match xcompare ~lhs:p1 ~rhs:p2 with
| `Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
| `NotComparable ->
if is_constant p1 then p1 else if is_constant p2 then p2 else p1
let widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t =
fun ~prev:_ ~next:_ ~num_iters:_ -> assert false
let subst =
let exception ReturnTop in
(* avoids top-lifting everything *)
let rec subst {const; terms} eval_sym =
(fun s p acc ->
match S.subst s eval_sym with
| Constant c -> (
match PositiveInt.of_big_int (c :> Z.t) with
| None ->
| Some c ->
let p = subst p eval_sym in
mult_const_positive p c |> plus acc )
| ValTop ->
let p = subst p eval_sym in
if is_zero p then acc else raise ReturnTop
| Symbolic s ->
let p = subst p eval_sym in
mult_symb p s |> plus acc )
terms (of_non_negative_int const)
fun p eval_sym -> match subst p eval_sym with p -> NonTop p | exception ReturnTop -> Top
(** Emit a pair (d,t) where d is the degree of the polynomial and t is the first term with such degree *)
let rec degree_with_term {terms} =
(fun t p acc ->
let d, p' = degree_with_term p in
max acc (d + 1, mult_symb p' t) )
terms (0, one)
let degree p = fst (degree_with_term p)
let degree_term p = snd (degree_with_term p)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
let add_symb s (((last_s, last_occ) as last), others) =
if Int.equal 0 ( s last_s) then ((last_s, PositiveInt.succ last_occ), others)
else ((s,, last :: others)
let pp_coeff fmt (c : NonNegativeInt.t) =
if Z.((c :> Z.t) > one) then F.fprintf fmt "%a ⋅ " NonNegativeInt.pp c
let pp_exp fmt (e : PositiveInt.t) =
if Z.((e :> Z.t) > one) then PositiveInt.pp_exponent fmt e
let pp_magic_parentheses pp fmt x =
let s = F.asprintf "%a" pp x in
if String.contains s ' ' then F.fprintf fmt "(%s)" s else F.pp_print_string fmt s
let pp_symb fmt symb = pp_magic_parentheses S.pp fmt symb in
let pp_symb_exp fmt (symb, exp) = F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_symb symb pp_exp exp in
let pp_symbs fmt (last, others) =
List.rev_append others [last] |> Pp.seq ~sep:" × " pp_symb_exp fmt
let rec pp_sub ~print_plus symbs fmt {const; terms} =
let print_plus =
if not (NonNegativeInt.is_zero const) then (
if print_plus then F.pp_print_string fmt " + " ;
F.fprintf fmt "%a%a" pp_coeff const pp_symbs symbs ;
true )
else print_plus
( M.fold
(fun s p print_plus ->
pp_sub ~print_plus (add_symb s symbs) fmt p ;
true )
terms print_plus
: bool )
|> ignore
fun fmt {const; terms} ->
let const_not_zero = not (NonNegativeInt.is_zero const) in
if const_not_zero || M.is_empty terms then NonNegativeInt.pp fmt const ;
( M.fold
(fun s p print_plus ->
pp_sub ~print_plus ((s,, []) fmt p ;
true )
terms const_not_zero
: bool )
|> ignore
module NonNegativePolynomial = struct
module NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial = MakePolynomial (NonNegativeBound)
include AbstractDomain.TopLifted (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial)
let zero = NonTop
let one = NonTop
let of_int_exn i = NonTop (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.of_int_exn i)
let of_non_negative_bound b =
b |> Bounds.NonNegativeBound.classify |> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.of_valclass
let is_symbolic = function Top -> false | NonTop p -> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.is_symbolic p
let is_top = function Top -> true | _ -> false
let is_zero = function NonTop p when NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.is_zero p -> true | _ -> false
let top_lifted_increasing ~f p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with Top, _ | _, Top -> Top | NonTop p1, NonTop p2 -> NonTop (f p1 p2)
let plus = top_lifted_increasing
let mult = top_lifted_increasing ~f:NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.mult
let min_default_left p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with
| Top, x | x, Top ->
| NonTop p1, NonTop p2 ->
NonTop (NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.min_default_left p1 p2)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = if ( <= ) ~lhs:next ~rhs:prev then prev else Top
let subst p eval_sym =
match p with Top -> Top | NonTop p -> NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.subst p eval_sym
let degree p =
match p with Top -> None | NonTop p -> Some ( p)
let compare_by_degree p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with
| Top, Top ->
| Top, NonTop _ ->
| NonTop _, Top ->
| NonTop p1, NonTop p2 -> p1 - p2
let pp_degree fmt p =
match p with
| Top ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt "Top"
| NonTop p ->
Format.pp_print_int fmt ( p)
let pp_degree_hum fmt p =
match p with
| Top ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt "Top"
| NonTop p ->
Format.fprintf fmt "O(%a)" NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.pp
(NonNegativeNonTopPolynomial.degree_term p)
let encode astate = Marshal.to_string astate [] |> B64.encode
let decode enc_str = Marshal.from_string (B64.decode enc_str) 0
module ItvRange = struct
type t = Bounds.NonNegativeBound.t
let zero : t =
let of_bounds : lb:Bound.t -> ub:Bound.t -> t =
fun ~lb ~ub ->
Bound.plus_u ub
|> Bound.plus_u (Bound.neg lb)
|> Bound.simplify_bound_ends_from_paths |> Bounds.NonNegativeBound.of_bound
let to_top_lifted_polynomial : t -> NonNegativePolynomial.astate =
fun r -> NonNegativePolynomial.of_non_negative_bound r
module ItvPure = struct
(** (l, u) represents the closed interval [l; u] (of course infinite bounds are open) *)
type astate = Bound.t * Bound.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = astate
let lb : t -> Bound.t = fst
let ub : t -> Bound.t = snd
let is_lb_infty : t -> bool = function MInf, _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_finite : t -> bool =
fun (l, u) ->
match (Bound.is_const l, Bound.is_const u) with Some _, Some _ -> true | _, _ -> false
let have_similar_bounds (l1, u1) (l2, u2) = Bound.are_similar l1 l2 && Bound.are_similar u1 u2
let has_infty = function Bound.MInf, _ | _, Bound.PInf -> true | _, _ -> false
let ( <= ) : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool =
fun ~lhs:(l1, u1) ~rhs:(l2, u2) -> Bound.le l2 l1 && Bound.le u1 u2
let xcompare ~lhs:(l1, u1) ~rhs:(l2, u2) =
let lcmp = Bound.xcompare ~lhs:l1 ~rhs:l2 in
let ucmp = Bound.xcompare ~lhs:u1 ~rhs:u2 in
match (lcmp, ucmp) with
| `Equal, `Equal ->
| `NotComparable, _ | _, `NotComparable -> (
match (Bound.xcompare ~lhs:u1 ~rhs:l2, Bound.xcompare ~lhs:u2 ~rhs:l1) with
| `Equal, `Equal ->
`Equal (* weird, though *)
| (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight), _ ->
| _, (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight) ->
| (`NotComparable | `RightSmallerThanLeft), (`NotComparable | `RightSmallerThanLeft) ->
`NotComparable )
| `Equal, `LeftSmallerThanRight
| `RightSmallerThanLeft, `Equal
| `RightSmallerThanLeft, `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
| `Equal, `RightSmallerThanLeft
| `LeftSmallerThanRight, `Equal
| `LeftSmallerThanRight, `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
| `LeftSmallerThanRight, `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft, `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.underapprox_min l1 l2, Bound.overapprox_max u1 u2)
let widen : prev:t -> next:t -> num_iters:int -> t =
fun ~prev:(l1, u1) ~next:(l2, u2) ~num_iters:_ -> (Bound.widen_l l1 l2, Bound.widen_u u1 u2)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt (l, u) ->
if Bound.equal l u then Bound.pp fmt l
match Bound.is_same_symbol l u with
| Some symbol ->
Symb.SymbolPath.pp fmt symbol
| None ->
F.fprintf fmt "[%a, %a]" Bound.pp l Bound.pp u
let of_bound bound = (bound, bound)
let of_int n = of_bound (Bound.of_int n)
let of_big_int n = of_bound (Bound.of_big_int n)
let make_sym : unsigned:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> SymbolTable.t -> SymbolPath.t -> Counter.t -> t
fun ~unsigned pname symbol_table path new_sym_num ->
let lb, ub = Bounds.SymLinear.make ~unsigned pname symbol_table path new_sym_num in
(Bound.of_sym lb, Bound.of_sym ub)
let mone = of_bound Bound.mone
let m1_255 = (Bound.minus_one, Bound._255)
let nat = (, Bound.PInf)
let one = of_bound
let pos = (, Bound.PInf)
let top = (Bound.MInf, Bound.PInf)
let zero = of_bound
let get_iterator_itv (_, u) = (, Bound.plus_u u Bound.mone)
let true_sem = one
let false_sem = zero
let unknown_bool = join false_sem true_sem
let is_top : t -> bool = function Bound.MInf, Bound.PInf -> true | _ -> false
let is_nat : t -> bool = function l, Bound.PInf -> Bound.is_zero l | _ -> false
let is_const : t -> Z.t option =
fun (l, u) ->
match (Bound.is_const l, Bound.is_const u) with
| Some n, Some m when Z.equal n m ->
Some n
| _, _ ->
let is_zero : t -> bool = fun (l, u) -> Bound.is_zero l && Bound.is_zero u
let is_one : t -> bool = fun (l, u) -> Bound.eq l && Bound.eq u
let is_true : t -> bool = fun (l, u) -> Bound.le l || Bound.le u Bound.mone
let is_false : t -> bool = is_zero
let is_symbolic : t -> bool = fun (lb, ub) -> Bound.is_symbolic lb || Bound.is_symbolic ub
let is_ge_zero : t -> bool = fun (lb, _) -> Bound.le lb
let is_le_zero : t -> bool = fun (_, ub) -> Bound.le ub
let is_le_mone : t -> bool = fun (_, ub) -> Bound.le ub Bound.mone
let range : t -> ItvRange.t = fun (lb, ub) -> ItvRange.of_bounds ~lb ~ub
let neg : t -> t =
fun (l, u) ->
let l' = Bound.neg u in
let u' = Bound.neg l in
(l', u')
let lnot : t -> Boolean.t =
fun x -> if is_true x then Boolean.False else if is_false x then Boolean.True else Boolean.Top
let plus : t -> t -> t = fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.plus_l l1 l2, Bound.plus_u u1 u2)
let minus : t -> t -> t = fun i1 i2 -> plus i1 (neg i2)
let mult_const : Z.t -> t -> t =
fun n ((l, u) as itv) ->
match NonZeroInt.of_big_int n with
| None ->
| Some n ->
if NonZeroInt.is_one n then itv
else if NonZeroInt.is_minus_one n then neg itv
else if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then (Bound.mult_const_l n l, Bound.mult_const_u n u)
else (Bound.mult_const_l n u, Bound.mult_const_u n l)
(* Returns a precise value only when all coefficients are divided by
n without remainder. *)
let div_const : t -> Z.t -> t =
fun ((l, u) as itv) n ->
match NonZeroInt.of_big_int n with
| None ->
| Some n ->
if NonZeroInt.is_one n then itv
else if NonZeroInt.is_minus_one n then neg itv
else if NonZeroInt.is_positive n then
let l' = Option.value ~default:Bound.MInf (Bound.div_const_l l n) in
let u' = Option.value ~default:Bound.PInf (Bound.div_const_u u n) in
(l', u')
let l' = Option.value ~default:Bound.MInf (Bound.div_const_l u n) in
let u' = Option.value ~default:Bound.PInf (Bound.div_const_u l n) in
(l', u')
let mult : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
match (is_const x, is_const y) with
| _, Some n ->
mult_const n x
| Some n, _ ->
mult_const n y
| None, None ->
let div : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> match is_const y with None -> top | Some n -> div_const x n
let mod_sem : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
match is_const y with
| None ->
| Some n when Z.(equal n zero) ->
x (* x % [0,0] does nothing. *)
| Some m -> (
match is_const x with
| Some n ->
of_big_int Z.(n mod m)
| None ->
let abs_m = Z.abs m in
if is_ge_zero x then (, Bound.of_big_int Z.(abs_m - one))
else if is_le_zero x then (Bound.of_big_int Z.(one - abs_m),
else (Bound.of_big_int Z.(one - abs_m), Bound.of_big_int Z.(abs_m - one)) )
(* x << [-1,-1] does nothing. *)
let shiftlt : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
Option.value_map (is_const y) ~default:top ~f:(fun n ->
match Z.to_int n with
| n ->
if n < 0 then x else mult_const Z.(one lsl n) x
| exception Z.Overflow ->
top )
(* x >> [-1,-1] does nothing. *)
let shiftrt : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
match is_const y with
| Some n when Z.(leq n zero) ->
| Some n when Z.(n >= of_int 64) ->
| Some n -> (
match Z.to_int n with n -> div_const x Z.(one lsl n) | exception Z.Overflow -> top )
| None ->
let band_sem : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
match (is_const x, is_const y) with
| Some x', Some y' ->
if Z.(equal x' y') then x else of_big_int Z.(x' land y')
| _, _ ->
if is_ge_zero x && is_ge_zero y then (, Bound.overapprox_min (ub x) (ub y))
else if is_le_zero x && is_le_zero y then (Bound.MInf, Bound.overapprox_min (ub x) (ub y))
else top
let lt_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) ->
if u1 l2 then Boolean.True else if Bound.le u2 l1 then Boolean.False else Boolean.Top
let gt_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = fun x y -> lt_sem y x
let le_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) ->
if Bound.le u1 l2 then Boolean.True else if u2 l1 then Boolean.False else Boolean.Top
let ge_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = fun x y -> le_sem y x
let eq_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) ->
if Bound.eq l1 u1 && Bound.eq u1 l2 && Bound.eq l2 u2 then Boolean.True
else if u1 l2 || u2 l1 then Boolean.False
else Boolean.Top
let ne_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) ->
if Bound.eq l1 u1 && Bound.eq u1 l2 && Bound.eq l2 u2 then Boolean.False
else if u1 l2 || u2 l1 then Boolean.True
else Boolean.Top
let land_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun x y ->
if is_true x && is_true y then Boolean.True
else if is_false x || is_false y then Boolean.False
else Boolean.Top
let lor_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t =
fun x y ->
if is_true x || is_true y then Boolean.True
else if is_false x && is_false y then Boolean.False
else Boolean.Top
let min_sem : t -> t -> t =
fun (l1, u1) (l2, u2) -> (Bound.underapprox_min l1 l2, Bound.overapprox_min u1 u2)
let is_invalid : t -> bool = function
| Bound.PInf, _ | _, Bound.MInf ->
| l, u -> u l
let normalize : t -> t bottom_lifted = fun x -> if is_invalid x then Bottom else NonBottom x
let subst : t -> (Symb.Symbol.t -> Bound.t bottom_lifted) -> t bottom_lifted =
fun (l, u) eval_sym ->
match (Bound.subst_lb l eval_sym, Bound.subst_ub u eval_sym) with
| NonBottom l, NonBottom u ->
normalize (l, u)
| _ ->
let prune_le : t -> t -> t = fun (l1, u1) (_, u2) -> (l1, Bound.overapprox_min u1 u2)
let prune_ge : t -> t -> t = fun (l1, u1) (l2, _) -> (Bound.underapprox_max l1 l2, u1)
let prune_lt : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> prune_le x (minus y one)
let prune_gt : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> prune_ge x (plus y one)
let prune_diff : t -> Bound.t -> t bottom_lifted =
fun ((l, u) as itv) b ->
if Bound.le b l then normalize (prune_gt itv (of_bound b))
else if Bound.le u b then normalize (prune_lt itv (of_bound b))
else NonBottom itv
let prune_ne_zero : t -> t bottom_lifted = fun x -> prune_diff x
let prune_comp : Binop.t -> t -> t -> t bottom_lifted =
fun c x y ->
if is_invalid y then NonBottom x
let x =
match c with
| Binop.Le ->
prune_le x y
| Binop.Ge ->
prune_ge x y
| Binop.Lt ->
prune_lt x y
| Binop.Gt ->
prune_gt x y
| _ ->
assert false
normalize x
let prune_eq : t -> t -> t bottom_lifted =
fun x y ->
match prune_comp Binop.Le x y with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom x' ->
prune_comp Binop.Ge x' y
let prune_eq_zero : t -> t bottom_lifted =
fun x ->
let x' = prune_le x zero in
prune_ge x' zero |> normalize
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t bottom_lifted =
fun x (l, u) ->
if is_invalid (l, u) then NonBottom x else if Bound.eq l u then prune_diff x l else NonBottom x
let get_symbols : t -> SymbolSet.t =
fun (l, u) -> SymbolSet.union (Bound.get_symbols l) (Bound.get_symbols u)
let make_positive : t -> t =
fun ((l, u) as x) -> if l then (, u) else x
include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted (ItvPure)
type t = astate
let compare : t -> t -> int =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| Bottom, Bottom ->
| Bottom, _ ->
| _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom x, NonBottom y ->
ItvPure.compare_astate x y
let bot : t = Bottom
let top : t = NonBottom
let lb : t -> Bound.t = function
| NonBottom x -> x
| Bottom ->
L.(die InternalError) "lower bound of bottom"
let ub : t -> Bound.t = function
| NonBottom x ->
ItvPure.ub x
| Bottom ->
L.(die InternalError) "upper bound of bottom"
let false_sem = NonBottom ItvPure.false_sem
let m1_255 = NonBottom ItvPure.m1_255
let nat = NonBottom ItvPure.nat
let one = NonBottom
let pos = NonBottom ItvPure.pos
let true_sem = NonBottom ItvPure.true_sem
let unknown_bool = NonBottom ItvPure.unknown_bool
let zero = NonBottom
let of_bool = function
| Boolean.Bottom ->
| Boolean.False ->
| Boolean.True ->
| Boolean.Top ->
let of_int : int -> astate = fun n -> NonBottom (ItvPure.of_int n)
let of_big_int : Z.t -> astate = fun n -> NonBottom (ItvPure.of_big_int n)
let of_int_lit : IntLit.t -> astate = fun n -> of_big_int (IntLit.to_big_int n)
let of_int64 : Int64.t -> astate = fun n -> of_big_int (Z.of_int64 n)
let is_false : t -> bool = function NonBottom x -> ItvPure.is_false x | Bottom -> false
let le : lhs:t -> rhs:t -> bool = ( <= )
let eq : t -> t -> bool = fun x y -> ( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y && ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x
let range : t -> ItvRange.t = function
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom itv ->
ItvPure.range itv
let lift1 : (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t) -> t -> t =
fun f -> function Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom x -> NonBottom (f x)
let bind1_gen : bot:'a -> (ItvPure.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a =
fun ~bot f x -> match x with Bottom -> bot | NonBottom x -> f x
let bind1 : (ItvPure.t -> t) -> t -> t = bind1_gen ~bot:Bottom
let bind1b : (ItvPure.t -> Boolean.t) -> t -> Boolean.t = bind1_gen ~bot:Boolean.Bottom
let lift2 : (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y ->
match (x, y) with
| Bottom, _ | _, Bottom ->
| NonBottom x, NonBottom y ->
NonBottom (f x y)
let bind2_gen : bot:'a -> (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t -> 'a) -> t -> t -> 'a =
fun ~bot f x y ->
match (x, y) with Bottom, _ | _, Bottom -> bot | NonBottom x, NonBottom y -> f x y
let bind2 : (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t -> t) -> t -> t -> t = bind2_gen ~bot:Bottom
let bind2b : (ItvPure.t -> ItvPure.t -> Boolean.t) -> t -> t -> Boolean.t =
bind2_gen ~bot:Boolean.Bottom
let plus : t -> t -> t = lift2
let minus : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.minus
let get_iterator_itv : t -> t = lift1 ItvPure.get_iterator_itv
let make_sym : ?unsigned:bool -> Typ.Procname.t -> SymbolTable.t -> SymbolPath.t -> Counter.t -> t
fun ?(unsigned = false) pname symbol_table path new_sym_num ->
NonBottom (ItvPure.make_sym ~unsigned pname symbol_table path new_sym_num)
let neg : t -> t = lift1 ItvPure.neg
let lnot : t -> Boolean.t = bind1b ItvPure.lnot
let mult : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.mult
let div : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.div
let mod_sem : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.mod_sem
let shiftlt : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.shiftlt
let shiftrt : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.shiftrt
let band_sem : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.band_sem
let lt_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.lt_sem
let gt_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.gt_sem
let le_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.le_sem
let ge_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.ge_sem
let eq_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.eq_sem
let ne_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.ne_sem
let land_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.land_sem
let lor_sem : t -> t -> Boolean.t = bind2b ItvPure.lor_sem
let min_sem : t -> t -> t = lift2 ItvPure.min_sem
let prune_eq_zero : t -> t = bind1 ItvPure.prune_eq_zero
let prune_ne_zero : t -> t = bind1 ItvPure.prune_ne_zero
let prune_comp : Binop.t -> t -> t -> t = fun comp -> bind2 (ItvPure.prune_comp comp)
let prune_eq : t -> t -> t = bind2 ItvPure.prune_eq
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t = bind2 ItvPure.prune_ne
let subst : t -> (Symb.Symbol.t -> Bound.t bottom_lifted) -> t =
fun x eval_sym -> match x with NonBottom x' -> ItvPure.subst x' eval_sym | _ -> x
let get_symbols : t -> SymbolSet.t = function
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom x ->
ItvPure.get_symbols x
let normalize : t -> t = bind1 ItvPure.normalize