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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Method signature with annotations. *)
open! IStd
type t =
{ nullsafe_mode: NullsafeMode.t
; model_source: model_source option (** None, if signature is not modelled *)
; ret: ret_signature
; params: param_signature list }
[@@deriving compare]
and ret_signature = {ret_annotation_deprecated: Annot.Item.t; ret_annotated_type: AnnotatedType.t}
[@@deriving compare]
and param_signature =
{ param_annotation_deprecated: Annot.Item.t
; mangled: Mangled.t
; param_annotated_type: AnnotatedType.t }
[@@deriving compare]
and model_source = InternalModel | ThirdPartyRepo of {filename: string; line_number: int}
[@@deriving compare]
val param_has_annot : (Annot.Item.t -> bool) -> Pvar.t -> t -> bool
(** Check if the given parameter has an annotation in the given signature *)
val set_modelled_nullability : Procname.t -> t -> model_source -> bool * bool list -> t
(** Override nullability for a function signature given its modelled nullability (for ret value and
params) *)
val get : is_trusted_callee:bool -> nullsafe_mode:NullsafeMode.t -> ProcAttributes.t -> t
(** Get a method signature with annotations from a proc_attributes. *)
val pp : Procname.t -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Pretty print a method signature with annotations. *)