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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module NodeKey = struct
type t = Caml.Digest.t
let to_string = Caml.Digest.to_hex
let compute node ~simple_key ~succs ~preds =
let v = (simple_key node, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key succs, List.rev_map ~f:simple_key preds) in
Utils.better_hash v
let of_frontend_node_key = Utils.better_hash
(* =============== START of module Node =============== *)
module Node = struct
type id = int [@@deriving compare, equal]
type destruction_kind =
| DestrBreakStmt
| DestrContinueStmt
| DestrFields
| DestrReturnStmt
| DestrScope
| DestrTemporariesCleanup
| DestrVirtualBase
[@@deriving compare]
let string_of_destruction_kind = function
| DestrBreakStmt ->
| DestrContinueStmt ->
| DestrFields ->
| DestrReturnStmt ->
| DestrScope ->
| DestrTemporariesCleanup ->
"temporaries cleanup"
| DestrVirtualBase ->
"virtual base"
type stmt_nodekind =
| AssertionFailure
| BetweenJoinAndExit
| BinaryConditionalStmtInit
| BinaryOperatorStmt of string
| Call of string
| CallObjCNew
| ClassCastException
| ConditionalStmtBranch
| ConstructorInit
| CXXDynamicCast
| CXXNewExpr
| CXXStdInitializerListExpr
| CXXTypeidExpr
| DeclStmt
| DefineBody
| Destruction of destruction_kind
| ExceptionHandler
| ExceptionsSink
| ExprWithCleanups
| FallbackNode
| FinallyBranch
| GCCAsmStmt
| GenericSelectionExpr
| IfStmtBranch
| InitializeDynamicArrayLength
| InitListExp
| MessageCall of string
| MethodBody
| MonitorEnter
| MonitorExit
| ObjCCPPThrow
| OutOfBound
| ReturnStmt
| Scope of string
| Skip of string
| SwitchStmt
| ThisNotNull
| Throw
| ThrowNPE
| UnaryOperator
[@@deriving compare]
type prune_node_kind =
| PruneNodeKind_ExceptionHandler
| PruneNodeKind_FalseBranch
| PruneNodeKind_InBound
| PruneNodeKind_IsInstance
| PruneNodeKind_MethodBody
| PruneNodeKind_NotNull
| PruneNodeKind_TrueBranch
[@@deriving compare]
type nodekind =
| Start_node
| Exit_node
| Stmt_node of stmt_nodekind
| Join_node
| Prune_node of bool * Sil.if_kind * prune_node_kind
(** (true/false branch, if_kind, comment) *)
| Skip_node of string
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_nodekind = [%compare.equal: nodekind]
(** a node *)
type t =
{ id: id (** unique id of the node *)
; mutable dist_exit: int option (** distance to the exit node *)
; mutable wto_index: int
; mutable exn: t list (** exception nodes in the cfg *)
; mutable instrs: Instrs.not_reversed_t (** instructions for symbolic execution *)
; kind: nodekind (** kind of node *)
; loc: Location.t (** location in the source code *)
; mutable preds: t list (** predecessor nodes in the cfg *)
; pname: Procname.t (** name of the procedure the node belongs to *)
; mutable succs: t list (** successor nodes in the cfg *) }
let exn_handler_kind = Stmt_node ExceptionHandler
let exn_sink_kind = Stmt_node ExceptionsSink
let throw_kind = Stmt_node Throw
let dummy pname =
{ id= 0
; dist_exit= None
; wto_index= Int.max_value
; instrs= Instrs.empty
; kind= Skip_node "dummy"
; loc= Location.dummy
; pname
; succs= []
; preds= []
; exn= [] }
let compare node1 node2 =
let hash node = Hashtbl.hash
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
(** Get the unique id of the node *)
let get_id node =
let get_succs node = node.succs
type node = t
let pp_id f id = F.pp_print_int f id
let pp f node = pp_id f (get_id node)
module NodeSet = Caml.Set.Make (struct
type t = node
let compare = compare
module IdMap = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (struct
type t = id
let compare = compare_id
let pp = pp_id
let get_exn node = node.exn
(** Get the name of the procedure the node belongs to *)
let get_proc_name node = node.pname
(** Get the predecessors of the node *)
let get_preds node = node.preds
(** Get siblings *)
let get_siblings node =
get_preds node
|> ISequence.gen_sequence_list ~f:(fun parent ->
get_succs parent |> Sequence.of_list
|> Sequence.filter ~f:(fun n -> not (equal node n))
|> Sequence.Generator.of_sequence )
(** Get the node kind *)
let get_kind node = node.kind
(** Get the instructions to be executed *)
let get_instrs node = node.instrs
(** Get the location of the node *)
let get_loc n = n.loc
(** Get the source location of the last instruction in the node *)
let get_last_loc n =
n |> get_instrs |> Instrs.last |> Option.value_map ~f:Sil.location_of_instr ~default:n.loc
let find_in_node_or_preds =
let rec find ~f visited nodes =
match nodes with
| node :: nodes when not (NodeSet.mem node visited) -> (
let instrs = get_instrs node in
match Instrs.find_map ~f:(f node) instrs with
| Some res ->
Some res
| None ->
let nodes = get_preds node |> List.rev_append nodes in
let visited = NodeSet.add node visited in
find ~f visited nodes )
| _ :: nodes ->
find ~f visited nodes
| _ ->
fun start_node ~f -> find ~f NodeSet.empty [start_node]
let get_distance_to_exit node = node.dist_exit
let get_wto_index node = node.wto_index
(** Append the instructions to the list of instructions to execute *)
let append_instrs node instrs =
if not (List.is_empty instrs) then node.instrs <- Instrs.append_list node.instrs instrs
(** Map and replace the instructions to be executed *)
let replace_instrs node ~f =
let instrs' = node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
if phys_equal instrs' node.instrs then false
else (
node.instrs <- instrs' ;
true )
(** Like [replace_instrs], but 1 instr gets replaced by 0, 1, or more instructions. *)
let replace_instrs_by node ~f =
let instrs' = Instrs.concat_map node.instrs ~f:(f node) in
if phys_equal instrs' node.instrs then false
else (
node.instrs <- instrs' ;
true )
let pp_stmt fmt = function
| AssertionFailure ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Assertion failure"
| BetweenJoinAndExit ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "between_join_and_exit"
| BinaryConditionalStmtInit ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "BinaryConditionalStmt Init"
| BinaryOperatorStmt bop ->
F.fprintf fmt "BinaryOperatorStmt: %s" bop
| Call call ->
F.fprintf fmt "Call %s" call
| CallObjCNew ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Call objC new"
| ClassCastException ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Class cast exception"
| ConditionalStmtBranch ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "ConditionalStmt Branch"
| ConstructorInit ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Constructor Init"
| CXXDynamicCast ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "CxxDynamicCast"
| CXXNewExpr ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "CXXNewExpr"
| CXXStdInitializerListExpr ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "CXXStdInitializerListExpr"
| CXXTypeidExpr ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "CXXTypeidExpr"
| DeclStmt ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "DeclStmt"
| DefineBody ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "define_body"
| Destruction kind ->
F.fprintf fmt "Destruction(%s)" (string_of_destruction_kind kind)
| ExceptionHandler ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "exception handler"
| ExceptionsSink ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "exceptions sink"
| ExprWithCleanups ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "ExprWithCleanups"
| FallbackNode ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Fallback node"
| FinallyBranch ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Finally branch"
| GCCAsmStmt ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "GCCAsmStmt"
| GenericSelectionExpr ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "GenericSelectionExpr"
| IfStmtBranch ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "IfStmt Branch"
| InitializeDynamicArrayLength ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Initialize dynamic array length"
| InitListExp ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "InitListExp"
| MessageCall selector ->
F.fprintf fmt "Message Call: %s" selector
| MethodBody ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "method_body"
| MonitorEnter ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "MonitorEnter"
| MonitorExit ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "MonitorExit"
| ObjCCPPThrow ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "ObjCCPPThrow"
| OutOfBound ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Out of bound"
| ReturnStmt ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Return Stmt"
| Scope descr ->
F.fprintf fmt "Scope(%s)" descr
| Skip reason ->
F.pp_print_string fmt reason
| SwitchStmt ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "SwitchStmt"
| ThisNotNull ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "this not null"
| Throw ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "throw"
| ThrowNPE ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Throw NPE"
| UnaryOperator ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "UnaryOperator"
let pp_instrs ~highlight pe0 f node =
let pe =
match highlight with None -> pe0 | Some instr -> Pp.extend_colormap pe0 (Obj.repr instr) Red
Instrs.pp pe f (get_instrs node)
let d_instrs ~highlight (node : t) = L.d_pp_with_pe ~color:Green (pp_instrs ~highlight) node
let string_of_prune_node_kind = function
| PruneNodeKind_ExceptionHandler ->
"exception handler"
| PruneNodeKind_FalseBranch ->
"false Branch"
| PruneNodeKind_InBound ->
"In bound"
| PruneNodeKind_IsInstance ->
"Is instance"
| PruneNodeKind_MethodBody ->
| PruneNodeKind_NotNull ->
"Not null"
| PruneNodeKind_TrueBranch ->
"true Branch"
(** Return a description of the cfg node *)
let get_description pe node =
let str_kind =
match get_kind node with
| Stmt_node _ ->
| Prune_node (_, _, prune_node_kind) ->
"Conditional " ^ string_of_prune_node_kind prune_node_kind
| Exit_node ->
| Skip_node _ ->
| Start_node ->
| Join_node ->
F.asprintf "%s@\n%a" str_kind (Instrs.pp pe) (get_instrs node)
(** simple key for a node: just look at the instructions *)
let simple_key node =
let add_instr instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Load _ ->
Some 1
| Sil.Store _ ->
Some 2
| Sil.Prune _ ->
Some 3
| Sil.Call _ ->
Some 4
| Sil.Metadata _ ->
get_instrs node
|> IContainer.rev_filter_map_to_list ~fold:Instrs.fold ~f:add_instr
|> Utils.better_hash
(** key for a node: look at the current node, successors and predecessors *)
let compute_key node =
let succs = get_succs node in
let preds = get_preds node in
NodeKey.compute node ~simple_key ~succs ~preds
(* =============== END of module Node =============== *)
module NodeMap = Caml.Map.Make (Node)
(** Map over nodes *)
module NodeHash = Hashtbl.Make (Node)
(** Hash table with nodes as keys. *)
module NodeSet = Node.NodeSet
(** Set of nodes. *)
module IdMap = Node.IdMap
(** Map with node id keys. *)
(** procedure description *)
type t =
{ mutable attributes: ProcAttributes.t (** attributes of the procedure *)
; mutable nodes: Node.t list (** list of nodes of this procedure *)
; mutable nodes_num: int (** number of nodes *)
; mutable start_node: Node.t (** start node of this procedure *)
; mutable exit_node: Node.t (** exit node of this procedure *)
; mutable loop_heads: NodeSet.t option (** loop head nodes of this procedure *)
; mutable wto: Node.t WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.t option
(** weak topological order of this procedure *) }
let from_proc_attributes attributes =
let pname = attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in
let start_node = Node.dummy pname in
let exit_node = Node.dummy pname in
{attributes; nodes= []; nodes_num= 0; start_node; exit_node; loop_heads= None; wto= None}
(** Compute the distance of each node to the exit node, if not computed already *)
let compute_distance_to_exit_node pdesc =
let exit_node = pdesc.exit_node in
let rec mark_distance dist nodes =
let next_nodes = ref [] in
let do_node (node : Node.t) =
match node.dist_exit with
| Some _ ->
| None ->
node.dist_exit <- Some dist ;
next_nodes := node.preds @ !next_nodes
List.iter ~f:do_node nodes ;
if not (List.is_empty !next_nodes) then mark_distance (dist + 1) !next_nodes
mark_distance 0 [exit_node]
let get_attributes pdesc = pdesc.attributes
let set_attributes pdesc attributes = pdesc.attributes <- attributes
let get_exit_node pdesc = pdesc.exit_node
let get_proc_name pdesc = pdesc.attributes.proc_name
(** Return name and type of formal parameters *)
let get_formals pdesc = pdesc.attributes.formals
let get_pvar_formals pdesc =
let proc_name = get_proc_name pdesc in
get_formals pdesc |> ~f:(fun (name, typ) -> ( name proc_name, typ))
let get_loc pdesc = pdesc.attributes.loc
(** Return name and type of local variables *)
let get_locals pdesc = pdesc.attributes.locals
let has_added_return_param pdesc = pdesc.attributes.has_added_return_param
(** Return name and type of captured variables *)
let get_captured pdesc = pdesc.attributes.captured
(** Return the visibility attribute *)
let get_access pdesc = pdesc.attributes.access
let get_nodes pdesc = pdesc.nodes
(** Return the return type of the procedure *)
let get_ret_type pdesc = pdesc.attributes.ret_type
let get_ret_var pdesc = Pvar.get_ret_pvar (get_proc_name pdesc)
let get_start_node pdesc = pdesc.start_node
(** Return [true] iff the procedure is defined, and not just declared *)
let is_defined pdesc = pdesc.attributes.is_defined
let is_java_synchronized pdesc = pdesc.attributes.is_java_synchronized_method
let iter_nodes f pdesc = List.iter ~f (get_nodes pdesc)
let iter_instrs f pdesc =
let do_node node = Instrs.iter ~f:(fun i -> f node i) (Node.get_instrs node) in
iter_nodes do_node pdesc
let fold_nodes pdesc ~init ~f = List.fold ~f ~init (get_nodes pdesc)
let fold_instrs pdesc ~init ~f =
let fold_node acc node =
Instrs.fold ~f:(fun acc instr -> f acc node instr) ~init:acc (Node.get_instrs node)
fold_nodes ~f:fold_node ~init pdesc
let get_static_callees pdesc =
let callees =
fold_instrs pdesc ~init:Procname.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc _node instr ->
match instr with
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pn), _, _, _) ->
Procname.Set.add callee_pn acc
| _ ->
acc )
Procname.Set.remove (get_proc_name pdesc) callees |> Procname.Set.elements
let find_map_nodes pdesc ~f = List.find_map ~f (get_nodes pdesc)
let find_map_instrs pdesc ~f =
let find_map_node node = Instrs.find_map ~f (Node.get_instrs node) in
find_map_nodes ~f:find_map_node pdesc
let update_nodes pdesc ~(update : Node.t -> bool) : bool =
let f acc node = update node || acc in
(* do not shortcut call to [update] *)
fold_nodes pdesc ~init:false ~f
let replace_instrs pdesc ~f =
let update node = Node.replace_instrs ~f node in
update_nodes pdesc ~update
let replace_instrs_by pdesc ~f =
let update node = Node.replace_instrs_by ~f node in
update_nodes pdesc ~update
(** fold between two nodes or until we reach a branching structure *)
let fold_slope_range =
let rec aux node visited acc ~f =
let visited = NodeSet.add node visited in
let acc = f acc node in
match Node.get_succs node with
| [n] when not (NodeSet.mem n visited) ->
aux n visited acc ~f
| _ ->
fun src_node dst_node ~init ~f -> aux src_node (NodeSet.singleton dst_node) init ~f
(** Set the exit node of the proc desc *)
let set_exit_node pdesc node = pdesc.exit_node <- node
(** Set the start node of the proc desc *)
let set_start_node pdesc node = pdesc.start_node <- node
(** Append the locals to the list of local variables *)
let append_locals pdesc new_locals = pdesc.attributes.locals <- pdesc.attributes.locals @ new_locals
(** Set the successor nodes and exception nodes, and build predecessor links *)
let set_succs (node : Node.t) ~normal:succs_opt ~exn:exn_opt =
let remove_pred pred_node (from_node : Node.t) =
from_node.preds <- List.filter from_node.preds ~f:(fun pred -> not (Node.equal pred pred_node))
let add_pred pred_node (to_node : Node.t) = to_node.preds <- pred_node :: to_node.preds in
Option.iter succs_opt ~f:(fun new_succs ->
List.iter node.succs ~f:(remove_pred node) ;
List.iter new_succs ~f:(add_pred node) ;
node.succs <- new_succs ) ;
Option.iter exn_opt ~f:(fun exn -> node.exn <- exn)
(** Create a new cfg node *)
let create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc loc kind instrs =
pdesc.nodes_num <- pdesc.nodes_num + 1 ;
let node_id = pdesc.nodes_num in
let node =
{ node_id
; dist_exit= None
; wto_index= Int.max_value
; instrs
; kind
; loc
; preds= []
; pname= pdesc.attributes.proc_name
; succs= []
; exn= [] }
pdesc.nodes <- node :: pdesc.nodes ;
let create_node pdesc loc kind instrs =
create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc loc kind (Instrs.of_list instrs)
(** Set the successor and exception nodes. If this is a join node right before the exit node, add an
extra node in the middle, otherwise nullify and abstract instructions cannot be added after a
conditional. *)
let node_set_succs pdesc (node : Node.t) ~normal:succs ~exn =
match (node.kind, succs) with
| Join_node, [({Node.kind= Exit_node} as exit_node)] ->
let kind = Node.Stmt_node BetweenJoinAndExit in
let node' = create_node_from_not_reversed pdesc node.loc kind node.instrs in
set_succs node ~normal:(Some [node']) ~exn:(Some exn) ;
set_succs node' ~normal:(Some [exit_node]) ~exn:(Some exn)
| _ ->
set_succs node ~normal:(Some succs) ~exn:(Some exn)
module PreProcCfg = struct
type nonrec t = t
let fold_succs _cfg n ~init ~f = n |> Node.get_succs |> List.fold ~init ~f
let start_node = get_start_node
module Node = struct
type t = Node.t
type id =
let id = Node.get_id
module IdMap = IdMap
module WTO = WeakTopologicalOrder.Bourdoncle_SCC (PreProcCfg)
let get_wto pdesc =
match pdesc.wto with
| Some wto ->
| None ->
let wto = WTO.make pdesc in
let (_ : int) =
WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.fold_nodes wto ~init:0 ~f:(fun idx node ->
node.Node.wto_index <- idx ;
idx + 1 )
pdesc.wto <- Some wto ;
(** Get loop heads for widening. It collects all target nodes of back-edges in a depth-first
traversal. We need to use the exceptional CFG otherwise we will miss loop heads in catch
clauses. *)
let get_loop_heads pdesc =
match pdesc.loop_heads with
| Some lh ->
| None ->
let rec set_loop_head_rec visited heads wl =
match wl with
| [] ->
| (n, ancester) :: wl' ->
if NodeSet.mem n visited then
if NodeSet.mem n ancester then set_loop_head_rec visited (NodeSet.add n heads) wl'
else set_loop_head_rec visited heads wl'
let ancester = NodeSet.add n ancester in
let succs = List.append (Node.get_succs n) (Node.get_exn n) in
let works = ~f:(fun m -> (m, ancester)) succs in
set_loop_head_rec (NodeSet.add n visited) heads (List.append works wl')
let start_wl = [(get_start_node pdesc, NodeSet.empty)] in
let lh = set_loop_head_rec NodeSet.empty NodeSet.empty start_wl in
pdesc.loop_heads <- Some lh ;
let is_loop_head pdesc (node : Node.t) = NodeSet.mem node (get_loop_heads pdesc)
let pp_modify_in_block fmt modify_in_block =
if modify_in_block then Format.pp_print_string fmt "(__block)" else ()
let pp_local fmt (var_data : ProcAttributes.var_data) =
Format.fprintf fmt " %a:%a%a" Mangled.pp (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) var_data.typ
pp_modify_in_block var_data.modify_in_block
let pp_locals_list fmt etl =
if List.is_empty etl then Format.pp_print_string fmt "None" else List.iter ~f:(pp_local fmt) etl
let pp_variable_list fmt etl =
if List.is_empty etl then Format.pp_print_string fmt "None"
~f:(fun (id, ty) -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a:%a" Mangled.pp id (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) ty)
let pp_objc_accessor fmt accessor =
match accessor with
| Some (ProcAttributes.Objc_getter field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Getter of %a, " (Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
| Some (ProcAttributes.Objc_setter field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Setter of %a, " (Struct.pp_field Pp.text) field
| None ->
let pp_signature fmt pdesc =
let attributes = get_attributes pdesc in
let pname = get_proc_name pdesc in
let defined_string = match is_defined pdesc with true -> "defined" | false -> "undefined" in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a [%s, Return type: %a, %aFormals: %a, Locals: %a" Procname.pp pname
defined_string (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) (get_ret_type pdesc) pp_objc_accessor
attributes.ProcAttributes.objc_accessor pp_variable_list (get_formals pdesc) pp_locals_list
(get_locals pdesc) ;
if not (List.is_empty (get_captured pdesc)) then
Format.fprintf fmt ", Captured: %a" pp_variable_list (get_captured pdesc) ;
let method_annotation = attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in
( if not (Annot.Method.is_empty method_annotation) then
let pname_string = Procname.to_string pname in
Format.fprintf fmt ", Annotation: %a" (Annot.Method.pp pname_string) method_annotation ) ;
Format.fprintf fmt "]@]@;"
let is_specialized pdesc =
let attributes = get_attributes pdesc in
(* true if pvar is a captured variable of a cpp lambda or objc block *)
let is_captured_pvar procdesc pvar =
let procname = get_proc_name procdesc in
let pvar_name = Pvar.get_name pvar in
let pvar_local_matches (var_data : ProcAttributes.var_data) =
Mangled.equal pvar_name
let pvar_matches (name, _) = Mangled.equal name pvar_name in
let is_captured_var_cpp_lambda =
match procname with
| Procname.ObjC_Cpp cpp_pname ->
(* var is captured if the procedure is a lambda and the var is not in the locals or formals *)
Procname.ObjC_Cpp.is_cpp_lambda cpp_pname
&& not
( List.exists ~f:pvar_local_matches (get_locals procdesc)
|| List.exists ~f:pvar_matches (get_formals procdesc) )
| _ ->
let is_captured_var_objc_block =
(* var is captured if the procedure is a objc block and the var is in the captured *)
Procname.is_objc_block procname && List.exists ~f:pvar_matches (get_captured procdesc)
is_captured_var_cpp_lambda || is_captured_var_objc_block
let is_captured_var procdesc var =
Var.get_pvar var |> Option.exists ~f:(fun pvar -> is_captured_pvar procdesc pvar)
let has_modify_in_block_attr procdesc pvar =
let pvar_name = Pvar.get_name pvar in
let pvar_local_matches (var_data : ProcAttributes.var_data) =
var_data.modify_in_block && Mangled.equal pvar_name
List.exists ~f:pvar_local_matches (get_locals procdesc)
module SQLite = SqliteUtils.MarshalledNullableDataNOTForComparison (struct
type nonrec t = t
let load_statement =
ResultsDatabase.register_statement "SELECT cfg FROM procedures WHERE proc_name = :k"
let load pname =
ResultsDatabase.with_registered_statement load_statement ~f:(fun db stmt ->
Procname.SQLite.serialize pname |> Sqlite3.bind stmt 1
|> SqliteUtils.check_result_code db ~log:"load bind proc name" ;
SqliteUtils.result_single_column_option ~finalize:false ~log:"Procdesc.load" db stmt
|> Option.bind ~f:SQLite.deserialize )