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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module JPS = JavaProfilerSamples
module YB = Yojson.Basic
(* a flag used to make the method search signature sensitive *)
let use_method_signature = false
module RangeMap = Typ.Procname.Map
module MethodRangeMap = struct
let split_class_method_name qualified_method_name =
String.rsplit2_exn qualified_method_name ~on:'.'
let create_java_method_range_map code_graph_file_opt =
match code_graph_file_opt with
| Some code_graph_file ->
let open Java_method_decl_j in
let json_string =
match Utils.read_file code_graph_file with
| Ok cl_list ->
let json = List.fold cl_list ~init:"" ~f:(fun acc s -> acc ^ s) in
| Error _ ->
L.die UserError "Could not read file %s" code_graph_file
let method_decls = java_method_decls_of_string json_string in
List.fold method_decls ~init:RangeMap.empty ~f:(fun acc decl ->
let start_location =
{ Location.line= decl.start_line
; col= -1
; file= SourceFile.create ~warn_on_error:false decl.source_file }
let end_location =
{ Location.line= decl.end_line
; col= -1
; file= SourceFile.create ~warn_on_error:false decl.source_file }
let range = (start_location, end_location) in
let classname, methodname = split_class_method_name decl.method_name in
match decl.signature with
| Some signature ->
let signature =
if use_method_signature then signature
(* When we should not use the signature we use 'void ()' *)
let key = JPS.create_procname ~classname ~methodname ~signature in
RangeMap.add key range acc
| None ->
acc )
| _ ->
L.die UserError "Missing method declaration info argument"
module DiffLines = struct
(* This is a map
file name |--> {set of changed line }
(* Read the file containing info on changed lines and populate the map *)
let create_changed_lines_map changed_lines_file_opt =
match changed_lines_file_opt with
| Some changed_lines_file -> (
match Utils.read_file changed_lines_file with
| Ok cl_list ->
List.fold cl_list ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun acc cl_item ->
let fname, cl = String.rsplit2_exn ~on:':' cl_item in
String.Map.set acc ~key:fname ~data:(FileDiff.parse_unix_diff cl) )
| Error _ ->
L.die UserError "Could not read file %s" changed_lines_file )
| None ->
L.die UserError "Missing modified lines argument"
[@@@warning "-32"]
let pp_changed_lines fmt map =
F.fprintf fmt "--- Changed Lines Map ---@\n" ;
String.Map.iteri map ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s --> [%a]@\n" key (Pp.seq ~sep:", " F.pp_print_int) data )
[@@@warning "-32"]
let pp_profiler_sample_set fmt s =
F.fprintf fmt " (set size = %i) " (Typ.Procname.Set.cardinal s) ;
Typ.Procname.Set.iter (fun m -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n <Method:> %a " Typ.Procname.pp m) s
module TestSample = struct
let read_test_sample test_samples_file_opt =
match test_samples_file_opt with
| Some test_samples_file ->
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium)
"Reading Profiler Samples File '%s'....@\n" test_samples_file ;
JPS.from_json_file test_samples_file ~use_signature:use_method_signature
| None ->
L.die UserError "Missing profiler samples argument"
[@@@warning "-32"]
let pp_map fmt labeled_test_samples =
List.iter labeled_test_samples ~f:(fun (label, profiler_samples) ->
F.fprintf fmt "=== Samples for %s ===@\n%a@\n=== End Samples for %s ===@\n" label
pp_profiler_sample_set profiler_samples label )
let in_range l range = l >= (fst range).Location.line && l <= (snd range).Location.line
let affected_methods method_range_map file_changed_lines changed_lines =
(fun key ((l1, _) as range) acc ->
let method_file = SourceFile.to_string l1.Location.file in
String.equal method_file file_changed_lines
&& List.exists ~f:(fun l -> in_range l range) changed_lines
then Typ.Procname.Set.add key acc
else acc )
method_range_map Typ.Procname.Set.empty
let compute_affected_methods_java changed_lines_map method_range_map =
String.Map.fold changed_lines_map ~init:Typ.Procname.Set.empty
~f:(fun ~key:file_changed_lines ~data acc ->
let am = affected_methods method_range_map file_changed_lines data in
Typ.Procname.Set.union am acc )
let compute_affected_methods_clang ~clang_range_map ~source_file ~changed_lines_map =
let fname = SourceFile.to_rel_path source_file in
match String.Map.find changed_lines_map fname with
| Some changed_lines ->
affected_methods clang_range_map fname changed_lines
| None ->
let emit_relevant_methods relevant_methods =
let cleaned_methods =
( (Typ.Procname.Set.elements relevant_methods) ~f:Typ.Procname.to_string)
let json = `List ( ~f:(fun t -> `String t) cleaned_methods) in
let outpath = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.export_changed_functions_output in
YB.to_file outpath json
let compute_and_emit_relevant_methods ~clang_range_map ~source_file =
let changed_lines_file = Config.modified_lines in
let changed_lines_map = DiffLines.create_changed_lines_map changed_lines_file in
let relevant_methods =
compute_affected_methods_clang ~clang_range_map ~source_file ~changed_lines_map
emit_relevant_methods relevant_methods
(* test_to_run = { n | Affected_Method /\ ts_n != 0 } *)
let test_to_run ?clang_range_map ?source_file () =
let test_samples_file = Config.profiler_samples in
let code_graph_file = Config.method_decls_info in
let changed_lines_file = Config.modified_lines in
let changed_lines_map = DiffLines.create_changed_lines_map changed_lines_file in
let affected_methods =
match (clang_range_map, source_file) with
| Some clang_range_map, Some source_file ->
compute_affected_methods_clang ~source_file ~clang_range_map ~changed_lines_map
| _ (* Java case *) ->
let method_range = MethodRangeMap.create_java_method_range_map code_graph_file in
compute_affected_methods_java changed_lines_map method_range
let profiler_samples = TestSample.read_test_sample test_samples_file in
if Typ.Procname.Set.is_empty affected_methods then []
List.fold profiler_samples ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc (label, profiler_samples) ->
let intersection = Typ.Procname.Set.inter affected_methods profiler_samples in
if Typ.Procname.Set.is_empty intersection then acc else label :: acc )
let emit_tests_to_run relevant_tests =
let json = `List ( ~f:(fun t -> `String t) relevant_tests) in
let outpath = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.test_determinator_output in
YB.to_file outpath json
let compute_and_emit_test_to_run ?clang_range_map ?source_file () =
let relevant_tests = test_to_run ?clang_range_map ?source_file () in
emit_tests_to_run relevant_tests