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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
(** Module to create a makefile with dependencies between clusters *)
(* this relies on the assumption that a source_file
can be converted to a string, then pname, then back *)
let source_file_from_pname pname =
DB.source_file_from_string (Procname.to_string pname)
let source_file_to_pname fname =
Procname.from_string_c_fun (DB.source_file_to_string fname)
let pp_prolog fmt num_clusters =
F.fprintf fmt "INFERANALYZE= %s $(INFER_OPTIONS) -results_dir '%s'\n@."
(Escape.escape_map (fun c -> if c = '#' then Some "\\#" else None) !Config.results_dir);
F.fprintf fmt "OBJECTS=";
for i = 1 to num_clusters do F.fprintf fmt "%a " Cluster.pp_cl i done;
F.fprintf fmt "@.@.default: test@.@.all: test@.@.";
F.fprintf fmt "test: $(OBJECTS)@.\techo \"Analysis done\"@.@."
let pp_epilog fmt () =
F.fprintf fmt "@.clean:@.\trm -f $(OBJECTS)@."
let create_cluster_makefile_and_exit
(clusters: Cluster.t list) (file_cg: Cg.t) (fname: string) (print_files: bool) =
let outc = open_out fname in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel outc in
let file_to_cluster = ref DB.SourceFileMap.empty in
let cluster_nr = ref 0 in
let tot_clusters_nr = IList.length clusters in
let do_cluster cluster =
incr cluster_nr;
let dependent_clusters = ref IntSet.empty in
let add_dependent file_as_pname =
let source_file = source_file_from_pname file_as_pname in
let num = DB.SourceFileMap.find source_file !file_to_cluster in
if num < !cluster_nr then
dependent_clusters := IntSet.add num !dependent_clusters
with Not_found ->
F.fprintf fmt "#[%a] missing dependency to %s@."
Cluster.pp_cl !cluster_nr
(DB.source_file_to_string source_file) in
let do_file ce = match Cluster.get_ondemand_info ce with
| Some source_dir ->
(* add comment to makefile to correlate source file and cluster number. *)
let pname_str = match ce.Cluster.ce_active_procs with
| [pname] -> Procname.to_string pname
| _ -> "" in
F.fprintf fmt "#%s %s@\n" (DB.source_dir_to_string source_dir) pname_str
| None ->
let source_file = ce.Cluster.ce_file in
let children =
try Cg.get_defined_children file_cg (source_file_to_pname source_file) with
| Not_found -> Procname.Set.empty in
Procname.Set.iter add_dependent children;
file_to_cluster :=
DB.SourceFileMap.add source_file !cluster_nr !file_to_cluster;
() (* L.err "file %s has %d children@." file (StringSet.cardinal children) *) in
IList.iter do_file cluster;
!cluster_nr tot_clusters_nr cluster print_files fmt (IntSet.elements !dependent_clusters);
(* L.err "cluster %d has %d dependencies@."
!cluster_nr (IntSet.cardinal !dependent_clusters) *) in
pp_prolog fmt tot_clusters_nr;
IList.iter do_cluster clusters;
pp_epilog fmt ();
exit 0