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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
let pp_custom_of_report fmt report fields =
let pp_custom_of_issue fmt (issue : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) =
let open Jsonbug_t in
let comma_separator index = if index > 0 then ", " else "" in
let pp_trace fmt trace comma =
let pp_trace_elem fmt {description} = F.pp_print_string fmt description in
let trace_without_empty_descs =
List.filter ~f:(fun {description} -> not (String.is_empty description)) trace
F.fprintf fmt "%s[%a]" comma (Pp.comma_seq pp_trace_elem) trace_without_empty_descs
let pp_field index field =
match (field : IssuesTestField.t) with
| BugType ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) issue.bug_type
| Bucket ->
let bucket =
String.lsplit2 issue.qualifier ~on:']'
|> ~f:fst
|> Option.bind ~f:(String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"[")
| Some bucket ->
| None ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) bucket
| Qualifier ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) issue.qualifier
| Severity ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) issue.severity
| Line ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index) issue.line
| Column ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index) issue.column
| Procedure ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) issue.procedure
| ProcedureStartLine ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index) issue.procedure_start_line
| File ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) issue.file
| BugTrace ->
pp_trace fmt issue.bug_trace (comma_separator index)
| Key ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) (Caml.Digest.to_hex issue.key)
| Hash ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%s" (comma_separator index) (Caml.Digest.to_hex issue.hash)
| LineOffset ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s%d" (comma_separator index) (issue.line - issue.procedure_start_line)
| QualifierContainsPotentialExceptionNote ->
F.pp_print_bool fmt
(String.is_substring issue.qualifier ~substring:InferPrint.potential_exception_message)
List.iteri ~f:pp_field fields ; F.fprintf fmt "@."
List.iter ~f:(pp_custom_of_issue fmt) report
let tests_jsonbug_compare (bug1 : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) (bug2 : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug) =
let open Jsonbug_t in
[%compare: string * string * int * string * Caml.Digest.t]
(bug1.file, bug1.procedure, bug1.line - bug1.procedure_start_line, bug1.bug_type, bug1.hash)
(bug2.file, bug2.procedure, bug2.line - bug2.procedure_start_line, bug2.bug_type, bug2.hash)
let write_from_json ~json_path ~out_path issues_tests_fields =
Utils.with_file_out out_path ~f:(fun outf ->
let report = Atdgen_runtime.Util.Json.from_file Jsonbug_j.read_report json_path in
let sorted_report = List.sort ~compare:tests_jsonbug_compare report in
pp_custom_of_report (F.formatter_of_out_channel outf) sorted_report issues_tests_fields )