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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Execution Paths *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
(* =============== START of the Path module ===============*)
module Path : sig
(** type for paths *)
type t
type session = int
(** add a call with its sub-path, the boolean indicates whether the subtrace for the procedure should be included *)
val add_call : bool -> t -> Procname.t -> t -> t
(** check whether a path contains another path *)
val contains : t -> t -> bool
(** check wether the path contains the given position *)
val contains_position : t -> Sil.path_pos -> bool
(** Create the location trace of the path, up to the path position if specified *)
val create_loc_trace : t -> Sil.path_pos option -> Errlog.loc_trace
(** return the current node of the path *)
val curr_node : t -> Cfg.node
(** dump a path *)
val d : t -> unit
(** dump statistics of the path *)
val d_stats : t -> unit
(** equality for paths *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** extend a path with a new node reached from the given session, with an optional string for exceptions *)
val extend : Cfg.node -> Mangled.t option -> session -> t -> t
(** extend a path with a new node reached from the given session, with an optional string for exceptions *)
val add_description : t -> string -> t
val get_description : t -> string option
(** iterate over each node in the path, excluding calls, once *)
val iter_all_nodes_nocalls : (Cfg.node -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** iterate over the longest sequence belonging to the path, restricting to those containing the given position if given.
Do not iterate past the given position.
[f level path session exn_opt] is passed the current nesting [level] and [path] and previous [session] *)
val iter_longest_sequence : (int -> t -> int -> Mangled.t option -> unit) -> Sil.path_pos option -> t -> unit
(** join two paths *)
val join : t -> t -> t
(** pretty print a path *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** pretty print statistics of the path *)
val pp_stats : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** create a new path with given start node *)
val start : Cfg.node -> t
end = struct
type session = int
type stats =
{ mutable max_length : int; (* length of the longest linear sequence *)
mutable linear_num : float; (* number of linear sequences described by the path *) }
type path =
(* INVARIANT: stats are always set to dummy_stats unless we are in the middle of a traversal *)
(* in particular: a new traversal cannot be initiated during an existing traversal *)
| Pstart of Cfg.node * stats (** start node *)
| Pnode of Cfg.node * Mangled.t option * session * path * stats * string option (** we got to [node] from last [session] perhaps propagating exception [exn_opt], and continue with [path]. *)
| Pjoin of path * path * stats (** join of two paths *)
| Pcall of path * Procname.t * path * stats (** add a sub-path originating from a call *)
type t = path
let get_dummy_stats () =
{ max_length = - 1;
linear_num = - 1.0 }
let get_description path =
match path with
| Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, stats, descr_opt) ->
| _ -> None
let add_description path description =
let add_descr descr_option description =
match descr_option with
| Some descr -> descr^" "^description
| None -> description in
match path with
| Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, stats, descr_opt) ->
let description = add_descr descr_opt description in
Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, stats, Some description)
| _ -> path
let set_dummy_stats stats =
stats.max_length <- - 1;
stats.linear_num <- - 1.0
let rec curr_node = function
| Pstart (node, _) -> node
| Pnode (node, _, _, _, _, _) -> node
| Pcall(p1, _, _, _) -> curr_node p1
| Pjoin _ -> assert false
let exname_opt_compare eo1 eo2 = match eo1, eo2 with
| None, None -> 0
| None, _ -> -1
| _, None -> 1
| Some n1, Some n2 -> n1 n2
let rec compare p1 p2 : int =
if p1 == p2 then 0 else match p1, p2 with
| Pstart (n1, _), Pstart (n2, _) ->
| n1 n2
| Pstart _, _ -> - 1
| _, Pstart _ -> 1
| Pnode (n1, eo1, s1, p1, _, _), Pnode (n2, eo2, s2, p2, _, _) ->
let n = n1 n2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = exname_opt_compare eo1 eo2 in
if n <> 0 then n else let n = int_compare s1 s2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare p1 p2
| Pnode _, _ -> - 1
| _, Pnode _ -> 1
| Pjoin (p1, q1, _), Pjoin (p2, q2, _) ->
let n = compare p1 p2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare q1 q2
| Pjoin _, _ -> -1
| _, Pjoin _ -> 1
| Pcall(p1, _, sub1, _), Pcall(p2, _, sub2, _) ->
let n = compare p1 p2 in
if n <> 0 then n else compare sub1 sub2
let equal p1 p2 =
compare p1 p2 = 0
let start node = Pstart (node, get_dummy_stats ())
let extend (node: Cfg.node) exn_opt session path =
Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, get_dummy_stats (), None)
let join p1 p2 =
Pjoin (p1, p2, get_dummy_stats ())
let add_call include_subtrace p pname p_sub =
if include_subtrace then Pcall(p, pname, p_sub, get_dummy_stats ())
else p
module Invariant = (** functions in this module either do not assume, or do not re-establish, the invariant on dummy stats *)
(** check whether a stats is the dummy stats *)
let stats_is_dummy stats =
stats.max_length == - 1
(** return the stats of the path *)
(** assumes that the stats are computed *)
let get_stats = function
| Pstart (_, stats) -> stats
| Pnode (_, _, _, _, stats, _) -> stats
| Pjoin (_, _, stats) -> stats
| Pcall (_, _, _, stats) -> stats
(** restore the invariant that all the stats are dummy, so the path is ready for another traversal *)
(** assumes that the stats are computed beforehand, and ensures that the invariant holds afterwards *)
let rec reset_stats = function
| Pstart (node, stats) ->
if not (stats_is_dummy stats) then set_dummy_stats stats
| Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, stats, _) ->
if not (stats_is_dummy stats) then
reset_stats path;
set_dummy_stats stats
| Pjoin (path1, path2, stats) ->
if not (stats_is_dummy stats) then
reset_stats path1;
reset_stats path2;
set_dummy_stats stats
| Pcall (path1, pname, path2, stats) ->
if not (stats_is_dummy stats) then
reset_stats path1;
reset_stats path2;
set_dummy_stats stats
(** Iterate [f] over the path and compute the stats, assuming the invariant: all the stats are dummy. *)
(** Function [f] (typically with side-effects) is applied once to every node, and max_length in the stats
is the length of a longest sequence of nodes in the path where [f] returned [true] on at least one node.
max_length is 0 if the path was visited but no node satisfying [f] was found. *)
(** Assumes that the invariant holds beforehand, and ensures that all the stats are computed afterwards. *)
(** Since this breaks the invariant, it must be followed by reset_stats. *)
let rec compute_stats do_calls (f : Cfg.Node.t -> bool) =
let nodes_found stats = stats.max_length > 0 in
| Pstart (node, stats) ->
if stats_is_dummy stats then
let found = f node in
stats.max_length <- if found then 1 else 0;
stats.linear_num <- 1.0;
| Pnode (node, exn_opt, session, path, stats, _) ->
if stats_is_dummy stats then
compute_stats do_calls f path;
let stats1 = get_stats path in
let found = f node || nodes_found stats1 (* the order is important as f has side-effects *) in
stats.max_length <- if found then 1 + stats1.max_length else 0;
stats.linear_num <- stats1.linear_num;
| Pjoin (path1, path2, stats) ->
if stats_is_dummy stats then
compute_stats do_calls f path1;
compute_stats do_calls f path2;
let stats1, stats2 = get_stats path1, get_stats path2 in
stats.max_length <- max stats1.max_length stats2.max_length;
stats.linear_num <- stats1.linear_num +. stats2.linear_num
| Pcall (path1, pname, path2, stats) ->
if stats_is_dummy stats then
let stats2 = match do_calls with
| true ->
compute_stats do_calls f path2;
get_stats path2
| false ->
{ max_length = 0;
linear_num = 0.0 } in
let stats1 =
let f' =
if nodes_found stats2
then fun _ -> true (* already found in call, no need to search before the call *)
else f in
compute_stats do_calls f' path1;
get_stats path1 in
stats.max_length <- stats1.max_length + stats2.max_length;
stats.linear_num <- stats1.linear_num;
end (* End of module Invariant *)
(** iterate over each node in the path, excluding calls, once *)
let iter_all_nodes_nocalls f path =
Invariant.compute_stats false (fun node -> f node; true) path;
Invariant.reset_stats path
let get_path_pos node =
let pn = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name (Cfg.Node.get_proc_desc node) in
let n_id = Cfg.Node.get_id node in
(pn, n_id)
let contains_position path pos =
let found = ref false in
let f node =
if Sil.path_pos_equal (get_path_pos node) pos then found := true;
true in
Invariant.compute_stats true f path;
Invariant.reset_stats path;
(** iterate over the longest sequence belonging to the path, restricting to those where [filter] holds of some element.
if a node is reached via an exception, pass the exception information to [f] on the previous node *)
let iter_longest_sequence_filter (f : int -> t -> int -> Mangled.t option -> unit) (filter: Cfg.Node.t -> bool) (path: t) : unit =
let rec doit level session path prev_exn_opt = match path with
| Pstart _ -> f level path session prev_exn_opt
| Pnode (node, exn_opt, session', p, _, _) ->
let next_exn_opt = if prev_exn_opt <> None then None else exn_opt in (* no two consecutive exceptions *)
doit level session' p next_exn_opt;
f level path session prev_exn_opt
| Pjoin (p1, p2, _) ->
if (Invariant.get_stats p1).max_length >= (Invariant.get_stats p2).max_length then doit level session p1 prev_exn_opt else doit level session p2 prev_exn_opt
| Pcall (p1, _, p2, _) ->
let next_exn_opt = None in (* exn must already be inside the call *)
doit level session p1 next_exn_opt;
doit (level +1) session p2 next_exn_opt in
Invariant.compute_stats true filter path;
doit 0 0 path None;
Invariant.reset_stats path
(** iterate over the longest sequence belonging to the path, restricting to those containing the given position if given.
Do not iterate past the last occurrence of the given position.
[f level path session exn_opt] is passed the current nesting [level] and [path] and previous [session] and possible exception [exn_opt] *)
let iter_longest_sequence (f : int -> t -> int -> Mangled.t option -> unit) (pos_opt : Sil.path_pos option) (path: t) : unit =
let filter node = match pos_opt with
| None -> true
| Some pos -> Sil.path_pos_equal (get_path_pos node) pos in
let path_pos_at_path p =
let node = curr_node p in
pos_opt <> None && filter node
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn -> false in
let position_seen = ref false in
let inverse_sequence =
let log = ref [] in
let g level p session exn_opt =
if path_pos_at_path p then position_seen := true;
log := (level, p, session, exn_opt) :: !log in
iter_longest_sequence_filter g filter path;
!log in
let sequence_up_to_last_seen =
if !position_seen then
let rec remove_until_seen = function
| ((level, p, session, exn_opt) as x):: l ->
if path_pos_at_path p then list_rev (x :: l)
else remove_until_seen l
| [] -> [] in
remove_until_seen inverse_sequence
else list_rev inverse_sequence in
list_iter (fun (level, p, session, exn_opt) -> f level p session exn_opt) sequence_up_to_last_seen
module NodeMap = Map.Make (Cfg.Node)
(** return the node visited most, and number of visits, in the longest linear sequence *)
let repetitions path =
let map = ref NodeMap.empty in
let add_node node =
let n = NodeMap.find node !map in
map := NodeMap.add node (n + 1) !map
with Not_found ->
map := NodeMap.add node 1 !map in
iter_longest_sequence (fun level p s exn_opt -> add_node (curr_node p)) None path;
let max_rep_node = ref (Cfg.Node.dummy ()) in
let max_rep_num = ref 0 in
NodeMap.iter (fun node num -> if num > !max_rep_num then (max_rep_node := node; max_rep_num := num)) !map;
(!max_rep_node, !max_rep_num)
let stats_string path =
Invariant.compute_stats true (fun _ -> true) path;
let node, repetitions = repetitions path in
let str =
"linear paths: " ^ string_of_float (Invariant.get_stats path).linear_num ^
" max length: " ^ string_of_int (Invariant.get_stats path).max_length ^
" has repetitions: " ^ string_of_int repetitions ^
" of node " ^ (string_of_int (Cfg.Node.get_id node)) in
Invariant.reset_stats path;
let pp_stats fmt path =
F.fprintf fmt "%s" (stats_string path)
let d_stats path =
L.d_str (stats_string path)
module PathMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = path
let compare = compare
let pp fmt path =
let delayed_num = ref 0 in
let delayed = ref PathMap.empty in
let add_path p =
try ignore (PathMap.find p !delayed) with Not_found ->
incr delayed_num;
delayed := PathMap.add p !delayed_num !delayed in
let path_seen p = (* path seen before *)
PathMap.mem p !delayed in
let rec add_delayed path =
if not (path_seen path) (* avoid exponential blowup *)
then match path with (* build a map from delayed paths to a unique number *)
| Pstart _ -> ()
| Pnode (_, _, _, p, _, _) -> add_delayed p
| Pjoin (p1, p2, _) | Pcall(p1, _, p2, _) -> (* delay paths occurring in a join *)
add_delayed p1;
add_delayed p2;
add_path p1;
add_path p2 in
let rec doit n fmt path =
if n > 0 then raise Not_found;
let num = PathMap.find path !delayed in
F.fprintf fmt "P%d" num
with Not_found ->
match path with
| Pstart (node, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "n%a" Cfg.Node.pp node
| Pnode (node, exn_top, session, path, _, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a(s%d).n%a" (doit (n - 1)) path session Cfg.Node.pp node
| Pjoin (path1, path2, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a + %a)" (doit (n - 1)) path1 (doit (n - 1)) path2
| Pcall (path1, _, path2, _) -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a{%a})" (doit (n - 1)) path1 (doit (n - 1)) path2 in
let print_delayed () =
if not (PathMap.is_empty !delayed) then begin
let f path num = F.fprintf fmt "P%d = %a@\n" num (doit 1) path in
F.fprintf fmt "where@\n";
PathMap.iter f !delayed
end in
add_delayed path;
doit 0 fmt path;
print_delayed ()
let d p =
L.add_print_action (L.PTpath, Obj.repr p)
let rec contains p1 p2 = match p2 with
| Pjoin (p2', p2'', _) ->
contains p1 p2' || contains p1 p2''
| _ -> p1 == p2
let create_loc_trace path pos_opt : Errlog.loc_trace =
let trace = ref [] in
let mk_trace_elem level loc descr node_tags =
{ Errlog.lt_level = level;
Errlog.lt_loc = loc;
Errlog.lt_description = descr;
Errlog.lt_node_tags = node_tags } in
let g level path session exn_opt =
let curr_node = curr_node path in
let curr_loc = Cfg.Node.get_loc curr_node in
match Cfg.Node.get_kind curr_node with
| Cfg.Node.Join_node -> () (* omit join nodes from error traces *)
| Cfg.Node.Start_node pdesc ->
let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let name = Procname.to_string pname in
let name_id = Procname.to_filename pname in
let descr = "start of procedure " ^ (Procname.to_simplified_string pname) in
let node_tags = [(Io_infer.Xml.tag_kind,"procedure_start"); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_name, name); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_name_id, name_id)] in
trace := mk_trace_elem level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| Cfg.Node.Prune_node (is_true_branch, if_kind, _) ->
let descr = match is_true_branch, if_kind with
| true, Sil.Ik_if -> "Taking true branch"
| false, Sil.Ik_if -> "Taking false branch"
| true, (Sil.Ik_for | Sil.Ik_while | Sil.Ik_dowhile) -> "Loop condition is true. Entering loop body"
| false, (Sil.Ik_for | Sil.Ik_while | Sil.Ik_dowhile) -> "Loop condition is false. Leaving loop"
| true, Sil.Ik_switch -> "Switch condition is true. Entering switch case"
| false, Sil.Ik_switch -> "Switch condition is false. Skipping switch case"
| true, (Sil.Ik_bexp | Sil.Ik_land_lor) -> "Condition is true"
| false, (Sil.Ik_bexp | Sil.Ik_land_lor) -> "Condition is false" in
let node_tags = [(Io_infer.Xml.tag_kind,"condition"); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_branch, if is_true_branch then "true" else "false")] in
trace := mk_trace_elem level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| Cfg.Node.Exit_node pdesc ->
let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let descr = "return from a call to " ^ (Procname.to_string pname) in
let name = Procname.to_string pname in
let name_id = Procname.to_filename pname in
let node_tags = [(Io_infer.Xml.tag_kind,"procedure_end"); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_name, name); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_name_id, name_id)] in
trace := mk_trace_elem level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace
| _ ->
let descr, node_tags =
match exn_opt with
| None -> "", []
| Some exn_name ->
let exn_str = Mangled.to_string exn_name in
if exn_str = ""
then "exception", [(Io_infer.Xml.tag_kind,"exception")]
else "exception " ^ exn_str, [(Io_infer.Xml.tag_kind,"exception"); (Io_infer.Xml.tag_name, exn_str)] in
let descr =
match get_description path with
| Some path_descr ->
if String.length descr > 0 then descr^" "^path_descr else path_descr
| None -> descr in
trace := mk_trace_elem level curr_loc descr node_tags :: !trace in
iter_longest_sequence g pos_opt path;
let compare lt1 lt2 =
let n = int_compare lt1.Errlog.lt_level lt2.Errlog.lt_level in
if n <> 0 then n else Sil.loc_compare lt1.Errlog.lt_loc lt2.Errlog.lt_loc in
let relevant lt = lt.Errlog.lt_node_tags <> [] in
list_remove_irrelevant_duplicates compare relevant (list_rev !trace)
(* list_remove_duplicates compare (list_sort compare !trace) *)
(* =============== END of the Path module ===============*)
module PropMap = Map.Make (struct
type t = Prop.normal Prop.t
let compare = Prop.prop_compare
(* =============== START of the PathSet module ===============*)
module PathSet : sig
type t
(** It's the caller's resposibility to ensure that Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars was called on the prop *)
val add_renamed_prop : Prop.normal Prop.t -> Path.t -> t -> t
(** dump the pathset *)
val d : t -> unit
(** difference between two pathsets *)
val diff : t -> t -> t
(** empty pathset *)
val empty : t
(** list of elements in a pathset *)
val elements : t -> (Prop.normal Prop.t * Path.t) list
(** equality for pathsets *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** filter a pathset on the prop component *)
val filter : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> bool) -> t -> t
(** find the list of props whose associated path contains the given path *)
val filter_path : Path.t -> t -> Prop.normal Prop.t list
(** fold over a pathset *)
val fold : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> Path.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** It's the caller's resposibility to ensure that Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars was called on the list *)
val from_renamed_list: (Prop.normal Prop.t * Path.t) list -> t
(** check whether the pathset is empty *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** iterate over a pathset *)
val iter : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> Path.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
(** map over the prop component of a pathset *)
val map : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t) -> t -> t
(** map over the prop component of a pathset using a partial function; elements mapped to None are discarded *)
val map_option : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t option) -> t -> t
(** partition a pathset on the prop component *)
val partition : (Prop.normal Prop.t -> bool) -> t -> t * t
(** pretty print the pathset *)
val pp : printenv -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** number of elements in the pathset *)
val size : t -> int
(** convert to a list of props *)
val to_proplist : t -> Prop.normal Prop.t list
(** convert to a set of props *)
val to_propset : t -> Propset.t
(** union of two pathsets *)
val union : t -> t -> t
end = struct
type t = Path.t PropMap.t
let equal = PropMap.equal (fun p1 p2 -> true) (* only discriminate props, and ignore paths *) (* Path.equal *)
let empty : t = PropMap.empty
let elements ps =
let plist = ref [] in
let f prop path = plist := (prop, path) :: !plist in
PropMap.iter f ps;
let to_proplist ps =
list_map fst (elements ps)
let to_propset ps =
Propset.from_proplist (to_proplist ps)
let filter f ps =
let elements = ref [] in
PropMap.iter (fun p _ -> elements := p :: !elements) ps;
elements := list_filter (fun p -> not (f p)) !elements;
let filtered_map = ref ps in
list_iter (fun p -> filtered_map := PropMap.remove p !filtered_map) !elements;
let partition f ps =
let elements = ref [] in
PropMap.iter (fun p _ -> elements := p :: !elements) ps;
let el1, el2 = ref ps, ref ps in
list_iter (fun p -> if f p then el2 := PropMap.remove p !el2 else el1 := PropMap.remove p !el1) !elements;
!el1, !el2
(** It's the caller's resposibility to ensure that Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars was called on the prop *)
let add_renamed_prop (p: Prop.normal Prop.t) (path: Path.t) (ps: t) : t =
let path_new =
let path_old = PropMap.find p ps in
Path.join path_old path
with Not_found -> path in
PropMap.add p path_new ps
let union (ps1: t) (ps2: t) : t =
PropMap.fold add_renamed_prop ps1 ps2
(** check if the nodes in path p1 are a subset of those in p2 (not trace subset) *)
let path_nodes_subset p1 p2 =
let get_nodes p =
let s = ref Cfg.NodeSet.empty in
Path.iter_all_nodes_nocalls (fun n -> s := Cfg.NodeSet.add n !s) p;
!s in
Cfg.NodeSet.subset (get_nodes p1) (get_nodes p2)
(** difference between pathsets for the differential fixpoint *)
let diff (ps1: t) (ps2: t) : t =
let res = ref ps1 in
let rem p path =
let path_old = PropMap.find p !res in
if path_nodes_subset path path_old (* do not propagate new path if it has no new nodes *)
then res := PropMap.remove p !res
with Not_found ->
res := PropMap.remove p !res in
PropMap.iter rem ps2;
let is_empty = PropMap.is_empty
let iter = PropMap.iter
let fold = PropMap.fold
let map_option f ps =
let res = ref empty in
let do_elem prop path = match f prop with
| None -> ()
| Some prop' -> res := add_renamed_prop prop' path !res in
iter do_elem ps;
let map f ps =
map_option (fun p -> Some (f p)) ps
let size ps =
let res = ref 0 in
let add p _ = incr res in
let () = PropMap.iter add ps
in !res
let pp pe fmt ps =
let count = ref 0 in
let pp_path fmt path =
F.fprintf fmt "[path: %a@\n%a]" Path.pp_stats path Path.pp path in
let f prop path =
incr count;
F.fprintf fmt "PROP %d:%a@\n%a@\n" !count pp_path path (Prop.pp_prop pe) prop in
iter f ps
let d (ps: t) = L.add_print_action (L.PTpathset, Obj.repr ps)
let filter_path path ps =
let plist = ref [] in
let f prop path' =
if Path.contains path path'
then plist := prop :: !plist in
iter f ps;
(** It's the caller's resposibility to ensure that Prop.prop_rename_primed_footprint_vars was called on the list *)
let from_renamed_list (pl : ('a Prop.t * Path.t) list) : t =
list_fold_left (fun ps (p, pa) -> add_renamed_prop p pa ps) empty pl
(* =============== END of the PathSet module ===============*)