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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module SMap = Map.Make (String)
type table = InferEvents
type sample =
{ int_section: int SMap.t (** All integer type fields and their values *)
; normal_section: string SMap.t
(** All string (normal in Scuba terminology) type fields and their values *)
; tagset_section: string list SMap.t
(** All sets of strings (tagsets in Scuba terminology) type fields and their values *) }
let new_sample ~time =
let time = match time with Some time -> time | None -> int_of_float (Unix.time ()) in
{ (* time is a single mandatory field in scuba. without it,
scuba disregards all samples *)
int_section= SMap.singleton "time" time
; normal_section= SMap.empty
; tagset_section= SMap.empty }
let add_int ~name ~value sample =
let int_section = SMap.set sample.int_section ~key:name ~data:value in
{sample with int_section}
let add_normal ~name ~value sample =
let normal_section = SMap.set sample.normal_section ~key:name ~data:value in
{sample with normal_section}
let add_tagset ~name ~value sample =
let tagset_section = SMap.set sample.tagset_section ~key:name ~data:value in
{sample with tagset_section}
let sample_to_json sample =
let map_to_assoc value_to_json key_value_map =
let pairs = SMap.to_alist key_value_map in
let assocs = pairs ~f:(fun (name, data) -> (name, value_to_json data)) in
`Assoc assocs
let ints_to_assoc = map_to_assoc (fun data -> `Int data) in
let normals_to_assoc = map_to_assoc (fun data -> `String data) in
let tags_to_assoc = map_to_assoc (fun data -> `List ( data ~f:(fun d -> `String d))) in
[ ("int", ints_to_assoc sample.int_section)
; ("normal", normals_to_assoc sample.normal_section)
; ("tags", tags_to_assoc sample.tagset_section) ]
let sample_to_json_string sample = sample |> sample_to_json |> Yojson.Basic.to_string
let table_to_scribe_category = function InferEvents -> Scribe.InferEvents
let log table samples =
let category = table_to_scribe_category table in
Scribe.log category ( samples ~f:sample_to_json_string)
let log = if Config.scuba_logging then log else fun _ _ -> ()