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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** Generic serializer *)
type 'a serializer =
{read_from_file: DB.filename -> 'a option; write_to_file: data:'a -> DB.filename -> unit}
module Key = struct
type t =
{ name: string (** for logging purposes *)
; key: int
(** Serialization key, used to distinguish versions of serializers and avoid assert faults *)
(** Current keys for various serializable objects. The keys are computed using the [generate_keys]
function below *)
let tenv, summary, issues =
( {name= "tenv"; key= 425184201}
, {name= "summary"; key= 160179325}
, {name= "issues"; key= 852343110} )
(** version of the binary files, to be incremented for each change *)
let version = 27
let create_serializer (key : Key.t) : 'a serializer =
let read_data ((key' : int), (version' : int), (value : 'a)) source_msg =
if key.key <> key' then (
"Wrong key in when loading data of type %s from %s -- are you running infer with results \
coming from a previous version of infer?@\n"
| source_msg ;
None )
else if version <> version' then (
"Wrong version in when loading data of type %s from %s -- are you running infer with \
results coming from a previous version of infer?@\n"
| source_msg ;
None )
else Some value
let read_from_file (fname : DB.filename) : 'a option =
(* The serialization is based on atomic file renames,
so the deserialization cannot read a file while it is being written. *)
let filename = DB.filename_to_string fname in
log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:("reading " ^ ~categories:["io"] ())) ;
let result =
try Utils.with_file_in filename ~f:(fun inc -> read_data (Marshal.from_channel inc) filename)
with Sys_error _ -> None
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
let write_to_file ~(data : 'a) (fname : DB.filename) =
let filename = DB.filename_to_string fname in
log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:("writing " ^ ~categories:["io"] ())) ;
Utils.with_intermediate_temp_file_out filename ~f:(fun outc ->
Marshal.to_channel outc (key.key, version, data) [] ) ;
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ()))
{read_from_file; write_to_file}
let read_from_file s = s.read_from_file
let write_to_file s = s.write_to_file
(** Generate new (random) serialization keys, to be run in an ocaml toplevel and used in the [Key]
module above *)
let generate_keys () =
Random.self_init () ;
let max_rand_int = 0x3FFFFFFF (* determined by Rand library *) in
let gen () = max_rand_int in
(gen (), gen (), gen ())