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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Top-level driver that orchestrates build system integration, frontends, backend, and reporting *)
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = Logging
let run driver_mode =
let open Driver in
run_prologue driver_mode ;
let changed_files = read_config_changed_files () in
InferAnalyze.invalidate_changed_procedures changed_files ;
capture driver_mode ~changed_files ;
analyze_and_report driver_mode ~changed_files ;
run_epilogue ()
let run driver_mode = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run" (fun () -> run driver_mode)
let setup () =
let db_start =
let already_started = ref false in
fun () ->
if (not !already_started) && CLOpt.is_originator && DBWriter.use_daemon then (
DBWriter.start () ;
Epilogues.register ~f:DBWriter.stop ~description:"Stop Sqlite write daemon" ;
already_started := true )
( match Config.command with
| Analyze ->
ResultsDir.assert_results_dir "have you run capture before?"
| Report | ReportDiff ->
ResultsDir.create_results_dir ()
| Capture | Compile | Run ->
let driver_mode = Lazy.force Driver.mode_from_command_line in
(* In Buck mode, delete infer-out directories inside buck-out to start fresh and to
avoid getting errors because some of their contents is missing (removed by
[Driver.clean_results_dir ()]). *)
(buck && Option.exists buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors) || genrule_mode)
|| not
( Driver.is_analyze_mode driver_mode
|| Config.(
continue_capture || infer_is_clang || infer_is_javac || reactive_mode
|| incremental_analysis) )
then ResultsDir.remove_results_dir () ;
ResultsDir.create_results_dir () ;
CLOpt.is_originator && (not Config.continue_capture)
&& not (Driver.is_analyze_mode driver_mode)
then ( db_start () ; SourceFiles.mark_all_stale () )
| Explore ->
ResultsDir.assert_results_dir "please run an infer analysis first" ) ;
db_start () ;
NullsafeInit.init () ;
if CLOpt.is_originator then (RunState.add_run_to_sequence () ; ()) ;
let print_active_checkers () =
(if Config.print_active_checkers && CLOpt.is_originator then L.result else L.environment_info)
"Active checkers: %a@."
(Pp.seq ~sep:", " RegisterCheckers.pp_checker)
(RegisterCheckers.get_active_checkers ())
let print_scheduler () =
L.environment_info "Scheduler: %s@\n"
( match Config.scheduler with
| File ->
| Restart ->
| SyntacticCallGraph ->
"callgraph" )
let print_cores_used () = L.environment_info "Cores used: %d@\n"
let log_environment_info () =
L.environment_info "CWD = %s@\n" (Sys.getcwd ()) ;
( match Config.inferconfig_file with
| Some file ->
L.environment_info "Read configuration in %s@\n" file
| None ->
L.environment_info "No .inferconfig file found@\n" ) ;
L.environment_info "Project root = %s@\n" Config.project_root ;
let infer_args =
Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var
|> ~f:(String.split ~on:CLOpt.env_var_sep)
|> Option.value ~default:["<not set>"]
L.environment_info "INFER_ARGS = %a@\n"
(Pp.cli_args_with_verbosity ~verbose:Config.debug_mode)
infer_args ;
L.environment_info "command line arguments: %a@\n"
(Pp.cli_args_with_verbosity ~verbose:Config.debug_mode)
(Array.to_list Sys.(get_argv ())) ;
( match Utils.get_available_memory_MB () with
| None ->
L.environment_info "Could not retrieve available memory (possibly not on Linux)@\n"
| Some available_memory ->
L.environment_info "Available memory at startup: %d MB@\n" available_memory ;
ScubaLogging.log_count ~label:"startup_mem_avail_MB" ~value:available_memory ) ;
print_active_checkers () ; print_scheduler () ; print_cores_used ()
let () =
(* We specifically want to collect samples only from the main process until
we figure out what other entries and how we want to collect *)
if CommandLineOption.is_originator then ScubaLogging.register_global_log_flushing_at_exit () ;
( if Config.linters_validate_syntax_only then
match CTLParserHelper.validate_al_files () with
| Ok () ->
L.exit 0
| Error e ->
print_endline e ; L.exit 3 ) ;
( match Config.check_version with
| Some check_version ->
if not (String.equal check_version Version.versionString) then
L.(die UserError)
"Provided version '%s' does not match actual version '%s'" check_version
| None ->
() ) ;
if Config.print_builtins then Builtin.print_and_exit () ;
setup () ;
log_environment_info () ;
if Config.debug_mode && CLOpt.is_originator then (
L.progress "Logs in %s@." (Config.results_dir ^/ Config.log_file) ;
L.progress "Execution ID %Ld@." Config.execution_id ) ;
( if Config.test_determinator && not Config.process_clang_ast then
TestDeterminator.compute_and_emit_test_to_run ()
match Config.command with
| Analyze ->
run Driver.Analyze
| Capture | Compile | Run ->
run (Lazy.force Driver.mode_from_command_line)
| Report -> (
match Config.issues_tests with
| None ->
if not Config.quiet then L.result "%t" SpecsFiles.pp_from_config
| Some out_path ->
IssuesTest.write_from_json ~json_path:Config.from_json_report ~out_path
Config.issues_tests_fields )
| ReportDiff ->
(* at least one report must be passed in input to compute differential *)
( match Config.(report_current, report_previous, costs_current, costs_previous) with
| None, None, None, None ->
L.(die UserError)
"Expected at least one argument among '--report-current', '--report-previous', \
'--costs-current', and '--costs-previous'"
| _ ->
() ) ;
ReportDiff.reportdiff ~current_report:Config.report_current
~previous_report:Config.report_previous ~current_costs:Config.costs_current
| Explore -> (
match (Config.procedures, Config.source_files) with
| true, false ->
let filter = Lazy.force Filtering.procedures_filter in
if Config.procedures_summary then
let pp_summary fmt proc_name =
match Summary.OnDisk.get proc_name with
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "No summary found: %a@\n" Procname.pp proc_name
| Some summary ->
Summary.pp_text fmt summary
Option.iter (Procedures.select_proc_names_interactive ~filter) ~f:(fun proc_names ->
L.result "%a" (fun fmt () -> List.iter proc_names ~f:(pp_summary fmt)) () )
L.result "%a"
Procedures.pp_all ~filter ~proc_name:procedures_name
~attr_kind:procedures_definedness ~source_file:procedures_source_file
| false, true ->
let filter = Lazy.force Filtering.source_files_filter in
L.result "%a"
(SourceFiles.pp_all ~filter ~type_environment:Config.source_files_type_environment
() ;
if Config.source_files_cfg then (
let source_files = SourceFiles.get_all ~filter () in
List.iter source_files ~f:(fun source_file ->
(* create directory in captured/ *)
DB.Results_dir.init ~debug:true source_file ;
(* collect the CFGs for all the procedures in [source_file] *)
let proc_names = SourceFiles.proc_names_of_source source_file in
let cfgs = Procname.Hash.create (List.length proc_names) in
List.iter proc_names ~f:(fun proc_name ->
Procdesc.load proc_name
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun cfg -> Procname.Hash.add cfgs proc_name cfg) ) ;
(* emit the dot file in captured/... *)
DotCfg.emit_frontend_cfg source_file cfgs ) ;
L.result "CFGs written in %s/*/%s@." Config.captured_dir Config.dotty_frontend_output )
| false, false ->
(* explore bug traces *)
if Config.html then
~report_json:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json)
~show_source_context:Config.source_preview ~max_nested_level:Config.max_nesting
~report_html_dir:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_html_dir)
TraceBugs.explore ~selector_limit:None
~report_json:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json)
~report_txt:Config.(results_dir ^/ report_txt)
| ~show_source_context:Config.source_preview
| true, true ->
L.user_error "Options --procedures and --source-files cannot be used together.@\n" ) ) ;
(* to make sure the exitcode=0 case is logged, explicitly invoke exit *)
L.exit 0