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* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
type closure = unit -> unit
type t = {closures: closure list; continuations: closure Queue.t}
type tasks = t
let create ?(continuation= None) closures =
let continuations =
match continuation with None -> Queue.create () | Some closure -> Queue.singleton closure
{closures; continuations}
let empty = {closures= []; continuations= Queue.create ()}
(* Aggregate closures into groups of the given size *)
let aggregate ~size t =
let group_to_closure group () = List.iter ~f:(fun closure -> closure ()) group in
let group_size = if size > 0 then size else List.length t.closures / in
if group_size > 1 then
let groups = List.groupi ~break:(fun n _ _ -> Int.equal (n mod group_size) 0) t.closures in
let closures = ~f:group_to_closure groups in
{t with closures}
else t
let run t =
List.iter ~f:(fun f -> f ()) t.closures ;
Queue.iter ~f:(fun closure -> closure ()) t.continuations
module Runner = struct
type runner = {pool: ProcessPool.t; all_continuations: closure Queue.t}
let create ~jobs = {pool= ProcessPool.create ~jobs; all_continuations= Queue.create ()}
let start runner ~tasks =
let pool = runner.pool in
Queue.enqueue_all runner.all_continuations (Queue.to_list tasks.continuations) ;
~f:(fun x -> ProcessPool.start_child ~f:(fun f -> L.reset_formatters () ; f ()) ~pool x)
let complete runner =
ProcessPool.wait_all runner.pool ;
Queue.iter ~f:(fun f -> f ()) runner.all_continuations